The Truth Against the World

A Maxim is an eternal truth. The above aphorism was originally expressed by our ancestors in the ancient Brythonic language,




‘Y Gwir Yn Erbyn Y Byd’

In this realm where the demiurge dominates the every thought and action of 99.999999% of the poulace, the ‘rogue’, the indvidual who goes his own way, the sojourner travelling through a perceived reality (mental construct) is an anomaly. He is not here to go along to get along but to forge his own way.

As the epoch slips into ever more craziness, in the demiurge’s vainglorious attempts to control all its fake narratives and multidunous deceptions, then he who stands by and under the truth is truly the hero of his own life. He is also a rebel for he will not accept lies as truths. This attitude brings about a bountiful state of fearlessness for the man who refuses to accept the shackles, shekels and sordid souvenirs that are  offered to him in by the demiurge which operates through the ageis of the cryptocracey and its fraudulent systems of finance, law, religion, education, health and media.

He is a natural treasure, a blessed soul who glides onwards and upwards through the weirs, waterfalls and rock-pools of his journey.

Yet this zeitgeist is nothing new for his rebelliousness runs through his veins from an ancestral inheritance that goes back millennia. His adherence to the Truth is the anvil on which his immortal soul is beaten into shape, as the harsh lessons are learned and his obstacles overcome. He acknowledges his divine aspects and by comparison with the multitudinous populace, he challenges the official narratives by way of his reason and the gleanings he has unearthed on his lonely ways.

Once such bogus narrative is that of Divoc-91, the psy-op that was wheeled out in March, 2020. In November of that memorable year, I wrote the following essay – its relevance is as complete now as it was then.

When the truth is that Covid1984 is a fraud, on the simple basis that there is no evidence of its existence, and the criminal politicians and the complicit mainstream media deliberately omit the facts, it is clear that we are in the realm of nefarious mindgames; that all of the propaganda is psychological warfare, being waged on the world’s populations.

In the same way the banks create the illusion of money (credit created out of thin air), the WHO and World Economic Forum (WEF) have created an imaginary lurgy.

All is mind. The controllers know this and that is why they go to such extreme lengths to control and manipulate the individual’s consciousness. It’s a form of mass hypnosis and it is perpetrated by the controlled media, in all its forms.

Just as the narcissist gaslights his victim, with the intention of disorientating the target to the point where he begins to believe he is going mad, the lies of the UK ‘gov’ (and all others who are in line with the ‘great reset’) serve to undermine our sanity. The lies are palpable to anyone who is capable of critical thinking. As such, those with the capacity to think critically will have developed their own cognitive immunity to the psyop they are being subjected to.  Here is a prime example of the kind of psychological warfare being waged on the people:

Just like the vast majority of the world’s governments, the UK ‘gov’ operates under the false notion that we, the people, are as thick as pigshit. As such, it takes the fallacious position that one size fits all – whether it be under the guise of law, health, finance, education, travel, or any kind of cognitive freedom. This is the fallacy behind the vaxtermination programme it claims it will impose upon us all. The mantra is familiar, and it is one used by all tyrants when they are attempting to take away the natural rights of the people,

“It’s for the greater good.”

Let’s briefly follow the money.

To coin a favourite phrase of the criminal poli-puppet, Boris Johnson, ‘gov’ has spaffed countless billions on this Covid1984 psy-op. Over £200 billion in fake loans, much of which has been dished out via gov contracts to croney associates of those MPs who have arranged supply contracts for members of their families and others. AKA conflicts of interest.

“The UK’s pandemic response relies too heavily on scientists and other government appointees with worrying competing interests, including shareholdings in companies that manufacture covid-19 diagnostic tests, treatments, and vaccines. Government appointees are able to ignore or cherry pick science—another form of misuse—and indulge in anti-competitive practices that favour their own products and those of friends and associates.” Source, British Medical Journal

Rishi Sunak, the man acting as Chancellor of the Exchequer is the one who has facilitated the fake loans, for and on behalf of his bankster controllers.

However, the truth is there is no debt. It is all imaginary. Created out of nothing.  Whether it be to a government, a business or an individual, there is never a loan. The credit that is created is simply stolen by the bank and misrepresented as a loan. The omission of the facts of credit creation makes all purported bank loans fraudulent. Very few people seem to grasp this and even fewer people actually write about it.

Nevertheless, the truth is that all banks are in the business of issuing credit backed by valuable securities of all descriptions. A security is defined thus:

“ ‘ valuable security ‘ means any document creating, transferring, surrendering or releasing any right to, in or over property, or authorising the payment of money or delivery of any property, or evidencing the creation, transfer, surrender or release of any such right, or the payment of money or delivery of any property, or the satisfaction of any obligation.”

Theft Act 1968

Were there a genuinely benevolent ‘gov’ that was truly serving the best interests of the people, it would immediately make moves to free the people of the imaginary debt burden by declaring the facts and conditionally accepting any and all alleged debts upon proof of claim that any moneys were factually loaned in the first instance, using a simple process that can be viewed here.

Essentially, the entire edifice of the state and the operations of its various agencies are built on fraud. Covid1984 is a classic example of fraud on the simple basis that there is no proof the virus exists and that people can catch infections from viruses.


“No matter where you look in the supposed genome of SARS-CoV-2, there is nothing in the WHO’s test protocols that clearly identifies what it is. The whole genome could be false. The tests do not prove the existence of SARS-CoV-2. All they reveal is a soup of unspecified genetic material.


If so, as there are no isolates or purified samples of the virus, without a viable test, there is no evidence that SARS-CoV-2 exists. Therefore, nor is there any evidence that a disease called COVID 19 exists.


This infers that there is no scientific basis for any claims about COVID 19 case numbers, hospital admissions or mortality figures. All measures taken to combat this deadly virus are quite possibly founded upon nothing.” Source: Off-Guardian

Notwithstanding that fact, there is the issue of the tests themselves:

“The test cannot discriminate between the whole virus and viral fragments. Therefore, the test cannot be used as a diagnostic for intact (infectious) viruses, making the test unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus”

The low quality of its public pronouncements, its advertising campaigns, the mealy-mouthed drivel that spews from the parliamentarians’ mouths and whatever guff they want us to believe is neatly summarised by this pathetic propaganda piece. Note its appeal to the child-like mind.

What the world’s governments are engaged in is Criminal Fraud. The maxim, ‘Fraud Vitiates All’ stands as the truth.

The question is will mankind stand true also or will it fall into the abyss? An abyss imagined by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum – another actor playing out the role of the villain on the world stage, a villain who hitherto has been the stuff of sci-fi. Has this character been scripted? Undoutedly. Who are his masters? The Sabbatean Frankist money changers who go by the name of Rothschild. The predictive programming aspects of Dr Who make for interesting associations:


As ever, a huge thank you for the magnificent support of David R.

Should anyone wish to express his/her appreciation, then please use the Buy Me a Coffee button and leave me a comment – I will get back to you.

I can also be found on Substack, should you frequent that platform.

3 thoughts on “The Truth Against the World

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  1. Those first few paragraphs really resonated for. I needed to see them. Funny how we’re all told relentlessly as children and teens to “always tell the truth”. And you do! But then as you navigate through the adult world you find that Truth gets you nowhere and worse off – and it perplexes one. But you see lies and blatant dishonesty all around, rife, the norm, and it confuses. Did I acquiesce? No way! Must be a girl rogue, a lone wanderer. Don’t have it in me to be any other way. Hardwired I guess.

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