Peeling the onion – how SAGE is a Big Pharma Communist Coup. A tale of Criminal Psychological Manipulation, Conflicts of interest, Profits Galore and a Bozo Figurehead up to his neck in blood.
Bozo Johnson, the Crime Minister of Puppet World (aka the UK), announced on Monday, 19th July, 2021, that those who wish to go to nightclubs, theatres, sports events, concerts etc will be required to provide proof they are vaccinated.
Of course, it has nothing to do with the fake pandemic: it is about control – financial, medical and psychological control. As someone who frequented nightclubs in his previous years, I cannot understand why anyone would wish to attend any club or institution that insists on gathering your personal information before allowing entry. Going to the pubs and nightclubs was always a private matter. You went in anonymously, paid cash, talked and mingled with whomsoever you chose and left. After all, whose fucking business is it where you go, what you buy and to whom you talk?
Quite rightly, there has been a lot of blowback, particularly as this appears to be an attempt to leverage a ‘vax passport’ on the populace. This is not an unprecedented move – jib-jab certificates were rolled out by the UK government and authorities in the nineteenth century:

Those certificates, like the one above, ultimately became worthless and unused scraps of paper.
It was largely the men and women of the City of Leicester who spearheaded the peoples’ opposition to mandatory vaccination, as rolled out by the UK gov:
The Vaccination Act of 1853 ordered mandatory vaccination for infants up to 3 months old, and the Act of 1867 extended this age requirement to 14 years, adding penalties for vaccine refusal. The laws were met with immediate resistance from citizens who demanded the right to control their bodies and those of their children. The Anti Vaccination League and the Anti-Compulsory Vaccination League formed in response to the mandatory laws, and numerous anti-vaccination journals sprang up.
The town of Leicester was a particular hotbed of anti vaccine activity and the site of many anti-vaccine rallies. The local paper described the details of a rally:
“An escort was formed, preceded by a banner, to escort a young mother and two men, all of whom had resolved to give themselves up to the police and undergo imprisonment in preference to having their children vaccinated…The three were attended by a numerous crowd…three hearty cheers were given for them, which were renewed with increased vigour as they entered the doors of the police cells.”
The Leicester Demonstration March of 1885 was one of the most notorious anti-vaccination demonstrations. There, 80,000-100,000 anti-vaccinators led an elaborate march, complete with banners, a child’s coffin, and an effigy of Jenner.
Such demonstrations and general vaccine opposition lead to the development of a commission designed to study vaccination. In 1896 the commission ruled that vaccination protected against smallpox, but suggested removing penalties for failure to vaccinate.
The Vaccination Act of 1898 removed penalties and included a “conscientious objector” clause, so that parents who did not believe in vaccination’s safety or efficacy could obtain an exemption certificate.
The long term effect of the actions of those brave people was that anyone can refuse a vaccine for their children or themselves and, contrary to the false propaganda of SAGE and the UK gov, there is no such thing as mandatory vaccination or, indeed, any way whereby any individual can be coerced into taking part in a likely murderous experimental medical intervention such as the one BigPharma is undergoing right now, as the sheople queue up to be sheep-dipped in the white tents that have sprung up like invading army encampments across these woe-begotten lands.
With 275 members and reams of other associated advisory groups, each of which has ties to BigPharma, the Eugenics movement, the World Health Organisation, the World Economic Forum, the Gates (of Hell) Foundation and with each of its members benefiting financially from the roll out of the jib-jab, SAGE is effectively the Shadow Government. These are the unaccountable mandarins of ‘public policy’, the sadistic psychopaths and narcissists who are behind the draconian measures that have been and are being used to systematically dismantle the health, wealth and well-being of millions of people.
The talking shops they organise, the sub-committees and blatant conflicts of interest lead one to the conclusion that there is no one individual in charge: SAGE is an entity that deals in the currency of quackery, fake narratives and incessant psychological manipulation.
This link to the excellent video, by Dom and Chris Waterson, of Sheep Farm Studios, was the catalyst for this piece and is highly recommended for those who wish to become informed as to the machinations of the multi-headed hydra that is SAGE.
Meet the Flockers: SAGE unmasked. Part 1
Tip of the Iceberg: the Yellow Card Scheme and VAERS:
The question as to how the true numbers of people who have died following the jib-jab will be answered once a UK insider blows the whistle – just as is happening in the US right now, where the adverse reactions reporting system, VAERS, the equivalent of the UK’s ‘Yellow Card’ has been used as a limited hangout to hide the actual death rates:
Ohio-based Attorney Thomas Renz was one of several speakers this past weekend at a conference in Anaheim, California, where he announced that with the help of America’s Frontline Doctors, he was filing a federal lawsuit in Alabama based on a “sworn declaration, under threat of perjury,” from an alleged whistleblower who claims to have inside knowledge of a cover-up of reported deaths filed with the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), which is operated by the CDC.
This whistleblower has allegedly claimed, under oath, that there are at least 45,000 reported deaths that have occurred within 3 days of receiving a COVID-19 “vaccine.”
Renz states that this report of 45,000 deaths is just from “one system” that reports to VAERS.”
Even if we take only the reported numbers of deaths following the experimental jib-jab, it may be puzzling to understand just how and why the clinical trial has not been immediately halted, just as the Swine Flu vaxx roll-out of 1976 was stopped pursuant to the relatively small number of deaths and side effects that occurred then. Unless, of course, one knows that this is ultimately about reducing the world’s population by means of mass murder by injection.
The Politburo – SAGE is an Unaccountable Collective aka a Communist Entity, Steeped in Blood

I would posit that the members of SAGE, both individually and collectively are so entrenched in their quackery, their financial gain and their narcissistic feelings of power, that they are too far gone, that too much is invested for them to advice an immediate halt to the vaxtermination.
They have too much blood on their hands to retreat and so, whatever it is they have on Bozo Johnson, the Crime Minister and mass-murdering Eugenicist, he is repeatedly pushed out to repeat their empty rhetoric and deploy the criminal diktats of SAGE.
Thus, we have a psychotic dictatorship that is literally hell-bent on mass-murder.
It reminds me of Macbeth’s lament, when he realises it is too late to turn back from his murderous actions. Like any member of the SAGE collective, Macbeth, the psychotic usurper of the Crown (the Corona) has become reliant upon the advice of the 3 witches (the ‘Weird Sisters’) who were the ones who planted the treacherous ambition in him to become king of Scotland by murdering Duncan.
The parallels with Macbeth and Johnson are thus clear – SAGE is like the Weird Sisters in so far as Johnson and each of the 650 mealy-mouthed poli-puppets who criminally occupy Parliament believe in its false narrative and bogus science.
Consequently, Bozo, as nominal head of the criminal UK gov is lost in a sea of blood, with no prospect of a return to sanity:
I will tomorrow—
And betimes I will—to the weird sisters.
More shall they speak, for now I am bent to know,
By the worst means, the worst. For mine own good,
All causes shall give way. I am in blood
Stepped in so far that, should I wade no more,
Returning were as tedious as go o’er.
Strange things I have in head, that will to hand,
Which must be acted ere they may be scanned.
The same can be said for each and everyone of those phoney pedlars of quackery and extreme psychological manipulation, SAGE.
A big thank-you to David R for his sponsorship of the RM site and also to Davie P for his kind donation. Should any reader also wish to show his/her appreciation, please click on the donate button.
Further viewing: Charges filed for Mass Murder by Ohio lawyer, Tom Renz:
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