banks have so much blood on their hands, and its about time they were
held accountable. They create money out of nothing, and we are supposed
to foot the bill. It needs to stop."
Geniene Azalea
Bank of Scotland summoned Geniene Azalea to court to attempt to repossess her property.
Appearing as a litigant-in-person in August 2019, Geniene defended herself and demanded that the bank produce a certified copy of the Mortgage Deed, not just a photocopy of a photocopy as had been provided.
At the 15 minute hearing, Judge Langley ordered that the BOS produce said document, within 14 days.
The 2 weeks came and went, and 21 days after the original hearing, Geniene wrote a 26 page counter claim requesting that the case be struck out as the bank could not produce the deed, as she had some evidence that it had been securitised (sold) on the stock exchange, potentially many times, along with many other discrepancies on her mortgage. Miraculously, this woke the bank up, who immediately requested a hearing for extra time. Once again, Geniene appeared in court, where she heard the BOS ask for 2 years to find the deed as it had been ‘lost’
Judge Langley adjourned the case for 12 months, with liberty to restore’ should the BOS find the deed.
Imagine Geniene’s surprise when she received a letter in December 2019 from the court, that the BOS was reinstating the case at a hearing on the 2nd January 2020. Once again, she appeared as a litigant-in-person and heard the BOS attempt to convince Judge Lampkin that the original deed was not necessary to repossess, but Geniene had case law to present, to the contrary. The Judge escalated the case to the high court and ordered that Geniene produce a fully actualised defence within 28 days, which she did, with a little help with some legal friends and people ‘in the know’.
The chancery courts were closed for the duration of CoronaVirus but later in the year, in June 2020, Geniene received a letter saying that the banks solicitor, Ascent Legal must provide a reply to the defence before the 29th July 2020 or the case will be struck out.
This date came and went, and nothing was received. Geniene called the court and was told that indeed, no documents had been submitted. Geniene then emailed Amanda Goral of Ascent Legal, and again, no reply was received, meaning that the case has been struck out.
Geniene suggests that anyone else who is going through similar situations should not be afraid to fight for the truth and says that she is proof that it does not matter how big or scary, your opponents may be, if you have self determination and the truth on your side, justice will be done.
Recommended study: Professor Werners empirical research into the subject of money creation, mortgage securitisation and the Great British Mortgage Swindle.