The BBC: Bread Beer Circus.

The utter absurdity that is afoot in the realm right now is plain to see and is summed up perfectly in the featured image, courtesy of its creator, Russ Keiron. In fact, we are currently in an epoch of golden comedy when laughter can be generated by simply speaking the truth in the face of... Continue Reading →

Who is holding my mortgage? – RogueCast 0017

Who is actually holding your mortgage? It is certainly not those who claim to have it. This element of the Great British Mortgage Swindle is as invidious as any aspect of the multi-levelled fraud. Your monthly payments may be going to the purported lender (the fake mortgagee) but they are merely collection agents. The mortgage... Continue Reading →

The Knight Who Shut Down My Negligence Claim

Why was a Knight of the ‘Realm’ brought in to railroad a valid TGBMS negligence claim? In this episode of the RogueCast, I revisit the significant matter of my tort of negligence lawsuit against my former friend and conveyancing solicitor and examine why a Knight in the shape of a former Solicitor General of Blair... Continue Reading →

Who is holding my mortgage? – RogueCast 0017

Who is actually holding your mortgage? It is certainly not those who claim to have it. This element of the Great British Mortgage Swindle is as invidious as any aspect of the multi-levelled fraud. Your monthly payments may be going to the purported lender (the fake mortgagee) but they are merely collection agents. The mortgage... Continue Reading →

When False Flags Flutter in the Alps?

Are we about to witness a false flag event being staged in Switzerland? Unsurprisingly, the playbook of the would-be controllers is well-thumbed and getting rather tatty, such is it unremitting usage. I have previously written about False Flags being used by government agencies as part of a Hegelian dialectic. It is a technique for steering... Continue Reading →

A World of Nonsense

In this realm of universal frauds, it is no surprise to determine that the narratives that are relied upon by the liars are, factually, the very definition of nonsense: nonsense | ˈnänˌsens, ˈnänsəns | noun 1 spoken or written words that have no meaning or make no sense: he was talking absolute nonsense. • [as... Continue Reading →

R [PUB] v Hancock & Others [2021] | Public Notice of Intended Prosecution

The lies and malfeasance of Matt Hancock are coming home to roost. The following Public Notice is mirrored from TheBernician website.  For all those with the eyes to see and the ears to hear, the fraudulent pandemic, which is built on the discredited computer 'modelling' of Neil Ferguson and the Imperial College, London, is as obvious... Continue Reading →

Death by Fraud: the vax scam

Covid1984 is perhaps the greatest ever fraud perpetrated on humanity. The following is an excellent summation of the dangers of the current genocidal rollout of the Pfizer and Moderna injection. As well as causing instant death in many, said fake vaccine has the potential to create any and all kinds of pathogens in the individual... Continue Reading →

Preparing for the cull: dumbing down the populace.

This article was originally written 7 years ago today. I have just come across it in the drafts section of my 'dashboard' on WordPress. I have recently been writing about the ease with which the Great Global Lurgy Swindle has been rolled out and accepted by a largely compliant populace. Said peoples are Lambs to... Continue Reading →

Lien on Bank CEO Pym Exchanged for Crypto Currency.

  If one wishes to defeat the rigged money systems, which control every aspect of our lives, including the courts, then one needs an alternative, You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. Buckminster Fuller Is Ilien the world’s first crypto-currency... Continue Reading →

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