If one were to emigrate to India (a prospect the RM did indeed consider back in 1999-2001) would one be actively seeking Indian nationality/citizenship? Would one ever contemplate creating a family dynasty that ensured one’s progeny would eventually become Indian citizens, as demonstrated by the establishment of, say, nine generations of succeeding ancestry?
Bar a few deluded individuals, such a scenario is most unlikely to rise.
Yet, are not all those people who migrate to these Isles being asked to do just that?
The development of the Anglo-Indians was a consequence of migrant British people procreating with some of the indigenous Indian people of the sub-continent. These attempts to establish rooted families were no doubt well-intended and may indeed have been a result of a love that knows no boundaries. However, as time has passed, they have diminished in number. The same situation exists in South Africa where one can note the existence of the so-called ‘Coloured’ people.
Why do these attempts at mixing indigenous peoples from different lands (multiculturalism) invariably fail in the long term?
RM’s father used to state that the eagle doesn’t mate with the sparrow as an argument against the mixing of peoples of different hues, creeds and cultures. Some would take that as testimony to a racist attitude, as, indeed, RM did at the time. Nevertheless, the question of racial mixing is an interesting one for those who are able to apply critical thinking to an issue that is too easily dismissed as ‘racist’ or ‘Nazi’ by those who merely parrot the politically-correct doctrines of cultural marxism. In the happy-clappy rainbow world of such parrots, it is often merely assumed that diversity creates an ideal ‘blend’, with ‘international beige’ becoming the ‘be-spoke’ tone of skin of this engineered breed of mankind.
Yet the discerning reader may take the stance that there is nothing inherently wrong with the view that ‘birds of a feather flock together’. It is a view that Mohammed Ali, the former world champion boxer, had no qualms about articulating on this episode of the Parkinson Show from 1971. Note how he blows apart the cultural marxist baloney of the host, Michael Parkinson.
In any event, it does not matter what people’s opinions are when the facts speak for themselves.
The whole multicultural/diversity argument is merely a statist‘s wet dream: the bottom line is that certain biological body-brain types of mankind do not thrive and prosper in the long term – by which one means over successive generations – when they migrate to a climate that is not suited to their particular human form. One has only to consider the lack of familial longevity (both are dying out) that exists among the above referenced Anglo-Indians and ‘Coloureds’ to acknowledge that is the case.
In this sense, mass immigration and multi-culturalism is doomed to failure as, ultimately, nature (or ‘God’, as some insist on calling it) is in charge and not the order followers and genetic engineers who manipulate the global ‘workforce’ like pieces on a monopoly board.
No one claims that, for example, ‘Nigeria is too black’ and would benefit from an influx of white immigrants to make it more ‘diverse’.
No one claims that ‘China is too yellow’ and would benefit from being more ‘multi-cultural’, so why not encourage mass immigration of African or Indian peoples to the land of the rising sun?
Yet some fucktards take the view that, for example, ‘Sweden is too white and needs to become multi-cultural’ or that ‘because some robbers, bandits and pirates of a white skin hue engaged in pillage, robbery and conquering of peoples with a brown skin hue then any one with a white skin must pay reparations for the actions of those who may or may not have been their ancestors.’ It is palpable nonsense and the sort of claptrap that gets spouted by all those who buy into the lie that is multi-culturalism.
In the final analysis, multi-culturalism is self evidently nothing more than socio-economic engineering which is doomed to fail and anyone who claims otherwise is simply not looking deeply enough.

Let’s face it, it is fair to state that most people who have moved to the British Isles since the influx began some 70 years ago only did so for financial considerations. This movement followed the financially engineered genocidal ritualistic slaughter of tens of millions of indigenous peoples of these lands and mainland Europe commonly known as the Second World War. The fact that so many young men were massacred in the banker-financed wars of the last century meant that there was a shortage of male workers/slaves to populate the NHS and/or other state-controlled services like transport, so peoples were invited to come in from other parts of the ‘Empire’.
Whilst there will always be exceptions, it is not unreasonable to state that even those families who have resided in the British Isles for 3 or more generations do not have any deep affinity for the lands, for the countryside or even the peoples. RM’s connection with the land of his birth remains as deep and resonant as it always has been. Take him out of the town or city and into the countryside, and he is instantly ‘at home’. Similarly, when he was traipsing through the Himalaya and railroading his way across the Deccan plains of India, it was a fact that he developed a longing for the day-to-day interaction with his friends, family and the folks of the British Isles in general. Whilst RM is no longer a citizen of the fake corporate state commonly known as the UK, he remains resolutely a man indigenous to the lands of his birth and ancestry.
RM loves these lands and he loves the peoples of these lands. And little wonder: his ancestry stretches back millennia and, thus his DNA, those inherited characteristics of his lineage are finely tuned to the consciousness of the terra firma, fauna and flora and the native freedom loving spirit of the peoples.
Having watched, for the purposes of research only, the inane confrontation on Question Time [11 December, 2014] between those poncing proselytizers of statism, Farage and Brand (sounds like an effete after shave label), any and all arguments about immigration and who should be allowed to come to these lands would become moot when the simple question were asked, “So Nigel/Russell, how many generations of your family have lived on these lands?”
Going by that customary test, anything less than NINE generations and they would have to shut the fuck up because they would not, at least in ancient times, have been deemed indigenous to these lands. It would certainly be an interesting standard to apply to all. Now there is something to ponder. How many generations of the House of Windsor-Rothschild- Saxe-Coburg-Gothas have lived in Britain?
The silence from all parties would speak volumes.
In any event, the Law of Nature (natural law) will, ultimately, take a hold thereby rendering any and all multicultural/diversity arguments dumb and meaningless along with all social engineering programmes becoming utterly redundant. If it weren’t for the desire for more of the financial benefits created by the socio-economic manipulators, the banksters and their illegitimate governments all issues of immigration would vanish into the ether.
If the ancient tenets were revived, to be deemed British would mean that an individual could demonstrate at least 9 generations of his family living on these lands. The following is from the Triads of the Isle of Prydein [Britain]:
There were three refuge seeking tribes that came to the Island of Prydein and they came under the peace and permission of the tribe of the Cymry, without arms and without opposition.
The first was a tribe of Caledonians in the north. The second was the Irish tribe, who dwelled in the highlands of Scotland. The third were the people of Galedin, who came in naked vessels to the Island of Wight, when their country was drowned, where they had land granted them by the tribe of Cymry. They had no privilege of claim in the Island of Prydein, but they had land and protection assigned to them under certain limitations;
and it was stipulated that they should not possess the rank of native Cymry until the ninth of their lineal descendants.
In any event, mass immigration is merely the symptom of the socio-economic engineering that has taken place across mainland Europe and the isles of Britain since WW2. It is not the socio-economic refuges who are the enemy within since it is not they who are behind the on-going genocide of the indigenous European peoples. Once the false god of money, that controls the peoples of this planet, is reduced to rubble, any and all forms of financially-rooted migration will become but a distant memory in the fascinating histories of all peoples.
On equally solid grounds of evidence, the social state of Britain has been described as from
its first settlement by Hu the Mighty, that of a civilized and polished community.Had no other monument of Kymric antiquity but the Code of British Laws of Molmutius (B.C. 600), which still forms the basis of our common or unwritten law, descended to us, we could not doubt that we were handling the index of civilization of a very high order.
Compiled from the various ancient records BY RICHARD WILLIAMS MORGAN 1857
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