As Useful Idiots Expel 17 Year old.
For the purposes of this article, correct thinking is taken to mean that which is right, as opposed to incorrect thinking which is wrong.
“A man’s life of any worth is a continual allegory – and very few eyes can see the mystery.” John Keats
The failure of certain education managers , at large in a Nottingham City college, to apply correct thinking to a humorously inconsequential situation has resulted in a complete collapse of credibility on their part. Alhough having examined the matter, I do seriously wonder how much they had in the first place.
A week ago, I was listening to the mother of a young man (YM) expelled from his post-16 college explain what had happened.
The letter from Robin Atherlay, Assistant Principal of Nottingham College and Head of the City Hub Campus, addressed to YM, states that her son was being excluded for “Engagement with right wing material on social media.”
If we go back a few months, it turns out that the young man (YM) had been photographed by a mate giving a stiff-armed salute like the majority of the German people in this famous image:

YM’s mate had taken the photograph and, apparently, captioned it ‘Mal Hitler’.
Evidently, the image was posted on the Snap Chat social media platform and someone’s mother saw it and, in what I can only assume was a state of self-righteous woke libtard pique, reported the content to the college. What a noble gesture, how fooking right on, some might opine. Alternatively, others might posit that this is the action of a dreary statist, a grass by any other name and a ridiculous cretin to boot .
You may be of an age like me when one would expect such nonsense to be given short shrift by the school, with a gentle fob off and a quiet word with the lad being the most that would happen. However, those days of schools treating every misdemeanour on its individual merits are long gone, drowned, disembowelled and sacrificed on the altar of political correctness and retarded group think.
It turned out that YM was also on social media as one of a group of mates who go by a piss-take acronym, KKK – not the Ku Klux Klan but the ‘Kidz Klux Krew’ (or something equally inconsequential).
YM was summoned to speak with the useful idiots on the school ‘management’ and suspended pending the outcome of a police investigation. What?! Yes, it turns out that the useful weasels grassed the boy up to the bovine police force, presumably on the same self-serving woke grounds that the mother of another boy had snitched to the school ‘authorities’ in the first instance.
Immediately, the image springs to mind of a coterie of cretins who are masquerading as ‘grown ups’ rather than intelligent pedagogues who have been entrusted to act in the best interests of their students. That statement, incidentally, may remind my long-term readers of the moronic behaviour of the teaching profession (aka the paid brain washers) during the fake scamdemic.
Incredible as it may seem, no-one told YM’s mother that a police investigation was also underway. Mother and son were informed of his expulsion at a meeting and by email. At no point has any report of any investigation been shown to them nor has there been any apparent investigation by the clowns who infest the police HQ. YM and his mum were simply told he was being kicked out because he had engaged in right wing activity on social media. All based on a photograph which some woke woman reported to the college’s hierarchy.
In the long term, this will, I’m confident, turn out to be a blessing in disguise – a pile of fetid woke nonsense shat out by bunch of state lickspittles can be transformed into something golden, of real value to YM. As one door closes another opens.
In the event he has paid sufficient attention to how all this feminised tittle tattle has unfolded at each turn into such a pile of shite, important lessons will have absorbed like how most grown ups are, genuinely, not critical thinkers with minds of their own. Had one of their number been able to display any degree of common sense, then it would have remained a storm in a teacup, instead of becoming a shattered barrel of cuntwaffle, which has and will continue to drown those teachers who should, but don’t, know better.
I well remember that when I was a schoolboy, we would draw swastikas over our exercise books – not as some kind of declaration of allegience to Germany under National Socialism but, largely, because it is a symbol that carries a deep esoteric quality and we liked it.

At my State Indoctrination Centre, Salendine Nook High School, we had a history teacher who we called Hitler on account of his ever-present air of malevolent aggression towards any and all children.
The same moniker was applied to a member of our scout group – his name was Andrew but we actually called him Hitler, on account of him sporting a similar haircut to the Führer. That was his nickname and we thought it hilarious.
In fact, the only time it was ever raised as an issue was when we went on a troop’s summer holiday to Austria and the leader’s wife suggested we refrain from calling him Hitler as it may cause some upset amongst the locals. Of course, we carried on using it and there was never any incident. This was back in the late seventies and a time when young lads went around with penknives in their pockets and sheath knives on their belts. I had a Bowie knife with a horned handle and a Nazi Youth dagger which an uncle had passed onto my dad when he got back from fighting in Europe. In fact, I still have it:
Was any of this behaviour taken by grown ups as proof that we were right wing extremists? Was it fook. I doubt anyone ever thought such a bizarre notion.
We spin round to 2024 and it clear and evident that such behaviours, at least when shown on social media, are now taken as evidence of the bogey man known as Right Wing Extremism.
The education system has been captured and populated with Common Purpose zealots who readily pounce on the superficial, the comedic and the nonsense of it all as material evidence of the bogey man threat referred to in common purpose speak as ‘right wing’.
If we remember that a moron is simply someone who has made a foolish decision based on false information, it is reasonable to state that those who hold positions in the college hierarchy are to be correctly termed morons.
To return to the dagger, could my possession of this Hitler Youth artefact be taken as proof that I am a member of a far right organisation? Any critical thinker would naturally look for further evidence but in clown world, where emotional reactions are held to be valid ways of interpreting data, some may falsely take it as proof that I am a National Socialist sympathiser who has a love of Adolf Hitler.
But rarely is the term ‘Right Wing Extremism’ ever defined. As Iain Davis writes in his excellent article (linked below),
“The UK’s Online Safety Act (OSA) creates the offence of “sending false information intended to cause non-trivial harm.” Quite what “non-trivial harm” is supposed to mean isn’t clear either. The UK Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) certainly doesn’t understand it:
Section 179(1) OSA 2023 creates a summary offence of sending false communications. The offence is committed if [. . .], at the time of sending it, the person intended the message, or the information in it, to cause non-trivial psychological or physical harm to a likely audience. [. . .] Non-trivial psychological or physical harm is not defined [. . .]. Prosecutors should be clear when making a charging decision about what the evidence is concerning the suspect’s intention and how what was intended was not “trivial”, and why. Note that there is no requirement that such harm should in fact be caused, only that it be intended.”
The discredited Marianna Spring, a blatant state-sponsored propagandist and in-correct thinker, apparently wrote this in January, 2024,
“titled “Young Britons exposed to online radicalisation following Hamas attack,” Marianna Spring wrote:
It is a spike in hate that leaves young Britons increasingly exposed to radicalisation by algorithm. [. . .] Algorithms are recommendation systems that promote new content to a user based on posts they engage with. That means they can drive some people to more extreme ideas.” Ibid.
Intuitively, I know that this young man is better off out of such a toxic gossip-riddled environment where the cuntwaffle like Spring spouts is the glue that holds together the delusions of adequacy that these fake pedagogues claim. And, to state it plainly, it is almost exclusively the over-reaching female dogma that infects the entire of the education system that is behind this. All of which means that young British boys from impoverished backgrounds are utterly disaffected by the feminisation of the education system to the point where their academic performance has been declining over the last few decades:
The entire system needs dismantling and putting back in the hands of genuine educationalists who teach their charges how to think, not what to think, which, of course, is the current system of mass indoctrination and mind control that exists to the detriment of so many bright boys, no matter what their background.
The art of life is that the individual uses the tough times and experiences that life presents us with to strengthen his character – to turn base metal into gold. How does he do that? By learning how to think for himself. If bad, or incorrect thinking has created this shit-parade, then only right, or correct thinking can get him (and us) out of it.
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