England should be a nation of self governing communities. No lord shall exercise lordship over the people, and, as we are oppressed by so vast a hoard of bishops and clerks, the property of the holy church should be taken and divided.” Wat Tyler, British revolutionary, 1381.

Right. Just so we know. Each of these three men (pictured left and below) is drowning in a swamp of lies.
The biggest of which, as demonstrated here and here is that Banks actually lend any moneys.
Credit extension based on a promise to pay is all they ever facilitate.
To ignore this fact is to place oneself firmly in the sweaty palms of the money makers and their hired henchmen.
Is Andrew Sutcliffe (below, right) a hired henchman?

Was he bought and paid for by whichever hand controls that bastion of lies and deceit known as the Leeds Combined Court?
Time after time, but with increasing regularity right now, HMCTS are proven to be demonstrably unfit for purpose.
The system of despotic control was declared as such in 2012 in the High Court when Michael O’Bernicia stated,
As far as I am concerned, a system of justice that does not deliver justice is void ab initio and needs to be struck down.” SOURCE
Paula Campbell owed nothing.
There is no proof of any debt.
As a matter of accounting fact, she, like millions of other purported ‘mortgagors’ was the creditor of the Bank.
There is no valid deed of mortgage in existence.
There is no possession order.
None of these exist.
Yet Wilson Horne, a man who apparently wouldn’t know the truth if it came and kicked him up the arse, persisted in his deliberate distortion of the facts in order to cover up what was an entirely criminal racket.

His sidekick, ‘Jimmy Boy’ Chadwick also demonstrated himself to be a proven liar.
The only truth heard in ‘court’ was spoken by Paula and Graham.
And yet, Andrew Sutcliffe, who was acting as a High Court Judge chose to ignore this, preferring instead to swallow the not-so-convincing sophistry of Wilson.
In so doing any judgement he issues on Michaelmas Day (29 September) 2014 will be void and vulnerable to being struck out and/or appeal.
To repeat the question: was he drafted in especially for the task of silencing and denying what is an entirely valid claim against Redstone Mortgages for their trespass and wanton destruction of the property, the lives and the well-being of the Campbell family?
Why and how did he come to pick up the poisoned chalice?

The answer may lie in the company he keeps.
He operates out of the fake Square Mile – the ancient heart of London that drips with the blood of the likes of William Wallace and Wat Tyler.
It is a phony state within a state whose machinations are dominated not only by the fake-financial usurers but also by the old Livery Companies like the Mercers and Haberdashers. His loyalties lie with these masters – a Venetian-Babylonian-Pharoanic hidden coterie of white-collar criminals whose symbolism proliferates on its building and its coat of arms. (See links at foot of page)
A coat of arms which, incidentally, gloats the death of the great Wat Tyler who was butchered to death in St Bartholomew’s Church by including (top left of shield) the dagger he was killed with by a man called Walworth:
Though Parliament had complained about this gang of plutocrats,
Walworth, now war treasurer, and his friends conspired
To keep food prices up and they persuaded the King to issue Edicts,
That gave them the monopolies and the profits they desired.But Tyler’s ideas for fair shares were alien to Walworth –
Blasphemy to this courtier, brothel-keeper and money-grubber ,
Who, when he saw the King shake hands with a “shoeless ruffian”, [26]
ly saw red and leapt at Tyler with his dagger.Like a coward, Mayor Walworth attacked Tyler from behind,
Stabbing him in the neck with his blade.
Walworth set a pattern for the City of London’s robber barons:
Self-serving cutthroats who work in the shade.
Of course, the truth is directly at odds to their story which is a veiled attempt to paint a false picture of him as a criminal.
In any event, and to return to the present, Andrew Sutcliffe was a man acting as a high court judge. Why were none of the other titled judges who preside at that bastion of fake debt and tyranny known as the Leeds Combined Courts? Have they lost their balls? Did they ever have them?
The entire proceedings were marked by the unmistakeable whiff of the old school tie network. Plummy accented men pretending that they and only they are able to deliberate the truth. Their pomposity loomed large, built on their empty rhetoric which hung like a stale fart in a bogus judge’s chamber. Not surprising when one considers just how much shit was pouring out.
To misquote Mark Twain:
The legal profession and babies’ nappies must be changed often and for the same reason.”
With each and every utterance, the swamp of deceit that these men inhabit draws them in deeper and deeper. Any order that ignores the truth of the matter – namely that the purported debt is fake – is an insult to the intelligence of the people.
The truth is out yet the bozo passengers continue to refuse to alight the runaway train.
The end of the track is looming large.
The question needs asking: which side are you on?
Truth or lies?
Make no mistake: the people will end the tyranny.
Our noble ancestors, amongst whom Moelmutius, William Wallace, Wat Tyler, the Luddites et al were prominent, have proven time after time that when push comes to shove, the real power is always with the people.
If you doubt that, then watch any video of the countless in which bullying bailiffs have to do one when faced by the people’s ire and realise that this is from the ground up.
A recent headline in the MI5 newsletter commonly known as the Daily Telegraph asked “When will the middle classes rebel?”
The answer is when they realise which side they are truly on. In the meantime, it is the ordinary folk who are taking action in increasing numbers and with greater levels of knowledge.
And therein lies the key: the once occulted knowledge is now out in the open.
The miseducation system has failed. Mankind’s natural intelligences are breaking through the veils of deception.
What the elites kept hidden from the masses is no longer so and therefore the spell is broken.
RM therefore, heartily encourages any one who is able to make it to attend the delivery of the erroneous judgement that the spineless operatives have undoubtedly cooked up for Monday’s hearing.
The fact that Leeds, the city, lies at the heart of so much of the financial and legal tyranny is significant too.

Just as the fake golden owls of its civic hall (left) serve to illustrate the pathetic Harry Potteresque ‘wizardry’ at play in what was once known as Loidis in the ancient Brythonic kingdom known as Elmet, so too that red brick edifice known as its ‘courts’ stand as a broken symbol of injustice and an emblem of the tyranny that is perpetrated by the self-serving duped operatives who suck on the teat of the fake god known as ‘money’.
The spell is broken. The fake house of cards will inevitably fall.
As all despots and dictators have well-understood, the power lies in the people.
The revolution will not be bloody but it will be swift and it will come at the hands of Run-away Grand Juries:
1. Smithfield The Scene Of Ritual Slaughter in London – Mark Windows & Mad Scotsman
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