Episode 55: The Logos is Well Mannered

Logos is Reason, it is the logic of the Trivium and its meaning has been watered-down in the Bible by way of its mis-translation from the Greek to English.

Manners Maketh the Man was the theme of yesterday’s essay and this RogueCast is a further rumination on the subject, one in which I introduce the term Logos or Reason to the discourse.

In the Beginning was the Word and the Word was God

is the opening line of the Bible and it has a precision and boldness that resonates with the reader or listener. Regardless of the mis-translation, its direct clarity rings true, like a church bell peeling over town or country.

When the individual appreciates the Truth and only the Truth then he is at one with God – he is but a divine fragment, an insignificant aspect of his true creator, a blessed living soul, the sojourner who is passing through this realm and he knows who and what he is.

I emphasise the individual for what many seeem to instinctively know but forget is that the journey through life is highly-personalised and, ultimately, not that of a collective. Born alone, we meet fellow souls on the way and then we pass out again, alone. Alone but not lonely.

To return to the stark clarity of that opening line of the Bible, a book which, for what it’s worth, I   regard in the main, as a work of fiction:

The greatest truths are contained in art and if the world is a fiction, then it should not surprise us to read that line as a paradox because that is the essential quality of this world. God, ultimately, is ineffable, beyond our powers of description, beyond the art and beyond explanation and yet…

As I ramble through the woods, I make the point that the original Greek version from which the English Bible was translated uses the word logos and how the knowledge of that underplaying caused by the mistranslation serves to deepen its meaning as it takes the indvidual further into the true import of the line.

When we reconsider the line, with logos – meaning reason or logic – then it becomes even more precise,

In the Beginning was the Logos and the Logos was God

and it means that God is Logic, that God is reason.

The extrapolation of which is that each and every one of us has been created by way of reason. We know that there is purpose to our lives, that we are not fragments of ‘evolutionary’ star dust travelling through a nihilistic world. Rather, we are divine fragments of the one true God, a God who is the Logos.

To me, at least, it can mean nothing less than that. It is both uplifting and humbling and it draws me, inevitably, into a deeper state of wonderment and love.

I posit that the real holy trinity is the Trivium – the ages-old basis for our discernment of the truth, the truth of any subject. We are in a perceived reality – all is mind – and it follows from that our ability to reason is, simply put, divine. Little reason, therefore, that the demiurge, the false god of this mental construct goes to such lengths to cut the individual off from his divine ability to be as reasonable as his maker, for he is a blessed living fragment of that very reason behind his creation, and that is a threat to the forces of darkness that invert the world to such ridiculous extremes.

In the final analysis, it is way beyond my powers of expression to articulate it but I trust the RogueCast goes some way to hinting at it and, how it is a most indvidual realisation of my own logos. The most accurate depiction of this realisation comes to directly from the poetry of Alexander Pope, which rings through my being with all the resonance of those church bells referenced earlier,

“The Truth is Beauty; Beauty is Truth
That is All on Earth Ye need to Know.”

Thank you,  as always,  for your support and especially to Lizzie for her generosity which she expressed via the Buy Me a Coffee button . If you’re feeling equally appreciative, then please chuck a few quid in the pot, leave a comment and I will get back to you.

My work can also be read on Substack, which, at least as far as I can tell, appears to be a home to free speech.



5 thoughts on “Episode 55: The Logos is Well Mannered

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  1. Thank you, Sir. What you’ve said concerning the underlying Logos is a great reminder of how much of the weight, depth and meaning of much of the intended essence of original expression, has been ‘lost in translation’ as it were, to the word makers of our time and that reputed pen of his…

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