Episode 29 – A Tale from the Riverbank

A cautionary tale from the banks of the River Trent

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” George Santayana

In this Rogue Ramble, I roam over the subject of those peoples who are inordinately over-represented in the various mental constructs of tyranny and the one ring that controls it all – MONEY.

The ramble takes in the real nature of childhood expressions, our deep rooted understandings, the machinations of organised Jewry down through the ages, who owns the majority of the media, Hollywood, the financial systems, who controls Israel and who established it as a Rothschild Fiefdom, who invented all the systems of control via paper securities and other financial instruments,  who is that is financing the limited hangouts, where does the funding come from Marxist organisations like Black Lives Matter, the Chabbad tunnels under Brooklyn Synagogue, why throughout history have Jews been expelled from so many countries, 1290 Edict of Expulsion, why did the native population take such a dislike to them, what was the real reason? Are the Blood libel accusations of former times reflected in the actions of those involved in the construction of the Chabbad tunnels under Brooklyn Synagogue in New York? After all,

“The beginning of anything is to be found out by the Unfolding of Historical Events.” Firmicus Maternus.

Who controls all the narrative? Who owns the publishing houses, the news agencies?

In ‘Extracts from the Jewish World’ by Itamar Eichner (published 09.11.2006), he states,

“The Edict of Expulsion, passed by King Edward I in 1290 and calling for all Jews to leave Britain, has never formally been revoked. In order to rescind it, Queen Elizabeth II must sign a contrasting decree.”

King Edward I decided in 1290 to evict all Jews from Britain. The reasons for this were largely related to the inordinate amount of financial control and debt that the Jewish money-changers had accrued but there was also a series of allegations of blood libel against the Jews. Given the Zionist ownership and control of the world’s publishing houses, higher education and the media, it is hardly surprising that 99% of the information on the web takes the view that the blood libels were the imaginary creations of a primitive, unreasonably prejudiced and superstitious people who were suspicious of their Jewish neighbours.

Of course, there is no smoke without fire and whilst no critical thinker should discount the blood libels as fictitious, the reasons for the expulsion were certainly of a financial origin:

“In England, King Edward of the Plantagenet Dynasty was troubled by the fact that by this time the Jewish companies had bankrupted the English. He was under pressure by the people who accused the Jews of exploitative financial practices related to their dominance in the banking business.


Unfortunately, Edward saw that once the Jewish financial stranglehold takes over, there is never a peaceful resolution. other European monarchs saw this and also expelled the Jews from their kingdoms. As history is rewritten over and over again by authors submitting their research to Jewish editors in the Jewish publishing houses of Europe and America since the 1940s, the reasons that the European monarchs expelled the Jews so many hundreds of times over a 15 century period is altered. We are told today that anti-Semitism was the reason while all along it was for financial reasons.


The Edict of Expulsion was enacted on November 1, the ancient Day of the Dead, and many of these Jews would relocate to Spain where exactly 202 years later on the EXACT SAME DAY, the Spanish crown wold again expel the Jews in 1492 AD on the same day Christopher Columbus set sail for the New World.”


Source: Chronicon by Jason Breshears

History is circular, it flows in wave forms like the ripples across a lake. Mirrors of the past are to be found in our present. The echoes of former times are to be found in current times.

There is nothing new under the sun.

Is the unveiling of the tunnels beneath the Chabbad synagogue in Brooklyn  an echo of previous uncoverings of nefarious Jewish activities?

Is the Rothschild controlled World Financial system and its WEF diktats about to be rejected by the people as it has been in previous times? Are the people becoming increasingly pissed off with the machinations of those who control it all and who regard themselves as superior to the ‘Goyim’?

All will become apparent at some point but some are already tuning into the zeitgeist and the potents are beginning to emerge.

Let’s leave the last word to those who knew too that life goes round and round,

“It is impossible to understand the present without the profoundest knowledge of the past.” Gerald Massey, 1885.


“The last pages of a book are already contained in the first pages.” Albert Camus


“If we knew all the past, we would know all the future.” P.D Ouspenksy

Thank you very much for listening. if you’ve enjoyed it please like, subscribe, comment and share with others of a like mind. Should you have any suggestions for future episodes, then let me know; I’d be interested to hear what you think.

Finally, if you’d like to show your appreciation of this and my other Rogue Casts, then perhaps you could consider buying me a coffee at the link on my site or here. Thank you to all my kind readers, especially David R for his wonderful support.


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4 thoughts on “Episode 29 – A Tale from the Riverbank

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  1. Enjoyed this, as usual.
    Off topic.
    The Grand Order of Water Rats. You will understand when you look them up.

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