The resulting genocide caused by the injection of the deadly serum continues to unfold around us, with increasing numbers of people dying suddenly across all levels of society, including the young, middle-aged and the elderly. Whilst their deaths do get reported in the discreditable mainstream media, no mention is ever made as to what caused their demise.
The vast majority of the populations of the world are walking around in a state of ignorance, a position which they have, more or less, chosen to take and that is the way it has always been for only the rogue or errant ever bothers to question the false narratives that they get deluged in. The fact that the governments of the world are always seeking to cull the populations by way of genocide is simply too far-fetched for most to swallow
The only antidote is for the conscious individual to forge his own path which is, in essence, the journey of the indvidual. In a realm that constantly seeks to draw the indvidual into the collectivist control system, the remedy lies in the indvidual, a position I elucidate in this Rogue Cast.
For reasons which will remain private, it is accurate to state that I am regarded in my family as the black sheep, though the reality is more that I am the prodigal son. It is the prodigal son who goes his own way, who leaves the family to journey through the perceived reality of this realm, the one who takes a risk, who challenges the orthodox, the one who fooks up and learns from his mistakes.
When I state that morons are those who have made poor decisions made on the back of inadequate, false or misleading information that is not to disregard my own moronic past.
By way of example, without the prerequisite knowledge of its long-term effects, at the age of 21, I chose to eat a vegetarian diet and stuck with that decision for 25 years, only to find out, eventually, that it did not provide me with the levels of nutrition necessary for my brain and body to function at optimum levels. I was always hungry, consumed too many carbs and was full of the wind of the self-righteous bean-muncher.
When I look back at the times I would turn up at BBQs, ladened with a packet of Linda McCartney sausages and a clutch of veggie burgers, I can only weep at the fool I was.
I also fell for the life of a philanderer, a player who lusted after and engaged in sexual relations with too many women, only to discover that this was, ultimately, the wrong path to take.
At 44 years old, I launched myself into challenging the Great British Mortgage Swindle, with all the chutzpah of a chancer and, although the arguments I made were100% correct, it left me wide-open to a criminal eviction and the theft of my home of 16 years. Had I known what I know now, of course, I would have played the game differently.
HIndsight is 20/20 vision and most lessons we learn are gained from it, so I cannot complain that I simply did not know that the British Judicial system will invariably resort to criminal force in order to achieve its objectives – pay up or we will take it.
I could go on and on about my moronic choices but, ultimately, it does not matter as the lessons learned have been invaluable in shaping the man I am today.
The prodigal son’s journey sees him return to his father, who readily forgives him his misdemeanours and embraces him back into his bosom. My dad did just that, but, unfortunately, he fell prey to a neurological condition that profoundly disabled him shortly after his retirement. As i write these words, I feel his departure most keenly for he understood and appreciated the journey I took and the return I made. Once he had gone, as the head of the family, things fell apart in so far as my mother and sister, who could not understand my journey in any real sense, took an ascendency in the family for which they were manifestly ill-equipped as it was based almost entirely on the self-entitlement they falsely claimed their emotional natures licenced them for.
In any event, here I am and here is the article which was written some 3 years. I trust the reader will appreciate it and, if able, tip me a few quid for via the Buy Me a Coffee button. Thank you for your support.
In part 1, I detailed how the minds of the moronic have been captured by the Ahrimanic forces of genocide that Rudolph Steiner had prophesised were going to attempt a complete takeover of Mankind, his mind, body and soul.
The Demiurge behind the genocide.
It is the influence of Ahriman that is behind each and every eugenist and the genocide that is unfolding around us.
Ahriman lies in foods ladened with pesticides, in the fake history of this realm and in the films that promote the myth of contagion. Ahriman is the spirit of the new world order that seeks to tie man down to a centralised (Rothschild) controlled digital currency. Ahriman is behind every swindle, con, deception and any notion that the individual man is not sovereign but a chattel of his overlords. Ahriman lies in Cern and in all that which seeks to convince mankind that it is on a spinning ball, rushing through empty space. Ahriman is the influence behind the entirety of the Divoc 91 false narrative.
Ahriman was behind the macabre and predictive programming of the 2012 opening ceremony to the London Olympics.
White coated assassins coming for the children? The Ahrimanic influence was blatant in the predictive programming of the opening ceremony at the 2012 Olympics which foreshadowed the mass genocide some 8 years later.
According to Steiner, Mankind is also prey to the Luciferian influences, the manipulation of his desire to go beyond the gross materialism he finds around him and if we do not cultivate our christ-consciousness (our critical thinking skills, the ability to reason correctly), we will be forever oscilating between the twin poles of Ahriman and Lucifer.
By way of explaining this further, let’s consider the experiences of your truly.
Oakes School, purportedly in 1910, 22 years after construction, but was it really much older?
Is Circumcision an Act of Genocide?
The above photograph is my former junior school, a not untypical example of the fine ancient architecture to be found in the rain-lashed town of Huddersfield. At the age of around 8 months, my infant self had been brutally circumcised by white coated assassins/quacks for reasons which have never been adequately explained to me by my mother. I remember the dark winter mornings when I would walk in my duffle coat to this institution of learning with the wind, rain or snow lashing my bare legs (no trousers allowed for young boys in those distant days). I mention this as it is the experiences of those early years that is engrained in me and to illustrate how my childhood impressions were coloured by the hilly landscape, with its harsh climate and the grinding grandeur of the buildings I was surrounded by. It had a heavy material quality to it and, for whatever reason, I was very aware of it and understood that I had somehow come from a lighter and airier realm to become immersed in this one. In short, I sensed it was all a trap and thus sought to escape its confines.
However, it is important to note that this was, like my infant school before it, a Christian institution: we prayed, we learned the stories of the bible and we sang joyous hymns. This grounding has stood me in good stead and is probably behind my anger towards the liars and deceivers of this world and my intolerance of the phoney ‘men of the cloth’.
Like many of my generation, as I got older, I was often diametrically opposed to my parents’ clear materialism. This made me vulnerable to the influence of Lucifer – the influence that nudges us into seeking oblivion or relief from the insufferable qualities of this realm via alcohol, opioid use and the general desire to ‘go beyond’, to explore space and to seek new lifeforms, a desire which was exploited by the emergence of Science Fiction in all media forms.
By way of illustration of my Luciferic tendencies, in 1999, I sort to escape the confines of this materiality, jacked in my job as Head of English at a community college in Leicester and headed East to the Himalayas where I planned to trek through the beautiful mountainous landscape. Interestingly, the mountain people of the villages and the cultivation of their stone walls and cottages drew me home in the sense that they and their cultivated landscapes were directly comparable to the people of the Pennines and the farmlands and moorlands around me. It felt like a home-coming.
The Drugs Don’t Work.
I had previously dabbled with a typical array of narcotic substances – cannabis, coke, alcohol, speed laced with heroin, skunk, LSD and Ecstasy.
MDMA, as contained in Ecstasy, was very popular amongst my generation from around 1989. From personal experience, the come-downs were hugely depressive, which is not surprising according to this,
As well as bypassing the normal rules of personal space, MDMA also disrupts the delicate balance of your brain chemistry. The euphoria comes from a rush of serotonin, the ‘feel-good’ hormone. “Your brain is stimulated to the point where you’ve used today’s, tomorrow’s and the day after’s store,” says Mandy Saligari, clinical director of addiction facility Charter Harley Street. You’re left with a serotonin deficit – and a three-day comedown. Long-term, your personality can change, while research at the University of Hertfordshire warns that your risk of depression is increased.
And while your mind may be ‘free’, other parts of your body are picking up the tab. Liver and kidney problems come with heavy, long-term use. High blood pressure, plus an irregular heartbeat, are other potential side effects, raising your risk of heart disease in the long run. Even for the most hardened trance fan, that can’t be an attractive beat.” Men’s Health
Fly with Icarus and expect to come crashing down.
The above information leads me to question what happened to the large numbers of people who took massive amounts of MDMA in those years. Did they suffer neurological ailments, liver and kidney issues etc which effectively neutered them to the palpable frauds of the entire edifice of control that has been built around them? Did it nullify the threat of them standing up to the swindles to the benefit of the ‘authorities’ whose aim is to divide and conquer them?
Or, were they sheep all along and this was simply a means to chemically lobotomise them?
Lucifer is the way to nihilism.
Without the correct steerage, the vessels we are travelling in, our own bodies, run aground. The influences of Lucifer and Ahriman are extremes that take us out of balance.
When I went East, I was searching for an answer as to how to steer my way through the whirled (world). I read the teachings of the Buddha and came to the conclusion that one should aim for balance, or the so-called middle way.
As I trekked through the Himalayas, my connection with the one true Creator expanded. Bar the occasional foray into the Luciferian realms, I stayed clear of all syntheticmind pollutants.
Head of Ahriman, carved by Rudolph Steiner
This is an expression that is of particular relevance right now for it occurs to me that we are in a War being perpetrated against us by an age-old synthetic organism, a mind parasite that may be called Ahriman. This could also be explained as a demonic possession, a possession that is invited through the various chemical substances that people consume via the foods, the air, the mainstream media, the systems of mis-education and any and all forms of mass-medication, as exemplified by the Divoc 91 Psy-Op.
The model of the tripartite systems of influence, whereby the triangle is formed by Ahriman, Christ (consciousness) and Lucifer is, at least to me, very straightforward. The way of reason, the path of truth and service to nature is the anti-dote to the bullshit of Ahriman and Lucifer. Inevitably I reached the conclusion that Love is the key and that my sojourn to the East had been a necessary precursor to the realisation that the spiritual, metaphysical and intellectual answers I had been seeking were everywhere I stood, which meant that I was compelled to come home, back to these lands of my forefathers – the Isles of Britain.
The man who acts in reason is therefore with God – he is literally in a god-like state.
After all,
God is Truth
God is Love
God is Beauty
Anyone out of balance, who sways towards the deceptions of Ahriman or Lucifer is, by definition, unreasonable and thus as far from the god-head as is possible.
Clergy and Teachers Complicit in Genocide.
Therefore, I am calling out Justin Welby the Archbishop, Clive, the vicar, and the mask-wearing parents of the Iona school, the Steiner school trustees and the governors who push the Tracking code nonsense as collaborators in genocide. Had they a genuine love for themselves and those under their charge, they would investigate the Divoc 91 Ahrimanic fantasy and conclude it is a means of mass destruction, the outcome of which is genocidal.
Were they genuine, they would encourage others to stand in their own sovereignty and actively take part in the halting of the genocide by government diktat and their messages would be those of love, not fear. Alas, they are evidently incapable of such reasonable action for they have manifestly been cut off from their own divinity and connection to the creator. They are in bed with the devil and by rolling up their sleeves and accepting the deadly serum of Ahriman, they are collaborators in the tyranny and shills for the genocide by needlepoint.
This is what Steiner wrote about “vaccinations’ some 100 years ago,
vaccines to create disbelief in Spirit: A longing will arise (and become) general opinion: Whatever is spiritual, whatever is of the spirit, is nonsense, is madness!
Endeavours to achieve this will be made by bringing out remedies to be administered by inoculation just as inoculations have been developed as a protection against diseases, only these inoculations will influence the human body in a way that will make it refuse to give a home to the spiritual inclinations of the soul.
People will be inoculated against the inclination to entertain spiritual ideas. Endeavours in this direction will be made; inoculations will be tested that already in childhood will make people lose any urge for spiritual life.”
Source: Rudolf Steiner, Lecture 3, Secret Brotherhoods and the Mystery of the Human Double: Seven Lectures.
Genocide at needlepont
In the meantime, the fact is were Steiner still around now, he would have seen through the entire swindle that is Divoc 91. The arm-spearing is a genocidal method of killing off the “useless eaters” with a precision weapon of mass murder.
None of which is to state that the jib-jab is in any way a vaccine in the ‘accepted’ form – it is a death-shot and the recipient is playing a deadly game of Russian roulette in which he has a one-in-17 chance of being killed and an almost certain chance of being injured in the long-term from major organ damage.
out of 21,325 known outcomes within 90 days of ‘vaccination’, 1,223 [5.74%] suffered fatal adverse events.
Yet the rogue UK Government just ordered 54 million doses of a vaxx which is known to kill 1 in 17 of those injected with it.
Therefore, if all 54 million doses are administered, that will extrapolate into 3,176,470 vaxxterminations by lethal UK Government, MHRA and WHO approved Pfizer ‘vaccines’.”
As I look out in society today, it’s now so clear to see and feel that a great spell is cast over a large majorities of peoples and nations…
The Corporate Commerce interests, The Meds (Especially Anti-Depressants), the Pharma, the continuous Venoms Spikes… individuals being placed under a medically induced “Dizzy”, robbed blind for their substances, reluctant and desperate, ALL behind the auspices of “well-being, health and safety” from those well MEAN-beings, I mean those well-meaning “professionals”. And let’s not even mention the obesity levels…
But walking in the towns and cities, that soul-sucked spirit feeling is gripping many. They may smile, but there’s something missing. There’s an edge too, like a cut-throat essence that lurks waiting to strike. Behind many a closed door (and the ones on our very streets), the sense of unspeakable indulgences and evils corrupting generations is happening, the little ones are troubled – I feel sick, I dare not imagine the sickness that is occurring everyday, even so close to home in that which I might call my “neighbourhood” and the institutions that inhabit it – the reality is too grounding, the eyes have been opened so that I cannot not close them…
This path really is a grim, dark one, when we see and begin to know as we do. And that just scratching the surface, as we navigate through our so-called “societies”. And so the small minority, that is the Prodigal Sons (and Daughters) have no choice now but to embrace that plow with which they have been hoisted upon (for what ever existential reason beyond our present capability to comprehend, even).
But walk this path we do, learning and growing, maturing and coming to Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding. And so I often think upon those two sayings in the prescribed scriptures from David and Solomon:
“I will incline my ear to a parable, I will open my dark sayings upon the harp”. – Pslm and “To understand a proverb, and the interpretation; the words of the wise and their dark sayings” – Prvb
And so I thank you Sir, these posts offer some relief that we’re not as far out as any might imagine, and to the gutter with what any might think of us for our expression – I’d rather be the oddball than the happily ensnared one…
Thank you for your measured comment and keen observations. I agree, it is best to be the ‘oddball’, to embrace one’s uniqueness. The ‘rogue’ or ‘errant’ has to walk his own path, just as the prodigal son did. There is, as we know, no comfort to be had in the collective, or the ‘blob’ which is the vast majority of people – it is a trap for the mind.
As you’ll probably have gathered, a real pleasure arises when we walk in the woods, the park or over the moors than to slide down the mean streets of towns or cities.
As I look out in society today, it’s now so clear to see and feel that a great spell is cast over a large majorities of peoples and nations…
The Corporate Commerce interests, The Meds (Especially Anti-Depressants), the Pharma, the continuous Venoms Spikes… individuals being placed under a medically induced “Dizzy”, robbed blind for their substances, reluctant and desperate, ALL behind the auspices of “well-being, health and safety” from those well MEAN-beings, I mean those well-meaning “professionals”. And let’s not even mention the obesity levels…
But walking in the towns and cities, that soul-sucked spirit feeling is gripping many. They may smile, but there’s something missing. There’s an edge too, like a cut-throat essence that lurks waiting to strike. Behind many a closed door (and the ones on our very streets), the sense of unspeakable indulgences and evils corrupting generations is happening, the little ones are troubled – I feel sick, I dare not imagine the sickness that is occurring everyday, even so close to home in that which I might call my “neighbourhood” and the institutions that inhabit it – the reality is too grounding, the eyes have been opened so that I cannot not close them…
This path really is a grim, dark one, when we see and begin to know as we do. And that just scratching the surface, as we navigate through our so-called “societies”. And so the small minority, that is the Prodigal Sons (and Daughters) have no choice now but to embrace that plow with which they have been hoisted upon (for what ever existential reason beyond our present capability to comprehend, even).
But walk this path we do, learning and growing, maturing and coming to Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding. And so I often think upon those two sayings in the prescribed scriptures from David and Solomon:
“I will incline my ear to a parable, I will open my dark sayings upon the harp”. – Pslm and “To understand a proverb, and the interpretation; the words of the wise and their dark sayings” – Prvb
And so I thank you Sir, these posts offer some relief that we’re not as far out as any might imagine, and to the gutter with what any might think of us for our expression – I’d rather be the oddball than the happily ensnared one…
Some coffee change on the way!
Thank you for your measured comment and keen observations. I agree, it is best to be the ‘oddball’, to embrace one’s uniqueness. The ‘rogue’ or ‘errant’ has to walk his own path, just as the prodigal son did. There is, as we know, no comfort to be had in the collective, or the ‘blob’ which is the vast majority of people – it is a trap for the mind.
As you’ll probably have gathered, a real pleasure arises when we walk in the woods, the park or over the moors than to slide down the mean streets of towns or cities.
Thank you.