Episode 24: The Remedy is You.

How You are the remedy to tyranny.

A Rogue Ramble along the Trent, flowing through Dematerialisation of securities, Klaus Schwab, world banks hoovering up your mortgage deed. How HM Courts deny you remedy, a remedy that goes back a thousand years.

How judges are intent on blocking your remedy to reinforce the Too Big To Fail (TBTF) immunity of the fake lenders. Purloined and sitting in a vault, the bank can never produce the original, calling the bluff of the bank who has sold on your mortgage via securitisation. Who is the Holder-in-Due-Course of your mortgage? Your lender is merely collecting payments and passing them on to the investors. It has sold on all its rights to sue you. How the traitorous judges in the county courts are upholding the virtual nonsense. Michael O’Bernicia’s Equitable Common Law Lien Remedy. Cutting through the fantasy world of VR, AI and false claims and the Remedy.

In the meantime, if you are able, please consider making a donation via the Buy Me a Coffee button in support of my work in exposing the Great British Mortgage Swindle and the other various scams that hold sway in this crazy realm. All the best to each and every reader, especially David R who has supported my efforts for a number of years now and a big thank you to those who have recently made donations.

Any reader who is seeking assistance in this matter is encouraged to get in touch via email to roguemale@thinkfree.org.uk

Further reading: the 4 part series of articles referenced in the RogueCast:

Part 1 https://roguemale.org/2023/11/20/your-deed-of-mortgage-is-in-a-world-bank-foreign-vault/

Part 2 https://roguemale.org/2023/11/24/british-courts-under-foreign-control-pt-2/

Part 3 https://roguemale.org/2023/11/27/no-deed-no-possession-claim-pt-3/

Part 4 https://roguemale.org/2023/11/29/globalism-the-remedy-is-you-part-4/

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