There are some 11.2 million of them in Britain but how many people actually understand what a mortgage is?
A mortgage literally means, ‘Dead Pledge’: late Middle English: from Old French, literally ‘dead pledge,’ from mort (from Latin mortuus ‘dead’) + gage ‘pledge.’
A pledge is a promise. A mortgage is a dead promise.
On its face, it seems very straightforward – a man receives a loan, called a mortgage, for a property and, in so doing, agrees to pay it back within a set period, usually 25 years. Should he fail to do so, the creditor (the lender) claims the right to take his property by way of the registered charge created by his signature on the Mortgage Deed, which forms his sincere promise to pay.
However, it is more complex than many of us would imagine.
What if you were told that, as a matter of fact, no loan had taken place?
You might ask,
’How could that be? The bank loaned me the money and I used it to buy the house and the land. I borrowed their money, therefore, I have to pay it back.’
However, this is an illusion. How?
The bank (the mortgagee) did not actually loan you any of its own money. Most money is created as debt in the form of ‘loans’ and every ‘loan’ is created as a ‘promise to pay’ – just like the Bank of England notes in your wallet.
How does this work? The key document is the mortgage deed. When you sign it, you are acknowledging, without any evidence, that you have received a sum of money. You are also falsely and unlawfully advised to sign it before you are the owner of the property. It is false on the simple basis that no one can place a charge on a property which is not theirs at the time the deed was signed.
This document is also a valuable financial instrument to the bank (the mortgagee). In fact, being a promise to pay, it is as good as cash to the banker who takes it and deposits it in a special account which he never tells you about. In this sense, you are, in fact, the creditor. Your signature has created the line of credit which is streamed from that account and used to buy the property.
The mortgage deed is the keystone in an elaborate fraud, a financial racket that is revealed in the ‘shockumentary’ film, #TheGreatBritishMortgageSwindle.
The banker is, quite literally, creating the money out of thin air by way of strokes on a computer keyboard. No deposits are loaned, neither out of the bank’s vaults or from customers’ accounts.
Once the deed is signed, but always undated, at a time when you are not the owner, have received no moneys and have no written contract with the bank (as required at law) the swindle moves into full swing. The banker misrepresents the facts by falsely claiming you borrowed money, then compound interest is added on top of the fake loan and, in the event you fail to make the payments for 3 consecutive months, it will instruct its solicitors to make a false possession claim against you which will invariably result in the house – the purchase of which, remember, you funded – being stolen by way of a fake County Court Order.
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Those who know me already can judge for themselves how much I agree with all of these facts.
The problem now, as of January 2017 in fact, is that we appear to be dealing with not only the collapse of the entire UK mortgage market, but also with that much-needed domino effect, the end of world-wide fraudulent-debt-slavery money.
Anyone wanting to re-connect with others also trying to piece together the only-answer No-money-or-Hierarchy world, including assisting my own area of Really-Free-and-True media-for-all and media-by-all (owned-and-operated by all), please get in touch and-or stay in touch via whatever platforms / groups are demonstrably working for you.
“£-contributions” are a thing of the past.
Hi, Neil – some might posit that “the collapse of the entire UK mortgage market” is a problem only for those who seek to profit from the pernicious racket that is #TheGreatBritishMortgageSwindle … for the 11.2 million mortgagors it may well represent an opportunity to free themselves from debt slavery to the banksters… It is a numbers game – as more and more wake up to the swindle, the sooner it will collapse. Cheers, RM
Well, first things first RM, and what a delight to have one working communications platform! I’ve only ever tinkered around the edges of WordPress, most memorably when trying to work with Horst G Ludwig, 2012-13 kind of epoch, so see if Scientific Democracy and his CCC = Community Compensation Culture (cubics for methadone money) had any electromagnetic (human) appeal. Too early, is my ‘umble conclusion.
The current “selling point” I’ve been exploring is the WIIFM (What’s In It for Me?) appeal to the 55 million Britain-based NON-mortgagor brethren and sisterhoods. You know – “‘ang on a minute me old china – you ain’t got a mortgage to pay, given the fraudulent non-existent loan thingummy you just elegantly exposed, innit? So talk me through the £-rent scheme now, pretty please, an’ all that?”
Feels like even small numbers of us are going to get a LOT more support, perhaps even by discussing same at any of the #TGBMS offline gatherings, all the better attended if “landlords” bring their “tenants”.
I’m just a homeless street bum at the moment, and without a penny to my name (well, £170 in a Coop bank account, but that’s mostly my combined Xmas-Birthday money, and ring-fenced for tobacco tax anyway), but I’d be thrilled when I get an online chance to help “owners” and “serfs” to get along better – with shared ambitions in life. Like “would you charge your actual children this much?”
Pretty sure we’re going to need matching online-with-offline names and faces though, just sayin’ (again).
Cheers back at ya – Neil Warren
Hi, Neil.
Yes, and for those who have experienced the genocidal effects of eviction first hand, like your good self, the screenings on #TGBMSDay1 will be without charge and, as you state, each will represent a wonderful opportunity for people to meet each other face to face and form alliances. After all, will it not be a sizeable portion of the 11.2 million mortgagors themselves who will bring about the end of the swindle?
You’re probably aware of an “enthusiastic activist” on my behalf, initials SG, who has been exploring TLT Solicitors LLP (clients GMAC = Paratus and others, including Barclays) via the Solicitors’ Regulatory / Regulation Authority = SRA, over the last couple of weeks. I just sent this as an email to a chain of us (8 or so) exploring same, but have reduced the name-example in footnotes who is also familiar to us, to RJ, to save any public embarrassment:
SOLICITORS REGULATION AUTHORITY UPDATE (press cutting stolen from staff room)
Farmer dumps muck outside court in protest at justice system
A wealthy farmer dumped a lorry load of muck outside a crown court on Tuesday in protest at the “severely flawed” justice system which he claimed left him thousands of pounds out of pocket.
Charles Hirons spread the manure outside Derby Crown Court in a row with the partners of a firm which was closed down by the industry regulator.
It is believed that Mr Hiron’s grievances with the firm and its partners have still not been fully resolved, nearly eight years on.
The 49-year-old farmer, who was immediately arrested, left a note in the cab of his tractor saying he had acted in “personal protest against the severely flawed judicial system”.
Following his release from custody said he had dumped the muck as a “peaceful protest”.
“I did it because the ‘higher powers’ just hide behind emails. The working man is being persecuted in this country.”
The SRA closed down solicitors’ firm Walter Scott and Ross, which operated from the nearby town of Erewash, in 2009, following an investigation into “serious financial irregularities.”
The firm had been under investigation by the SRA since 2007. In June 2011 a tribunal concluded that its partners, Alastair Ross and Darrell Holmes, had used clients’ accounts for their own purposes. It also found Mr Holmes had a conviction for drink-driving.
More than 35 clients were left in limbo as a result of the firm’s closure, including many who had employed it to draw up house deeds and trust funds.
Nearly £1.8 million has since been paid out in compensation to former clients who lost money after failing to receive deeds to their properties, vital casework and details of trust funds.
Since the closure of Walter Scott and Ross, Mr Hirons, who lives in a £400,000 country house in Derbyshire with his wife and children and is a well known figure in British Eventing, has called for a public inquiry into the law firm.
Mr Hirons, who had used Walter Scott and Ross to represent him in a disputed division of a family estate, said at the time: “I believe no-one is standing up and taking responsibility for this.”
The SRA said its intervention in the management of the law firm had concluded in 2010.
An SRA spokeswoman said: “At that time former clients with live matters, a recent will or deeds, were written to and informed of the intervention and invited to instruct where they wished their documents to be sent to or informed their documents would be placed in the SRA archives, as is normal practice.
“Former clients who were owed money were paid out by the Compensation Fund. A total of just under £1.8 million has been paid, so far, to Walter Scott and Ross clients.”
Footnote: TLT will be declared bankrupt before Neil or anyone else sees 1p in compensation having diligently and expensively slogged through the Layman’s Guide to Mortgage Fraud – Team AP1.
This is GOOD NEWS.
The same will happen at Land Registry – again – hoorah.
Nobody tell RJ, or the others, I doubt they can take yet another crushing defeat of their agendas.
Poetry in motion? A justice system drowning in BS.
Hey all,
I’ve just happened to come across this post and whilst I have very little knowledge about any of this, I do have a mortgage, I’m aware of this so-called pandemic or plandemic & I have three children that I’m desperately worried about growing up under these circumstances. So, could someone kindly point me in the direction to learn more about this please- an idiots guide so to speak!
I- like many- have just had enough now and, as they say, knowledge is power
Hi, Bex. There are plenty of articles on this site which cover the Great British Mortgage Swindle (in the ‘Rogue Mortgage’ section). Also, if you haven’t already, please get yourself a copy of the film:
Buy the DVD
Watch on Amazon Prime
Download Free PDF of TGBMS: Next Steps
all the best
Sxxxx Gxxxx – 8:28 PM (14 hours ago) – to Neil Warren, Parmjit Nahil, Anthony Carlin, Anna Von Reitz, Adam Warren, Michelle
Here is a little suggestion, I’ve printed out the Rogue male article and left it in a few places, internet cafes, McDonald’s etc, then I sit and watch. People will, 9 out of 10 times, pick it up, read it then….. TAKE IT WITH THEM WHEN THEY LEAVE!
Try this and see for yourself. I doled out 20 copies . Now we have 20 more converts. If I can do that in one afternoon, think what am organised bunch of us could do in one month! Go figure.
NW: direct-blog-type-talk: That is THIS article, and Sean is part-viking, just so we know, ref those culture and trans-human “pick a side” articles.
Hi, Neil – I like the guerrilla tactics very much. Please keep them going and remember too that 18 February is #TGBMSDay1, a day when all 11.2 million mortgagors are encouraged to stop what they are doing and go and view the film at a screen near them. LINK
RM – This is a brilliant initiative, to get this far of screening such a documentary. Questions come to mind: Is the issue one of usary, charging interest, or the way money is created through debt, less about the banks making profit which all corporations do.
How else can one go about securing a home or property – would “homesteading” under common law be one way?
What are you advocating, what comes after this initiative?
Thanks for the comment, Jonathan.
It is a multi-levelled swindle, the various elements of which include, without limitation, all you mention above. The key one, of course, is the ability to create credit or, as it appears, ‘money out of thin air‘
The reality is that the ‘mortgagor’ has ‘paid’ in full for the home by way of the financial instrument (the deed being the ‘dead pledge’ which creates the credit) that he inadvertently ‘grants’ the bankster. In the long term, we, the people, need to create our own decentralised means of finance. Bitcoin is a good example of such. Until the system is released from the hands of the white collar criminals who dominate its machinations, we remain subject to its genocidal enslavement, which is not to state it too strongly.
The people of these lands need to make applications to the Land Registry – in their millions – to have the void charges removed from their homes.
I’ve clicked your name-link, Jonathan, and concluded from that that you are one and the same Jonathan communicating with a plucky few of us on coeo’s UbuntuPlanet subset. I know we’ll have more appeal as we win back the confidence and appeal of linking to our persons, named online as near as possible to who we also are offline. I have posted email-copy-pastes onto that UP chat hinting that one at least is teeing himself up to be recognisable People’s British Isles Hero No 1, although in reality it is Waugh-family bravery where the biggest debts of gratitude should go, as well as the likes of Mike Grant Sinclair and Anthony Carlin.
We’ll also need at least GCSE C* or above to start understanding the numbers of people and so-called “money” involved here. As well as some experience of sales and marketing to witness what “spin” does. Here’s a copy paste of some mainstream media words, noting before I paste that the word “Confident” should truly be and say “Ignorant, terrified and therefore mindlessly selfish and greedy…”
Tim Wallace
26 JANUARY 2017 • 3:32PM
Confident Brits borrowed more in mortgages in 2016 than at any point since 2008, industry figures have shown, as the housing market recovered some zip in the final months of the year.
2016 was rocky in parts as tax changes and the EU referendum pushed transaction levels up and down.
Overall, homebuyers borrowed £245.7bn during the year, according to the Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML).
That is a rise of 12pc compared with 2015 and takes mortgage borrowing to its highest level since 2008 when banks and building societies gave out home loans amounting to £247.8bn.
Four paragraphs is more than most can handle, but numerate types might also be able to work out that:
a) We’re talking about at least 10% of the entire British Isles death-locked fraudulent property scam.
b) My mortgage histories on 31 Chichester Close go back to the AP1 Land Registry filing RM is on about, from 1998 with Nationwide Building Society = multiply those numbers by 20.
And check out also how (later in the article) average salaries on a multiple “safe lending” ratio of 3 and a bit, measured in December 2016 at £35,664, is supposed or expected to put an average 3-bed semi-detached home with a modest parcel of freehold land, in a very average town like Dunstable, priced now at £317,000, in anything but total fantasy £a-£a-£and…
“Homesteading” is going to be a LOT more self-explanatory, if I ever bother to wander around that neighbourhood again, explaining to Len & Maureen, or Beryl, or the others, why “owing a lovely home” is not all about “the money”. (And having a direct-energy network-connections real people in my pocket should also help to dry their tears, of sorrow or joy).
Hi, I’ve just been pointed to this article, please get in touch and I’ll give you the real story behind my situation and the muck flinging that happened to Derby Court that’s mentioned in this article
Hi, Charles and thanks for dropping by. Feel free to post it here if you like…
Please do post it here Charles. It’s only by (bravely) getting our personal horror stories out into the same “shared pools” where all the fraudulent so-called “lending” is also happening, that enough of us can see and work with enough of others the same (or similar), such that the “new normal” is that the judges and solicitors are instantly recognised by all of society as the criminals, paid to cover up criminal banks and building societies, and we’re the Good girls and guys. This link is to page_10 of 18 = 270-ish comment panels, and dating to Feb 2015. Mostly my panels, but not all, and anyway I’m the media “helper-guru” too.
And nor is this by any means the whole of just my (family) fraud-story, but at least we’re naming a few names in public, (and that forum facilitates document and .pdf / picture uploads etc.), and the url is search-engine friendly and Real Name people like “Charles Heirons” can see and start to connect with Real Name people like “Neil Warren”, (and Sean Goddard if you get to the top of page_18 or Anna von Reitz back in panel 13 on page_1). Anywhichway, sample summary story, can you “match”?…
I’m sick of repeating my “woe is me” shit too. My own computer is sitting under my Mum’s desk here, and is jam-packed with correspondence of every sort, with everyone, from Dept of Justice to Andrew Selous MP – Prisons Minister for now, presumably as a “reward” for something – to the named principles and agents (directors and partners) of GMAC, now Paratus, and Barclays lurking behind them, TLT Solicitors, the lot. And the Courts and Judges, of course.
I have just riffled through the lever arch file I do keep to hand though, in Mum’s “lodger” room, and selected this gem, which I’ve scanned and saved as a .jpg, on the Kodak-all-in-one which Mum felt it was safe to allow me to connect to her ageing (hand-me-down) laptop (one of my youngest brother’s old Compaqs)…
(see fraudulent GMAC Deed)
Until I click Submit on this New Reply panel, I won’t be able to see what we can see. But let me advise anyway: –
1) It only has my signature on it = there is no lender.
2) Various versions of it passed through Land Registry, but they confirmed that the original, with a “wet ink” signature, was the real deal.
3) When Paul Heeley, senior partner of TLT submitted a 70-page witness statement, he said a “colour copy” was attached. It was in black and white.
4) In December 2013, with the clock ticking for a Luton County Court approved (albeit Void-Ordered) eviction on 14 January 2014, I email-nudged Paul Heeley again, about that “admin hiccup”.
5) Having had a few weeks, I’m pretty sure what he then emailed back, this in “colour”, is-was photo-shopped. The 31 March 2005 dated handwriting is not mine, but the colour is uniform. And the “sign here” red paper sticker has gone suspiciously fuzzy round the edges.
6) I was more than ready to drive to Bristol, with Roger Hayes if acceptable, and a crowbar and hammer, to see if we could actually touch-smell-feel / forensically examine whatever copy-of-a-copy-of-a-copy this thing is.
(see motivationally Smug-shot of Paul Heeley)
Paul Heeley said Paratus (GMAC re-named) wanted £120 to facilitate sight-only. He’d also need office security staff, and this “precious” document would stay in its plastic cover, to be viewed at a suitable distance, and only if I put the hammer down.
7) Roger advised that I tell Paul to stuff it up his backside, and we’d see him in Court / Grand Jury, whatever. That is still my intention, only we need a Class / Group / Lots of Us Action now, ‘cos even if “I” win, they (men in grey suits from Treasury / Justice / The State) have already “bought the silence” of several (or many, we won’t know), who have gone before.
8) Being made homeless is the equivalent of false imprisonment (believe me), and the going rate for that is £2,000 an hour, or something of that order (see Michael Doherty). I’ve done 5,000 hours at least, so my case against Bedfordshire Police, on its own…
lawfulbank (com)/forum/thread/69/mortgage-action/view_1134/ (re-routed old link, since evolved into better)
They were (you read out from your scraps of paper retained from 14 January 2014)…
PC 5807 FALLOW (or FALLON or FALCON, understandably to be confirmed as we proceed).
…could-should be assessed in the TEN MILLION POUNDS kind of bracket.
9) Paratus-GMAC-TLT also confirmed receipt of (fraudulent) interest payments of £78,317.15, and what with that and the interest on the interest, plus typical fraud recompense being being 8x the total sum involved (not mentioned on the “Deed” above, but £186,000), times however many agents & principals and so on were complicit in the fraud, we’re off into TENS OF BILLIONS OF POUNDS, just for l’il ol’ me (and my wife and our dog).
10) I’m “volunteering” to buy as much of Britain as I can with that, and then we can all live usury-interest-fake-money-free peaceful and prosperous lives.
11) If any of the above Fraud Participants want to live here with us, please build a Real Name and face profile, and explain slowly what you didn’t know or realise about whatever of all of this, at the time.
12) I’m running late for today’s £20 (buys the smokes) funeral, at 2pm, so will see us all later.
Absolutely fabulous contact, Charles, you and Bill both! MUCH more follows, albeit that sorting out agreed and mutually beneficial media = interactive communication channels between True+Good people, is my No 1 priority.
Your WordPress channel here, RM, I see as a valuable stepping stone, and e.g. pine for the day when you can be the same you we meet and greet and thank profusely offline = I won’t be saying “Ah ha, Mr Male, you old Rogue, allow me to buy you a half of warm bitter, or anything you prefer”.
hi neil
could you please give me a ring on 07974006699
Niel – “homebuyers borrowed £245.7bn during the year”, would that figure compare with how much money was created out of thin air by the banks last year, as money is created or manufactured out of debt?
RM – “The people of these lands need … to have the void charges removed from their homes.”
Any idea how many have actually done this, or would do it if they had some help? Could you advise folks how to go about it for a donation or Bitcoin?
Hi, Jonathan
The process involves making an AP1 Application to the Land Registry for removal of the void charge. This is known as rectification of the register. Whilst it is quite straightforward a process, involving copies of the conveyancing solicitor’s instruction to execute the deed but not date it and a witness statement in support of the facts, there has yet to be a successful one. Why? Because the staff at the LR are in deep denial of the swindle and will virulently defend the fraud, even to the point of making fallacious comments about the ‘common practice’ being ‘just how it is done’.
This is a good source for one to dig into before considering such a move, Michael of Bernicia has got as close as any one to having the charges removed. All that is stopping the final domino falling is the obduracy of the minions working at the LR. Whilst I don’t know how many have been making the applications, I am firmly of the view that it is a numbers game and once we reach a critical mass of mortgagors making the applications in their hundreds of thousands, it will cave in spectacularly, in favour of the people. The film, TGBMS will go a long way to exposing the fraud and instructing people as to what they can do about it. If you email me, then I can certainly help with regard to the necessary steps that individuals can take. All the best, RM
Can’t see yesterday’s panels – assume too long for WordPress = continues to depress and frustrate the print-online media specialist in me, who has already achieved successful alt-media forums for many etc.. Whatever, here’s the top part of an intro email just sent, as far down as “Team RM”…
Neil Warren
11:37 AM (42 minutes ago)
to malik, shaid, Sean, Adam, Michelle, Parmjit
Hello Shaid as our first communication, with my understanding that you are “the director” to whom Malik has been referring. The purpose of this email is to do my best to get us all on roughly the same playing field, with view and knowledge of what and who else we see and know and have learned and decided as our personal and collective plans of action.
I said to Malik that I would restrict this to we 5 males, but no sooner said than changed my mind, with active input from both ladies over the last 12 hours which cannot and should not be ignored.
I have links and histories and other active and historic groups to link to reference and back up everything I am type-saying here, and will provide same on request, although they will over clutter and confuse this introduction.
CYM Business Plan and development to date:
I have seen thousands of business plans outlined and launched over the decades, and your is as good as they get.
You explained that you only launched publicly in August 2016, and have already had a 23 Dec 2016 full day mega trawl through your details by The Dept of Justice, with whom you are registered – and “passed” so far. One possible proviso being that they are not 100% comfortable with your company name, as a blanket suggestion (marketing claim = sales pitch) that Mortgages Get Cleared after paying you whatever £s.
You also explained that sometime between Aug 2016 and today, you communicated with someone(s) heavyweight in the legal / judicial field, who suggested that when you get to a critical mass of numbers, they will be happy to work with you to make this into a class action, and secure the wider number of refunds / settlements.
You also have a feeling that CYM can and will act as a “platform” for sustained communications between activists and applicants, but presumably not including whatever “bank managers” building profiles and saying sorry and here’s your money-refund-settlement?
Comparable action teams from history
On the specific of filing notice that mortgages have been sold on = settled already, I certainly was advised to do that, and did it, in 2013, the advice coming from “Si Spaniard of White Rabbit Trust YouTube” as he was then, still Simon Goldberg (and Mark Moxom) of YouandYourCash. If you email them, you will get an auto-library of links in auto-reply, but they have moved on from offering one-to-one communications, unless you pay, and £35 for a webinar session was the last we witnessed / experienced.
Team Dublin (Claire Cullinane) put together 2,000 cases, 750 active, barrister confirmed every point of fraud and mis-selling there is, and cleared the “claim farm middle men” out of the way too, going straight to their Supreme-High Court, and filming and recording themselves, with individual case-history “sob stories” interwoven, and the two-page bullet-points list of charges they were bringing, 2013 from memory. Claire was reported as having died recently, but either way nothing public changed.
Team Roger Hayes have had a face-to-face with the High Court Property Chamber Judges, 2015 at an informed guess, who have dismissed him-them so far with a “Are you suggesting we’ve been doing property all wrong for the last 30 years!?” kind of put-down.
Team Michael O’Bernicia have also done a 10-year fine-tooth-comb job through end-to-end UK mortgage-everything, with the one micro-Achilles-heel being Judge Behrens in 2016 allowing that mortgage-deeds probably can’t be executed “at a later date”, i.e. you can’t offer a property you don’t yet own as collateral for a loan (notwithstanding that the loan doesn’t exist either)….
(more for any seriously involved and committed types, however and if you want me to provide, and short of copy-pasting onto hundreds of divided / separate blogs)…
Would it be a good idea to put an advertisement in every UK freebie local newspaper informing the public about mortgage fraud, where to find more information and alerting them to the film as most, I am sure, are not aware of what is going on?
Hi, Michelle. We are currently working on a marketing strategy which will cover all potential avenues for bringing awareness of the film to as wide an audience as possible. Thank-you for the suggestion.
Neil: May I also note for passing readers, and with so many thanks to you Michelle, that back in July 2014, this was-is also Michelle who made 340 useful posts in total (before Roger Hayes blocked me from the whole site in Jan 2016). This is /page_2, Anna von Reitz is on page 1, there are 18 pages = 280 panels in total, on this one discussion topic, which is the same topic and people as #TGBMS…
Hello, I purchased a ticket for the Manchester screening of the film on Feb 18th but still not had confirmation of venue. Tried emailing several times but no response? This film is very relevant to me just now. Anyone able to confirm where the film is being shown? Thanks.
Hi, Trish. Hopefully, you will have received the following email by now:
“Warm Salutations,
As stated when you recently purchased your ticket to see The Great
British Mortgage Swindle, the Cinema-On-Demand terms include a provision
that the date of the screening is subject to change, in the event that
enough tickets have not been sold.
Unfortunately, we have sold less than 5% of the tickets for the
screenings planned for February 18 2017, which means that the date will
now be postponed until at least 50% of the seats have been booked, which
we provisionally estimate will transpire within three months.
The date of the screening will then be confirmed by email, giving at
least 14 days advance notice to all those who have bought discounted
You can, of course, have a full refund at any point until the date of
the screening, but your discounted ticket will allow you to attend the
screening of your choice, as and when the date and venues have been
confirmed, should you be happy to wait.
In the event you would prefer a refund, simply reply to this email
confirming that is the case.
Many thanks for your support of truly independent film-making.
Best wishes,
A-FP Distribution”
As a counter-balance to the depressing “Unfortunately….5%….etc.” we might also like to note that 20 x 200-seat venues = 4,000 “bums on seats”. And not even “bums”, but more the hyper-relevant and super-concerned real people like you, Trish. And therefore TWO HUNDRED of you, already!!! They might only be 100-seat, but that’s not the point.
This time 6 months ago, there were none of you.
I’m also eyeing up the “all new” Riverside complex in Bedford, threatening to replace umpteen small and different eating and entertainment venues with Global Corporate Hell = Nandos whatever, plus a 6-screen multiplex thingummy.
And if still needed by late 2017 – 2018, and with some semblance of my lost property returned to me, I’m going to be chuffed to bits to be hosting weekly and daily all-6-screens packed, and with the queues busting blocks, left, right and centre.
An excellent comment, Neil. Thank you.
Now that is a grand vision – love it!
Potentially even more grand as we each and all get up to speed with the wonders of (what is going to be left of) the internet.
Log out if logged in of your internet browser, and search “mortgage in words”. Via an out of date Chrome, I get a page and a half of adverts (I sold advertising since 1976), and then something about a rogue male and #TGBMS.
The search algorithms are looking for a combination of relevance and recency of (relevant) updates = live, current, real people also trying to help with your search query.
Now search “money loans credit debt mortgage bank building society fraud action refund” (or part combos thereof) and we can have a moment like they do in Jaws, comparing scars ;-(
For Trish, the idea was that “lawful bank gb b manchester” would also give you and yours a platform of self-maintained and True-Real-You profiles to also use those forums or events or both, to fill up first a screen a month, then a week, then a day.
The other great news being that with the combined (albeit disparate) efforts of all and every “bank buster” groups, the whistle-blowers are jumping ship ever more frequently, so stand by for total banking collapse, and the legal profession, and estate agents, and the courts, and many / most a politician, which is already happening, and so might not even need any more seething crowd screenings, beyond 2017, say. Or “repair the damage” seminars will be more the flavour of who attends, and why.
Again, thank you for this latest post, Neil. Something is clearly afoot and the demise you speak of is inevitable as more and more become conscious of the nature of the swindle, particularly the monetary mechanics behind the creation of the fake loan. Happy days ahead, for sure.
Charles and I have had a couple of phone calls, and now texts, and now email chains included, which he says he’ll try and digest later. Daughter and whoever might have been helping C with internet comms, so far, but that’s also been a bit “fraught” to say the least. Neighbour Bill sounds up to speed and capable.
If whoever of “Team Heirons” also gets a chance to look back up all the comments on here, you’ll see Michelle Boyle duplicated across both blog and email chain – and on lawfulbank as we were until Jan 2016.
Another key point being that some of this is “my generation” (I’m 60) catching on in increasing numbers to the Hell on Earth we have actually been sustaining. And if collapsing and rebuilding it is NOT “Good for All” (every age, race, colour, gender, religion-or-none, whatever), or “All” excluding 1% elites who must have known what they were doing keeping Hell going, then I’ll fall on my own sword.
E.g., As 11,000,000+ currently mortgaged “UK” properties become £-free – show me the landlord / renter or council or housing association that still thinks charging £-squillions in rent is a viable business plan, and I’ll show them where to start learning some farming skills instead, with Team Heirons.
Hi Guys, Thanks for the efforts in getting in touch…my case is so complex its a nightmare to try and explain….
The success of what I did at Derby Court has allowed me to put together a team of people who are fighting my corner on many fronts.
One of which is looking into the SRA about how my paperwork was handled, boxes going missing for years etc… Well now its all here in one place the story is becoming clearer and there are still many questions that need answering from lost paperwork.
Thanks for the positive comments, I’ll be back shortly to talk more…..any specific questions from anybody?
Here’s a news link to explain more about the SRAs failings that have cost me so dearly……
Hi, what are your thoughts on the NRAM “together” mortgage customers? I am one of thousands who are 10 years in and still in negative equity….effectively held hostage by the UK government. No ability to move the mortgage because of an interest rate that shoots up by 8% on the unsecured part and massively increased charges for consent to lease. the government essentially have a large group of customers who they know cant move…they can keep them on inflated SVR rates and then hit them harder if they try and rent or move the mortgage element
You must be livid – understandably so. Northern Rock was another of the purported ‘banks’ bailed out by billions of pounds of stolen tax payers’ money and then taken under the aegis of UKAR, as run by HM Treasury. Your situation and that of others is an exemplar of the ‘dead pledge’ origin of the term ‘mortgage’. It is, of course, a sham for there is no valid deed or even legal mortgage in place. It all hangs by a thread and that thread is the void deed of mortgage, as registered at the Land Registry. Whilst the courts, being a rigged game, offer no remedy, it may be possible to apply for the void ‘charge’ to be removed from the register.
Personally, I am of the view that people need to organise themselves into groups and go on a ‘mortgage strike’, having established the facts of the matter – namely, that the mortgages are all void. I have written about it here and this other piece explains how and why the ‘mortgages’ are void in 600 words.
Until masses of people stop complying with the fraud, then nothing will change.
It’s interesting how you’ve changed your website to this new one under a new tag line, just months after you’ve walked away from your responsibilities in other projects under your older ‘The Bernician Chronicles’ and your confusing ‘Trusts’ Union(s) that you claimed you were ‘helping’ others in, that you never answered messages on and accused people of ‘stealing’ what you claimed was ‘your’ ideas, when am pretty sure you’ve imitated quite a number of residents of these isles that you’ve never met of their unique ideas, whilst dressing it and the terminology as your own (which just proves you understand nothing of those ideas that you flagrantly copy on a whim for aims that seem to be for Narcissistic desires and hurting others who come to you for help!), whilst parading on Dellingpod & Devlin podcasts your supposedly ‘secret’ backstory that just doesn’t wash, as if you’re somehow a ‘Michael Knight 2.0’ from Knight Rider! The only ‘proof’ you provide is your ‘one-hit sucess story’ with mortgage scandals that you never offer anything new to. You can only fool people for so long before they realise they’ve been just as conned by you as those you claim to be against like Wancock & co! If you want to act, go into amateur dramatics, NOT POLITICS!
You’re barking up the wrong tree, ‘Citizen’. This website was set up nearly 10 years ago and, if you’d bothered to read about it, you would not have made such a stupid error and left such a moronic comment.
Hear hear, Michael. I have personally been reading BOTH you and the other Michael since about 2014, and therefore followed your impeccable guidance into being part of The Great British Mortgage Swindle class action, complete with my own, personal, researched, recorded and submitted proof as far as my initial Nationwide Building Society “mortgage” on 31 Chichester Close, Dunstable, Beds LU5 4AG goes.
There has long been a central database HPI stolen vehicle check. UK Land Registry database should also confirm or deny that any similar “theft” of our lands and homes (and work-from-home in my case). I have a vague memory that this WordPress platform you use does not tolerate live website links, so de-activated version is…
themovemarket (com)/tools/propertyprices/31-chichester-close-dunstable-lu5-4ag
Today’s price – £419,000 – Last sold: October 1998 @ £86,000
What happened on and after 14 January 2014 then, when my employees, Bedfordshire police, turned up mob handed and chucked me and the wife and our dog out onto our front lawn?
As we evolved a FoxPHP platform into lawfulbank (com) to help us come together and stay in touch etc., what did happen is that a variety of Citizen Kan’t types tried to swamp us with porn and other distractions and, having failed miserably by December 2021, elevated us to “hack the whole site” status. Too late, team Kan’t-Kunt / SunaKhunt. You need a real name and face and place to live now, innit.
Cheers, Neil. I’ve no idea from which stone the ‘citizen’ has crept. However, a citizen is one who sails on the ship of fools.