The entire Scottish Referendum over independence was nothing more than a well-oiled beer and circus show.
Had the Westminster puppets and their masters decided that the vote was to be ‘Yes’ then so it would have transpired.
In this sense it was nothing more than a media-led distraction from the real issue of freedom. Even if it had been rigged in favour of the ‘Yes’ crowd, it would have amounted to nothing more than a mere front for sucking a nation further into the tower of Babel that is the European Union.
If the people of Alba are serious about gaining independence they would do well to look into the Right of Self-Determination.
Any peoples on the planet have the inherent right to self-determination, to exist without State interference in their lives. A man’s journey through life is, at least as far as the RM is concerned, one of self-realisation. He can be exactly what he chooses to be.
When he is a citizen that choice has been given up and what he is presented with is fake freedom.
The notion that the masters of the citizens would ‘grant’ them their freedoms by way of a rigged electoral system is a sleight of hand worthy of the most brilliant illusionist.
When a man chooses true freedom he has to renounce his citizenship. No more presumptions of status, no more payment of taxation to a criminal Crown, no more registration, no more miseducation, no more phony state benefits and privileges. These are the chains that bind him to a fake system dressed as ‘democracy’ but which, in reality, is enslavement by state-corporatism.
In other words, fascism is the real system he is operating under.
It begins and ends with the erroneous belief that there is a legitimate power that intervenes between man and his maker.
Last Friday, in a High Court hearing in the city of Leeds in Deira, Paula, a woman stated for and on the public record, that she in fact a child of God and that no man comes between her and the divine creator. In other words, she is sovereign. Beyond external governance.
It was a powerful expression because it is the truth.
The fact that mankind as a whole may falsely believe in the fake apparatus known as the ‘State’ is irrelevant.
Paula was demonstrating by the fact of her self-realisation that she is under Natural Law only.
Which, of course, is true of each and every blessed living soul on this planet.
The people of Alba are well aware of these facts because it is the truth and it is this freedom to determine their own lives and live free of state tyranny that the system attempted to placate. But as to independence, it was never offering any such thing.
The referendum was thus a mirage, a Bread Beer and Circus show amounting to nothing more than a cheap conjuring act or base psychological operation.
What can be done?
All power lies within the individual’s natural right to self-determination. To achieve that the indigenous peoples can renounce their citizenship and stop paying those who falsely deem to govern them. All external governments are false.
In so doing, they become anarchists. These anarchists can form their own micro nations of like-minded souls. They can claim back all the lands which were stolen from their ancestors.
This is what the Universal Community of Self-Realisation has done. Sovereign men and women who have renounced the trap of citizenship and formed alliances with each other around these lands and abroad too.
And all under Natural Law, with a treaty that enshrines the rights of the individual as paramount.
The Maxim,
Accuse no innocent; shelter no guilty”
is implicitly understood by the freedom loving peoples of these lands – it is sacred principle that’s as ancient as the granite in Alba’s mountains.
The Referendum was a doomed attempt to placate this desire for freedom from tyranny.
That it was rigged there is little doubt and anyone who regards that as impossible, would do well to look into the opportunities for such that are provided by a computerised system that is controlled by Serco and/or one of its operatives. The blatant rigging that took place at the pantomimes of the counting stations was a mirror of the fixing that was going on behind the scenes via the private companies controlled by Serco which were running the computer software.
Scottish electoral rigging – the smoking gun:

The peoples of these lands have proud ancestral heritages spanning thousands of years. They are indigenous to these lands and, as such, have every fecking right to self-determination.
If they were not blind to the increasingly blatant smoke and mirrors trickery of phony ‘democracy’ and oppressive ‘citizenship’ then they would, as individuals, simply declare themselves to be sovereign and begin the task of building truly independent clans of like-minded others.
That journey to freedom will begin with one step.
If the peoples of Alba want freedom from all fake external governance then they need only realise just who they are individually and step away from the once-red-now-dark-coats of Cameron and the rest of the psychotic aristocratic fake slave masters.
That opportunity is available to all peoples on these lands. Our ancestors had it, it has always existed and it is there for the taking.
Just as soon as the people shake off their phony chains.
Declare your own independence now and establish your right to self-determination – quite literally, it is your birthrite (sic).
Voluntary association, anarchy, beyond external government.
Anyone who realises they are sovereign and anarchic in spirit and wishes to form voluntary associations with other like minded souls, is encouraged to make contact with the Universal Community of Self-Realisation.
When the sovereign people of Alba revoke their citizenship & implied consent to be governed by the Red Coated Pirates of the Crown House of Rothschild and its minions of Westminster, and re-establish the ancient clans, then and only then, will they truly begin their journey to freedom. To true independence.
Anything less is a state-engineered illusion.
A beer and circus show.
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