Skripal: another False Flag?

The narrative requires us to believe that a double agent, Sergei Skripal, ‘previously’ employed by MI6, who was jailed in 2006 for treason against the Russian state, released in 2010 and came to settle in Britain, is subject to a clumsy assassination attempt by his former government. This attempt was made via use of a ‘nerve gas’ which, it is alleged, was produced by Russian laboratories and goes by the name,  ‘Novichok’.

Yet, even the very existence of said chemical weapon is doubtful:

 “As recently as 2016 Dr Robin Black, Head of the Detection Laboratory at the UK’s only chemical weapons facility at Porton Down, a former colleague of Dr David Kelly, published in an extremely prestigious scientific journal that the evidence for the existence of Novichoks was scant and their composition unknown.


In recent years, there has been much speculation that a fourth generation of nerve agents, ‘Novichoks’ (newcomer), was developed in Russia, beginning in the 1970s as part of the ‘Foliant’ programme, with the aim of finding agents that would compromise defensive countermeasures. Information on these compounds has been sparse in the public domain, mostly originating from a dissident Russian military chemist, Vil Mirzayanov. No independent confirmation of the structures or the properties of such compounds has been published.


Source: Robin Black. (2016) Development, Historical Use and Properties of Chemical Warfare Agents. Royal Society of Chemistry. LINK

There is also this fact to consider:


So, what does it add up to? Cui Bono?

Could it be an attempt to demonise Russia and Putin? A pretext for conflict, a third world war as laid out by Albert Pike?

“Make no mistake, the poisoning of Sergei Skripal is part of an on-going and long-running psy war between Russia and the West, whoever carried out this attack had the intent of blackening Russia’s image in the minds of the British people. However, do you think Russia’s psywar guys give a toss about their image among the British and western sheeple or about “Russophobia” in those markets?


Fear and talk in the said markets about how Russian psywar guys are manipulating politics and media in the west (which they are) is GOOD for the Russian psywar effort, not BAD. Why? Because it implies to western populations that western rulers are WEAK, unable to control what goes on in western countries. That is really awful for morale. This is all in Psychological Warfare 101.


In short, the more bleating there is in Britain and the West about Russian manipulation of politics and media in those countries, the more the Russian psy war guys celebrate.”


“At the end of the day, the people who benefit from this crass and obvious attempt to ratchet up the tension between Russia and the West and to poison the minds of the British people against Russia is all too clear – it is the Zionist criminals who control Israel and the US.


Why is an even more obvious answer, they are pushing the world ever closer to World War 3 and poisoning a former Russian spy on the streets of Britain is their way of sowing in the minds of the British sheeple the notion that the Russians, and particularly Putin, are both belligerent and reckless enough to disregard international law and justice, to ignore British sovereignty and carry out a brutal murder on the streets of a quiet English town.


The message they wish to inculcate is one of fear and loathing of the big, bad Russian bear, a clear psy op to prepare the British sheeple for the upcoming war with Russia.”


Show us the evidence.

There is also the issue of evidence. Where is the proof that the alleged attack actually happened? Theresa May certainly hasn’t provided it. Assuming it did happen, which is a massive assumption, then why would such a method be used if the Russians genuinely wanted Skripal dead? Why bother to leave a ‘calling card’? There are easier ways to assassinate someone rather than deploy the strategy as is being claimed.  How could the Russians possibly benefit from such an action?

All of which suggests it is a false narrative that has been propounded by one of the security agencies, possibly with the involvement of Mossad.

The claim that Russia is behind it is further undermined by the absence of any evidence that a sarin gas was used. If it had been, then how could this occur?

Conclusion? It’s a blatant false flag. The entire narrative is not backed by any evidence. It is scripted, a piece of theatre designed to inculcate fear of the ‘Russian bear’ in the people. Will it work? It is hard to see how it could possibly be successful in the face of the wealth of critical thinking that has been unleashed regarding the myriad holes in the official narrative. Thus, it is a ‘story’, a false narrative with its own bogey man that will only work on the dumbed down, unquestioning, hive mind. Flimsy in the extreme.

“It’s a grand international provocation. […] First, they launch an insane propaganda campaign then they seal the data. Then, the courts make a decision but nobody knows what (it is) …  because all those things are classified. Why are they so classified that we can’t even discuss them? Shocking.” Maria Zakharova


The key word is insane,

“Lies are piling on top of lies. As in all religions, the more absurd the pseudo-reality is, the more brutal and extreme are the methods used to uphold it. The more laughable the fabrications are, the more powerful the techniques used to suppress the truth are.


Today, hundreds of thousands of ‘academics’, teachers, journalists, artists, psychologists and other highly paid professionals, in all parts of the world, are employed by the Empire, for two goals only – to glorify the Western narrative and to discredit all that is standing in its way; daring to challenge it.


Russia is the most hated adversary of the West, with China, Russia’s close ally being near second.


The propaganda war unleashed by the West is so insane, so intense, that even some of the European and North American citizens are beginning to question tales coming from Washington, London and elsewhere.


Wherever one turns, there is a tremendous medley of lies, of semi-lies, half-truths; a complex and unnavigable swamp of conspiracy theories. Russia is being attacked for interfering in U.S. domestic affairs, for defending Syria, for standing by defenseless and intimidated nations, for having its own powerful media, for doping its athletes, for still being Communist, for not being socialist anymore;in brief: for everything imaginable and unimaginable.”  Andre Vltchek, SOURCE

Any one who unquestioningly swallows the narrative, as delivered by Theresa May, has fallen for a clumsily-planned psychological operation and is being played for a fool. The majority of the unquestioning people are being treated with the same levels of stupidity that are manifest in the behaviour and arrogant ignorance of the self-serving poli-puppets who, in some ways, are a mirror of the same in the general population.  If any one politician could be labelled as being not in his right mind, then surely Boris Johnson would be a contender:

Speaking during a visit to a west London military museum with the Polish foreign minister, Johnson said the UK’s “quarrel is with Putin’s Kremlin”.


“We think it overwhelmingly likely that it was his decision to direct the use of a nerve agent on the streets of the UK, on the streets of Europe, for the first time since the Second World War,” he said.

This is the kind of language used by Tony Blair to justify the beginning of the genocide in Iraq, in 2003.

Not without some justification, Dr Paul Craig Roberts argues that the western governments do not give a fig about international law, a position which he claims the Russians do not understand:

“Why do the Russians think the British government cares a hoot about law or evidence? Are the Russians really this brainwashed about the West?


The British government of Tony Blair cooperated with the George W. Bush regime in propagating the lie that Saddam Hussein in Iraq had “weapons of mass destruction.” This lie was used to invade and to destroy Iraq and to leave the country 15 years later in chaos.




The British government also supported the lies about Gaddafi in Libya and participated in overthrowing the Libyan government. The British government also supported the lie that Iran had a nuclear weapons program. There was never any evidence, but evidence was of no interest. An agenda was in motion, and the agenda was independent of evidence.


Although the British Parliament voted down British participation in Obama’s planned invasion of Syria, the current British government supports the lie that Assad is using chemical weapons “against his own people.


By now one would think that Russians, both government, media, and public, would understand that all the West is capable of is to lie. The purpose of the lies is to demonize Russia and to set up Russia for military attack.” SOURCE

However, it appears, at least to an increasingly knowledgeable alternative media and larger numbers of the people, that these staged events are easy to spot for anyone with an ounce of common sense and analytical skill. To pursue the fake threat narrative would suggest that May, Johnson et al have not learned the lessons from history, as so blatantly exemplified by the machinations of Tony Blair and the engineering of war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

With the unquestioning and toothless mainstream media dancing along to the tune of the pied piper, Theresa May, it behoves anyone with the nous to call out their lies for what they are: a ridiculous attempt to demonise Putin and Russia, with the intention of creating a conflict that could initiate a ‘Third World War’.


Acknowledgements: many thanks to Anne and Rob U and Jamie for the kind donations. As ever, special thanks to David R for his most appreciated support.

Anyone who wishes to make a donation in appreciation of the work at RM is encouraged to do so, no matter what size. Thank-you. 



2 thoughts on “Skripal: another False Flag?

  1. They are now stating the attack started at his front door – surely if the ‘spooks’ have been protecting this man they would have camera’s trained on the front door 24 hours?

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