Is Elon Musk a Nice Man?

… is a Nice Man.

Nice is an incorrectly and much over-used word, at least as far as the English language is concerned.

I have been writing essays for close on 50 years, a discipline that was instilled into me throughout my state-education. From O-level, to A-level to a Degree in English Language and Literature, I became accustomed to being able to pump out 1,000 – 3,000 word essays at a fair rate by my late teens.

For me, the necessary discipline required for writing essays came naturally. Often, I would read back and ponder where the writing had actually come. Frequently, I was impressed by the quality of my writings, not in an egotistical sense but in a genuine sense that I would wonder where the inspiration and the actual content had come from. Invariably, I was left with the vague impression that it had come from a higher source, that I was tapping into some kind of information field and then I would conclude that what was written by the pen to manifest on the paper was some kind of ability that existed within me. In any event, it is fair to state that the act of writing has come easy to me but is it really to be attributed to that fictional entity known as ‘myself’?

I now no longer take the view that it was and is a local ability that resides in my brain.

In my previous RogueCast of last week, I delved into the non-locality of the imagination, how our dream-scapes are evidence of the spirit leaving the body during sleep, how this demonstrates that we are not the bio-meat-suits in which we travel through this realm and that our ideas and knowledge are direct reflections of our ability to tap into the information field that exists all around us.

In today’s episode of the Rogue Cast, I focus on the usage and correct meaning of the too-often spoken word, nice:

Middle English (in the sense ‘stupid’): from Old French, from Latin nescius ‘ignorant’, from nescire ‘not know’.


late 13c., “foolish, ignorant, frivolous, senseless,” from Old French nice (12c.)

“careless, clumsy; weak; poor, needy; simple, stupid, silly, foolish,” from Latin nescius “ignorant, unaware,” literally “not-knowing,” from ne- “not” (from PIE root *ne- “not”) + stem of scire “to know” (see science).

As I uncovered the etymology of nice, I came across another word whose meaning is equally far-removed from its original and true sense:

fond (adj.)

late 14c., “deranged, insane;” also “foolish, silly, unwise,” from fonned, past-participle adjective from obsolete verb fon, fonne (Middle English fonnen) “be foolish, be simple,” from Middle English fonne “a fool, stupid person” (early 14c.), which is of uncertain origin but perhaps from Scandinavian. Related: Fonder; fondest.

We can see that the original meaning of nice derives from the Latin, nescius – meaning ignorant:

Those who carry out the business of the bankers are handsomely rewarded for their sweat equity ~ economists, propagandists, advertisers, film makers, psychiatrists, drug manufacturers (whether legal or otherwise, it matters not, if they are all using the money).

The thing is that in order to keep the people tricked and playing the game, the Bankers require that the people remain nescient (unaware) of what is going on. To break free of their mind games, one has to understand just what those games are and how they work on the human mind. From ‘Rescinding the Birth Certificate’

A current example of the correct use of the word nescient would be to state,

“Without a nescient population, which had been deliberately miseducated and propagandised, the genocide by needlepoint global operation would have failed.” Genocide by Needlepoint


  1. Thank you and much appreciation to each and every one of you who kindly tipped me a few quid via the BuyMeACoffee page.
  2. How over-used and inaccurately applied is the word nice.
  3. The Trivium is the Three Ways of how we discern the Truth – Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric.
  4. In a perceived reality we are compelled to the Truth that it is, therefore, a mental construct.
  5. The brain is not the source of your imagination, your ideas, visions, realisations – it all comes from without you; the brain being but a receiver and an antenna of information. Information that is in the informed field that you appear to live in (although you may actually be dreaming yourself to be awake).
  6. In Times such as these, speaking the truth becomes an individual act of liberation.
  7. How I became an essayist.
  8. In a perceived reality logic and reason are essential tools in the individual’s armoury. The Trivium is the tool he can use to reach a more accurate and complete understanding of any subject.
  9. The simulacrum we are in is, by definition, a copy of another realm.
  10. A pertinent question in the butcher’s shop, comedy as release of unspoken subjects and thoughts, often in form of taboos.
  11. The role of the Licenced Jester or Fool – why the comic has always been tolerated. A good comedian is simply tapping into the informed field to pull out the taboos that others may feel they cannot express.
  12. The Fake Space Narrative and Elon Musk’s promotion of it and its furtherance.
  13. His promotion of the fake space narrative and rockets to Mars leads us to the pertinent question of what his aim may be:

    Elon Musk promotes the false narrative of Space Travel even going as far to suggest Mars can be colonised in 30 years.
  14. Does he know that NASA and the Sci-Fi narratives of space travel are BS?

    In the event Musk is serious and truly believes his own rhetoric, then he has fallen for the 100 year+ Sci Fi Psy-op.
  15. If so, he’s fantastic actor who is simply continuing the furtherance of the baloney, for and on behalf of his Freemasonic Financial Overlords.
  16. In the event he believes in it all, then he is a dupe, a fool or, to use the term correctly, a nice man.
  17. So, given the word nice means ignorant or foolish,

is Elon Musk a nice man?


The Power of Language is not to be underestimated. Use the words correctly, be precise in your expression of the Truth and avoid the use of the word nice unless you choose to use it correctly.

Indeed, your Critical Thinking abilities and intution are what will enable you to discern Fact from Fiction.

Thank you for listening.

Should you be able to support me during this time of my debanking, please consider chucking a few quid into the pot via the BuyMeACoffee button and/or taking out a paid subscription at my Substack page.

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