Tom Crawford , an associate of RM’s, has openly declared war on the iniquitous system of control known as the Judiciary.
Chris Spivey has also declared war on the morally redundant system of control known as ‘Government’.
They have correctly identified the enemy and both recognise the war we are in is a psychological one, with material effects.
Each and everyone of us is engaging in a war that has been going on all our lives.
Today, RM is acutely aware that, for him personally, it began when he was just 8 months old.
When RM emerged from his mother’s womb he was, in an instant, thrust into a battlefield of the psyche which immediately tested his physical and psychological strength.
If the reader thinks that is an exaggeration or distortion, then please consider the effects that a circumcision performed without anaesthetic on a male baby.
That particular battlefield’s roots lie in the false religion known as Judaism, a form of mind control that has, like a bacteria, slowly formed to cover huge swathes of mankind’s consciousness.
We are also at war with organised religion – a battlefield for the consciousness of each individual.
The capture of the mind is performed via various means – the manipulators of man’s consciousness are well aware of how the mind is susceptible to idolatry and, consequently, it pervades every aspect of control, whether it be phony government, religion, science, media, the money system, freemasonry, the illegitimate monarchy, the ‘star’ system of the entertainment world – it all serves to capture the mind of the individual and manipulate it for the purposes of control.
Idolatry is a term for the worship of an idol or a physical object such as a cult image as a god, or practices believed to verge on worship, such as giving honour and regard to created forms.
Many individuals are susceptible to false pantheons of ‘gods’ whose images bedeck millions of temples, churches and the media in all its forms.
The ancient ancestors of those born on these lands well understood that maxim: not for them false demi-gods, holy books or houses of worship…
All they needed to guide them was the Truth.
The tales of valour were of their ancestral lineage – not fake gods.
The recent attempts to re-create a line of teutonic gods falls short of the truth. It all serves one purpose – to cut man off from Nature and his place in the cosmos.
The spoken word is, ultimately, all man needs and all he ever needed- it begins and ends with sound.
The bards of ancient times taught the lessons by way of verse, by way of connection with Nature, with the cosmos: as above, so below.
Metaphor, rhyme, rhythm are the tools of the bard. The individual listener is not watching some ethereal mega-screen of sound and light. Why would he need to when he has been born with imagination?
The mind controllers and manipulators of consciousness are acutely aware of how man’s imagination is easily caught by imagery, by the Bread Beer Circus parade and this, of course, is how and why advertising is so successful and how the medium of television is a form of mass psychic manipulation.
As the deeds of the ancients were committed to memory and repeated, the listener would come to his own understanding, his own mind would be the medium through which he came to understand those lessons that he was listening to.
He had no need for books, for false temples to phony gods; all that he needed and all that he ever required was his own mind and his innate connection to the natural world around him.
If the mind is the blacksmith’s forge, his innate power of reason is the anvil upon which his understanding is shaped.
The hammer, is the lessons he learns and the two edged sword he forges upon the anvil of his mind is the logic/reason and intuition by which he comes to know and reveal the truth. Lies and distortions are cut away by the twin edges of his sword (words).
The resulting action that he takes in the material world is wisdom.
Thus, he has no need of external governance for his connection with his ancestral lineage and the spirit he embodies, simultaneously, as the latest in that eternal line, is all that he requires and all that he has ever required.
The combination of reason, imagination and intuition are thus the sword and the shield by which he makes his way in the material world of spirit.
Many right now are rightly livid at the genocidal actions being taken by the Rothschild Fiefdom known as Israel but how many are aware of the not-so-hidden weapons of genocide that are being used against them and their children right now on these lands?
You want to help the children of Palestine? Then focus on what can be achieved in your own immediate sphere of influence.
What can you do to break the machinery of oppression as it manifests in your life?
The MON-EYE is the most dangerous superstition and machinery of control.
The role the individual plays in bringing down the Crown House of Rothschild’s (CHR) financial system will serve to bring down not just the murderous state of Israel but also tyrannical regimes the world over which are controlled by the Rothschild.
Israel is the fiefdom out of which the CHR operates, with such ruthlessness that it tears into the psyche of the individual who sees the terrible consequences of it.
Seriously, if one wants to bring the genocide of Palestine to an end the most effective thing one can do is to engage with the financial oppression that faces you right here and now for it is of the same source.
The point is clear: it serves no purpose for the individual to feed himself images of tyranny from far off lands when he is right now in a war that is manifest in these lands upon which we stand.
If one wants to bring the massacres to an end, then bring it down here – for this is the place out of which the enemy operates.
The war that is emerging and has been for thousands of years is one against those priests of finance – the money changers, the banksters, call them what you will but they are what they are: namely, the ENEMY. The weapons of genocide may be different –
– but the effect is the same – the wiping out of indigenous peoples by a cadre of sick psychopaths.
One’s mind and spirit is the sword and shield by which you engage in the war for your soul – without it you are prey to all those who would control you.
It is time to cut out all that is fake and that, without limitation, includes –
those who promote a teutonic pantheon of fake gods,
the man who makes the ridiculous call for 2000 people to travel to Palestine to form human shields,
the man who dilutes his teachings on Natural Law with reams of conjecture about Alien visitations,
those who continue to spin out new age woo woo,
the man who makes key historical omissions,
the fake prophets of Statism,
‘mini- anarchists’ who advocate ‘lite government’,
the fear pornographers and the phony messiahs who prey on the susceptibilities of those who seek a father figure.
RM is also calling out as cowards those who promote subservience to the fake system of tyranny: “it’s all so encompassing, there is nothing you can do about it but get your head down and comply in the vain hope that like a nightmare, it will pass.”
Those advocates of such an approach are a disgrace to their ancestral lineage.
For fuck’s sake, do you really think your ancestors would take such a line when their lands, families and lives were under threat from attack?
Who is the hero if not the individual?
He is the latest in an epic line of heroes but he will achieve fuck all by adopting a passive approach or making a fake plea to phony Gods.
Beware the many form of idolatry. They are traps for the mind.
Take no authority other than the truth.
Take action in the immediate world you are in: polish the mirror of you own brilliance by wiping it clean of phony reflections deposited there by others.
One is the fucking hero, no one else.
And, if one cannot find it within, then its certainly won’t be found with-out.