Armageddon by Needlepoint

Armageddon may be defined as, • a dramatic and catastrophic conflict, typically seen as likely to destroy the world or the human race Armageddon was never so popular a notion as during the Convid years, the fallout and damage from which continues to manifest all about us, as millions of people die suddenly without any... Continue Reading →

Death by Fraud: the vax scam

Covid1984 is perhaps the greatest ever fraud perpetrated on humanity. The following is an excellent summation of the dangers of the current genocidal rollout of the Pfizer and Moderna injection. As well as causing instant death in many, said fake vaccine has the potential to create any and all kinds of pathogens in the individual... Continue Reading →

Preparing for the cull: dumbing down the populace.

This article was originally written 7 years ago today. I have just come across it in the drafts section of my 'dashboard' on WordPress. I have recently been writing about the ease with which the Great Global Lurgy Swindle has been rolled out and accepted by a largely compliant populace. Said peoples are Lambs to... Continue Reading →

Of Lambs, Wolves and Genocide

Lambs to the Slaughter at the hands of Big Pharma. When Matt Hancock and Bill Gates smile at inopportune moments, this is what psychologists call, 'Duper's Delight' - it is the pleasure that a liar receives and communicates when he thinks of the effects his crime will have. It is psychopathic in its origin and... Continue Reading →

The Truth About the MRNA Jab.

The so-called ‘Vaccine’ is Nothing of the sort. Rather, it a transhumanist device that introduces a genetically modified mrna code designed to kill the recipient. To call it such is a misrepresentation. The following article is taken from the Global Research site In this previous article, Bill Hicks’ demolishes the lying marketeers and advertisers. What... Continue Reading →

Remember, Remember, these Days in November.

"Eviction, treason and Covid plot. We see no reason Why fraud, genocide & treason Should ever be forgot!" Get Wise and Rise. Mother, Son and 10 month old baby Evicted in Kent Aided and Abetted by Cops  Ten years ago, on 04 November, 2010, I was violently and criminally evicted from my home of 16... Continue Reading →

Dept of Health Admits No Proof That Covid1984 Exists.

Far From the Madding Covid1984 Crowd? On Friday last, two old friends and I were on a 10 ½ mile ramble in Derbyshire. When out in the countryside, it is customary to say hello to those who pass by on their way. After an hour or so, we were happily walking along the broad track... Continue Reading →

Licence to Kill Bill: UK Gov Sinks Further into Criminality

Like a blood-thirsty cadre of vampires, the Bankster-backed Big Pharma coup d'état of the UK ‘gov’ is peopled by men and women who falsely believe they have the ability to grant other people the right to commit crimes.  When I state the UK Gov has Gone Rogue, in no way is it to be inferred that... Continue Reading →

Unmasked: Banking & Genocide.

Satanic Cull Unmasked. Aleister Crowley, Rishi Sunak & the Culling of the ‘Herd’. Just as the apocalypse continues, which is literally the great unmasking (unveiling) of any and all of the state’s falsehoods, the state encourages the masking (veiling) of the brainwashed masses.  In other words, as the multifarious frauds continue to be revealed, the... Continue Reading →

Covid1984 and The Emperor’s New Clothes

Parallels With Children's Tale That Warns of Mass Deception. The emperor who gets scammed by a pair of con-artists is a cautionary children’s tale about a swindle which, like all scams, relies upon the psychological manipulation of the target. It is a story in which the swindle permeates down from the king, through his courtiers... Continue Reading →

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