The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men, Gang aft agley,
An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain…”
When the RM woke up from a state of complicit slumber to the deceptions and psychological manipulations that are being perpetrated on the consciousness of Mankind, he expected his friends to arise from their slumbers too.
The world is not ‘alright’, it is not ‘all good’ and, contrary to what anyone may tell another, there is A LOT we can do about it.
This piece is written for those who would previously have regarded the RM as a friend, those who have stepped away from him as he has headed off down a series of revelatory investigations, realisations and uncoverings that may metaphorically be referred to as rabbit holes.
It is now the time to reveal all that he has discovered and in this sense, roguemale.org is the aggregation of that which he has found. If it cannot reveal to those friends what is afoot then it will be deemed a failure as RM is less interested in reaching the already converted. Therefore, in that sense, i am writing this for all those who have watched me fade into the background or seen me slip down a worm hole into which they would rather not follow.
It is also dedicated to Richard ~ a man unique amongst those friends in that he is the one who has provided me with a home to live in following the criminal evictions that RM was subjected to on 4 November 2010 and 7 November 2011. Richard is a man who RM has known as a true friend for 23 years and he is man upon whom he has absolute trust. It is also a heartfelt dedication to his partner Martina and Ava, their seven month old daughter.
Other friends have fallen by the wayside over the last 5 years since RM began his battles with those psychotic legal and financial systems of control.
To be clear: none of this is expressed out of a sense of regret or loss ~ we are born into this world alone and we leave it just so. I am simply stating the facts.
I am writing this for all those who knew me previously as a friend, for former partners and lovers, work colleagues and, in fact, any one of those hundreds of ostensibly good people with whom i have enjoyed a toke, shared time with, laughed uproariously alongside, and drunk several pints with. They remain as loved now by RM as they ever were.
And yet…

it is a fact that they continue to sleep the slumber of Rip Van Winkle.
Various comments i have heard from these people will be familiar to all those who have stepped down the less travelled highways and byways of life:
“That’s just the way things are…”
“You’re right, but there’s nothing we can do about it…”
“Why are you bothering..?”
“Look, people want to be cheated: your house was taken, get over it and move on.”
“We are living in the Age of Kali, there is nothing you can do about it.”
“What can I do?”
“I can’t do that … what about my family?”
“I know they are cunts but i just pay them, let them take what they want” was a phrase used my former colleague, Andy when he witnessed the Claim of Right I served on her very lowness, Elizabeth back in April 2009.
Each and everyone to whom RM has explained the fraud at the heart of the Mortgage
Swindle has understood it. My friend Jim, who works as a ‘licencing solicitor’ in a country that has seen the demise of 17k pubs since the draconian smoking bans were introduced in 2007 readily acknowledges the validity of Natural Law, the ancient rights, customs and privileges the peoples have under commonly held usages and traditions and he knows too the deception at play in a country that is under the sway of a system of Feudalism that has been gripping its people since 1066. Feudalism is defined as when land/property is granted to you by rulers to whom you pay tribute. All forms of taxation are wrong as they are based on the destruction of free will, violence and coercion.
For obvious reasons, the Mortgage Swindle is the splinter in most people’s minds: they will never contemplate not making the fraudulent extortion payments each months, just as they cannot countenance withholding moneys from the pirates operating on behalf of the Crown’s Revenue Collection Services ~ when, in their hearts and their minds, they know that all taxation is theft and that, in reality, a mortgage is simply a tenancy agreement and that each and every one of them is just a couple of payments away from a possession claim being made against them by a Bank that has sold on their mortgage and is simply acting as a collector for and on behalf of the investors in mortgage backed securities.
As long as they can pay, they will turn a blind eye to the tyranny around them and to the fact that they are only paying under duress. Think that’s not the case? Well, ask anyone if they would be happy to pay more taxes.
The definition of a slave is someone who gives over to his master all that he has earned and created by way of his sweat equity. What if his master says, “Ok, just give me 60%, you can keep the rest.”
Does that make him any less of a slave. Are there degrees of slavery? Think about it. Get your thinking noggin round that ~ especially if you are on the land mass known as Britain and/or one of its overseas colonies like the fake ‘United States’, ‘Canada’, ‘New Zealand’ et al.
Larkin Rose has nailed this in his wee film… the Jones Plantation.
Britain is demonstrably a police state. We are living in a panopticon of insane dimensions.
A country where the BBC (Bread, Beer and Circuses) headline states “Jury Rules Duggan Killing Lawful” has lost any sense of its collective moral compass.
That statement is not only an insult to the man who was executed by the fuckwitted-trigger-happy cops who murdered him, but it is an affront to Natural Law.
The use of violence against another is a violation of Natural Law in so far as no Man has the right to initiate violence against another. As Mark Passio states so precisely,
“Violence is the immoral initiation of physical power to coerce, compel or restrain. it is a coercive action which is in opposition to morality and Natural Law because it involves the violation of others’ rights. it is an action which one NEVER possesses the right to take.”
“Violence and Force are diametrically opposed polar opposites. Force is that capacity to do work or cause physical change: it is energy, strength, active power.
Force is Action which is in Harmony with morality and Natural Law because it does not violate another’s rights. Action, which one always possesses the right to take, includes the defence against violence,”
The Non-Aggression Principle is the Sacred Feminine.
The Self-Defence Principle is the Sacred Masculine.
It is self-evident that Mark Duggan was the victim of a violent murderous attack by a traitorous police force operating wholly outside the Law. By definition it was a breach of Natural Law. To suggest his assassination was a “Lawful killing” is simply Double-Speak, a fork-tongued twisting of Truth that lays bare the complete immorality of a purported Justice System that is not fit for purpose and needs to be declared void and struck down by the people of these lands.
All that is needed for Evil to Triumph is for Good Men to do nothing.
RM is well aware that this article has zoomed in and out over a broad terrain of subject matter but the various strands can be drawn together by reference back to Robbie Burns’ poetic phrase from 1786: wherefore, to all my friends, current, former & future ~
RM has indeed been out a-roaming and although, in a sense he never left, he remains amongst us and his findings are clear: right now, they can be distilled down to this: the answer to which lies within each and everyone of his friends, past, current or future:
We and our families are under attack: what are you going to do about it?
Are you mice or are you Men?”
Acknowledgements go out to Any and All those brothers who uphold the Sacred Masculine Principle: You Know Who You Are.
Particular acknowledgements to:
Mark Passio
Michael O’Bernicia
Michael-Paul of the Albert Family
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