Episode 50: Freemasonic Sorcery

The Royal Arch degree of trhe Freemasonic brotherhood entails promising to assist and, where necessary, cover up the crimes of a fellow mason, even when they are those of treason and murder.

In this Rogue Cast round Sansom Woods, I ponder how Stephen Knight’s book, “Jack the Ripper: the Final Solution” uncovers a wealth of evidence to suggest the eponymous killer at large in Whitechapel, London in 1888 was a Freemasonic cover-up involving the Royal Family, the Royal physician, the Prime Minister, Lord Salisbury, judges and coroners as well as police chiefs.

This state of affairs evidently worked very successfully, so why would it not still be the case today that Freemasonry is the glue that holds together the control systems?

Given the fact that the UK Parliament is a WEF-captured operation, rammed full of demonstrable traitors, of whom Starmer is but the figurehead and that no judicial trial for Treason of them ever happens, it is a reasonable question to ask,

“Is freemasonry the glue that holds together the control systems?”

Another important question to ask is how many politicians, judges, coroners, chiefs of police,  solictors and public servants belong to and are active members of a freemasonic lodge?

Could they even declare their membership, even if it were lawfully demanded of them? After all, is their allegience  not, first and foremost, to the craft and the brotherhood and sworn under pain of death?

I’m not saying that Starmer is a freemason, or that Trump or Elon Musk are but it would certainly explain various aspects of their behaviour.

Interesting too is the fact that the higher one through the degrees of freemasonry, the more one can commit crimes with impunity. Crimes that include treason and murder, safe in the knowledge that your brothers will aid and assist you in covering it up, saving your arse. Could Starmer be one of the craft?

Indeed, the Royal Arch masonic oath is made on pain of death – everything goes, all of which is Talmudic in its doctrine, as any crime against the gentiles or goyim is permitted.

I would have to conclude, from my albeit scant knowledge of freemasonry, that its tentacles spread far and wide through every aspect of the control-network and that its oaths and allegiances are so all-binding on the individuals within, it is the de facto reality that we have to deal with.

Namely, that every instiute of state is a captured operation, and that includes freemasonry itself.

In the meantime, thank you to all who have taken the time to comment and who subscribe to Rogue Male and an especial thanks to those who made donations via the Buy Me A Coffee button.

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