Money – the most pernicious religion.

The persistent belief in Money marks it as the one religion that holds the world in its sway. Many a religion uses private enforcers to manage and protect its interests and the High Priests of ‘Banking’ are no exception.

How the ‘Police’ are the de facto enforcers of the Licenced Credit Agencies Masquerading as ‘Banks’

I have previously written, in some detail, about the British ‘police’ and how they are acting fraudulently when they turn up to assist a bailiff/debt collector.

Why ‘fraudulently’? you may well ask.

The answer is simple: they are acting in ‘the office of police constable’, which means each copper has to acknowledge his oath of office,

“I do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will well and truly serve the Queen in the office of constable, with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people; and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved and prevent all offences against people and property; and that while I continue to hold the said office I will to the best of my skill and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law.”

Whilst the ‘police’ constables may have been, initially, created as a common-sense practical remedy for dealing with crime, since 1931, when the GBP was taken off the Gold standard, their subsequent re-organisation and uniform change, namely the imposition of the Freemasonic insignia – the black and white chequer board stripes which adorn the uniform – it is reasonable to assert that they have morphed into something more sinister and akin to being a ‘Police Force’ that is instructed and controlled by the Bank of England and its licenced credit brokers.

In other words, each and every police force across the Isles of Britain is effectively an army acting as an enforcement agency of the financiers and participating in fraud by way of its direct association with its dark overlords.


In effect, the UK Gov Plc (99% of the world’s governments are incorported entities and are falsely acting as ‘elected’ representatives of the ‘people’) is bankrupt and, consequently, has been in ‘receivership’ at least since 1931. This is why we have a Fiat currency, not a real system of money and how IOUs are simply passed around as the de facto cash system, albeit worthless in any actual sense as they are no longer backed by anything more than a false ‘promise to pay’.

Belief or faith underpins every religion and money is no exception.

Due to the fake debt owed to the central Bank of England, as controlled by the Rothschilds dynasty, the UK plc is bankrupt.

Under receivership, it is permitted to run its agencies of Gov, with the entire populace offered up, along with all the fixtures and fittings, including the registered people as security on the false loans.

This, in effect, has served to establish an all-encompassing Financiers’ lien over all the property and people who are under the aegis of the UK Plc, of which the UK Parliament is but a shop-front, a pantomime of buffoonery that serves to distract the peoples from who their real ‘government’ is.

In short, the BOE, each and every one of its licenced credit brokers, the UK Parliament, the local Councils and the ‘Police Forces’ are joint and severally acting fraudulently as they are not what they claim to be.

That is the de facto state of not just the UK but also each and every state that has a central bank.

The various and numerous ‘loans’ that have been made to the UK Gov for at least the last 200 years do not, in reality, actually exist. Some of them have taken a hundred years to pay off, due to the compound interest that is charged by the money-changers.

There is no National Debt and each and every fake loan could easily be discharged by any PM who had the cognisance of how the financial system is one huge swindle.

When a licenced broker deposits a mortgage deed and streams a line of credit with which to purchase the house from the seller, the deal is done. The balance owed has been satisfied in full. From that point on, all that exists is the various aspects of the swindle that is predicated on the monetary mechanics and, of course, on the ignorance of the poor dupe who has fallen victim to a bait and switch which leaves him as ‘debtor’ to a false loan, when the incontrovertible truth is that he was, via his autograph on the promise to pay, the creditor who funded the entire purchase. There is only the illusion of a debt. There is no valid agreement (contract) in place, no valid mortgage deed and no evidence of a loan.

Equally significantly, there is no lawful money with which to ‘pay’ the alleged loan.

In such a state of bankruptcy and without a lawful currency, in reality, all he can do is settle and discharge the balance claimed by way of an administrative process in which he tenders a promissory note, payable on demand to the fake lender. The non-acceptance of which discharges the alleged debt in accord with the Bills of Exchange Act, 1882:

At 43 , Dishonour by non-acceptance and its consequences, it states,

“(1) A bill is dishonoured by non-acceptance—
(a) when it is duly presented for acceptance, and such an acceptance as is prescribed by this Act is refused or cannot be obtained; or
(b) when presentment for acceptance is excused and the bill is not accepted.
(2) Subject to the provisions of this Act when a bill is dishonoured by non-acceptance, an immediate right of recourse against the drawer and indorsers accrues to the holder, and no presentment for payment is necessary.”

All he has is his signature – the autograph which, in this false system of financial servitude, is, in the final analysis, the only way of honourably discharging and settling the balance. After all, when he tenders credits and/or bank notes, he is but using IOUs which, as the BoE has confirmed on numerous occasions, are only backed by the “faith” people place in them.

Note that word – “faith” – when I state that money is a religion, it is a well-founded assertion:

1 complete trust or confidence in someone or something: this restores one’s faith in politicians.
2 strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof: bereaved people who have shown supreme faith.
a system of religious belief: the Christian faith.
a strongly held belief or theory: the faith that life will expand until it fills the universe.

Such ‘faith’ is, in effect, wholly of a religious quality. Therefore, it is reasonable to assert that the unlawful money (IOUs and debt) requires the ‘congregation’ who use it to exercise belief in it when, in fact, it does not really exist in any meaningful sense.

It is no different from the usage of the notes in a game of Monopoly, or the faith one might have in Allah, Jahweh, God, Krishna, the Buddha, National Socialism, Communism, Capitalism, Jah-Bul-On or the King.

As such, this ‘faith’ is blind to the realities of the matter and thus the ‘money-system’ may quite correctly be regarded as another religion, which binds the mind, usually into believing something that may not actually exist:

“Latin religio(n-) ‘obligation, bond, reverence,’ perhaps based on Latin religare ‘to bind.’

Quite a trick isn’t it?

Yes, as we have been asserting for the last ten years, the Great British Mortgage Swindle, though it is actually a world-wide racket, stands as the one fraud that has the potential, when understood, to bring down the entire shit parade.

In regard to the world-wide racket, I would assert that the ‘One World Gov’ is in full cause and effect, which is easily demonstrated by the fact that any and all police are, as I state, a de facto private army of the Central Banks and their associated credit brokers who have been placed as such in order to protect the CB’s (World Bank) assets in the form of mortgage securities.

The fact that all of it has been procured via a conglomeration of fraudulently-obtained promissory notes, void deeds of mortgage and by way of falsely representing credit extensions as loans renders it all null and void. After all, fraud vitiates all.

The entire mountain of debt is fraudulent at every level and yet no one appears to see it for what it is – a religion. As Henry Ford stated,

“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”

To conclude, money is a religion, a bind that suckers in the entire world. Nobody knows from whence it comes, how it is created or, indeed, how it is a manifest illusion. Nevertheless, they continue to worship it and bow down at every opportunity to satisfy the gross material lusts it engenders.

As ever, thank you for reading. Should you value these essays and my discourses on RogueMale, then please tip me a few quid via the Buy Me a Coffee button and/or take out a subscription to my Substack pages.

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