In this World but Not of It.

The realisation that you are in this world but not of it is beyond the cognition of the vast majority of people who go along to get along.

That knowing is as subtle as a breeze that rustles through the tree-tops and to grasp its ephemeral quality may, initially, seem impossible. However, with experience, it gradually takes on a clarity that will begin to shine through and out of the sojourner who is, when all is said and done, passing through a divine perceived reality.

This knowing (gnosis) is only to be achieved by way of the logos – the reason of and for his creation in what is an arduous construct of lies, each spun out in service to the demiurge, the false god of the realm.

I previously explained how the very opening to the Bible was mistranslated from the Greek whereby ‘logos’ was inaccurately termed ‘word’ and how this only serves to lead us away from the profound import of the sentence. Thus, it should read as,

“In the beginning was the logos, and the logos was God.”

We live in a realm in which fictions contain truths and the bible is a fine example of this. Whether or not an individual called Jesus actually existed is not strictly the point – for within the parables and the narratives, written in his name and, for those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, are to be found golden nuggets of truth that reveal the real nature of our lives.

Here is one such example of a maxim that distills all of this down to its essence:

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

Romans 12:2, King James Bible

Words are but subtle signifiers of things – just as the map is never the terrain – and those subtleties may be lost or misunderstood in translation. I do not know whether this maxim was mistranslated from the Greek but, at least for me, I find the following interpretation to be one which resonates as the truth,

“And do not follow the customs of the present age, but be transformed by the entire renewal of your minds, so that you may learn by experience what God’s will is–that will which is good and beautiful and perfect.”

Source: Weymouth New Testament

The world is not what we believe it to be. Once the individual drops all notions that it is anything more than a divine constuct, created as a challenge to his immortal and blessed being, then the false chains that bind him fall away and he walks his path, touched by the hand of God, unfazed by all that is thrown at him.

Conformity with a world in which any and all forms of state public institution have inverted the truth in accordance with the lies of the demiurge is to fall prey to the whiles of the satanic/Luciferian perverts.

Consequently, it behoves that man (or woman) to walk his own path, one of individuation for all solutions are to be found within. This world is to be overcome, not changed and that is the way of the spiritual warrior, as true today as ever it was.

All progress lies in his imagination and in his inherent wisdom which may be defined as,

Taking action based on knowledge

Whichever way you choose to describe yourself, your perception is accurate; so whether you perceive yourself to be a rogue, an immortal jester, a lone wolf, a soldier in Christ, an errant or an obstreperous woman, you are correct.

Conformity is for the living-dead, those who know not who they are and, at least from my perspective, it is a trap to be avoided.

And so, dear reader, whoever and wherever you may be, I wish you a splendid day.

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