Defendant’s Barrister Relies on Forged Affidavit in Fraud on County Court

What follows is a redacted account of how a False Lender, in this case, the Defendant (D) the Nationwide Building Society, apparently Forged the Claimant’s Affidavit in a hearing at Hull County Court. Whilst I have written extensively on the various frauds of the banks, with particular regard to the void Deed of Mortgage, which... Continue Reading →


According to Common and Constitutional Law, the County Courts, which preside over mortgage possession hearings to rubber-stamp the fraudulent possession claims that the lying firms of solicitors like TLT and Ascent Debt Collection bring on behalf of their masters, have no jurisdiction. Halsbury's on Administrative Law 20-11: states it thus, The law is absolutely clear... Continue Reading →

Your Deed of Mortgage is in a World Bank (Foreign) Vault

And No-Body is actually holding it. Part One: How the Too Big To Fail (TBTF) Financial Institutions Have Hoovered Up Your Mortgage Deed. For some 10 years now, I have been stating this: a Possession Hearing at the County Court is a Shit Show that always attempts to obfuscate the fact the purported lender is... Continue Reading →

Why Hasn’t Bill Gates Been Assassinated?

Indeed, will any of the Elite Controllers be assassinated? When one considers the manifest world-wide genocide of the peoples of the world and the clear and persistent threat posed to Mankind by a list of Eugenics-enthused murderers, of which Bill Gates is the most visible and enthusiastic proponent, this is a question that may naturally... Continue Reading →

New Zealand Gov Threatens to ‘Take Down’ Rogue Male Site

Yes, you read that correctly. On 25th August, 2023, the “Internal Affairs Dept” of the NZ Gov issued a ‘take down’ notice to the hosting platform for this site, the specifics of which can be viewed below. The referenced article is a short piece linking to a documentary about the staged Christchurch shooting of 2019.... Continue Reading →

Stop Funding the Terrorist State

Are you funding a terrorist state? If you're not sick to the gills of the tyranny and genocide being perpetrated by the terrorist state known as the criminal UK Government then stop reading now. Taxation levels in the UK are currently rising and destined to further increase by direct correlation to the plundering that has... Continue Reading →

The Cop Who Pepper-Sprayed Himself

Cop Runs Into Pepper Cloud of his Own Making. How Stephen Ellis, a man acting as a constable of Notts Police, Falsely Asserted an Expired Warrant of Entry was valid then went on to attack me, committed trespass with battery and then chased me down the street, pepper spraying my back but only succeeding in... Continue Reading →

Gone Rogue

Rogue Male, published in 1939, is a novel by Geoffrey Household in which the protagonist, a member of what he calls ‘Class X’, heads out to Poland with the aim of hunting a tyrant whose existence is a threat to millions. Although the novel never mentions his name, it is apparent (and Household admitted to... Continue Reading →

PUB: The Law is the Law

and We are Taking It Back. If justice is a lady, then it is time for us to take off her blindfold, relieve her of her mask, give her a hug and tell her to crack on with imposing our common law. If we love her and what she represents, then the usurpers, traitors and... Continue Reading →

In Peril – Carl Scrivens.

Carl Scrivens' False Imprisonment and Forced Medical Treatment Continues. Drug Licensing Requirements Exceeded. Background The brutal treatment of Carl Scrivens at the hands of those purportedly looking after him is detailed in this account which first appeared and can be read in its entirety at the Bernician site. The Demonstrable Facts On 20th October, 2021,... Continue Reading →

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