How You are the remedy to tyranny. A Rogue Ramble along the Trent, flowing through Dematerialisation of securities, Klaus Schwab, world banks hoovering up your mortgage deed. How HM Courts deny you remedy, a remedy that goes back a thousand years. How judges are intent on blocking your remedy to reinforce the Too Big To... Continue Reading →
Globalism: the Remedy is You (Part 4)
As detailed in Part 3 of this series of articles, it is a fact that His Majesty's Courts will not permit the remedy that each Litigant In Person (LIP) is entitled to under the Common and Constitutional Law of these lands of Britain. Institutionalised Mortgage Fraud In fact, as Deputy District Judge Oliver Nunn, presiding... Continue Reading →
What Price British Justice?
A Quagmire: the State of the British Judiciary It is some 14 years since I stepped into Nottingham County Court to defend a fraudulent possession claim against my home of 16 years. At that time, I was reasonably confident in the British Justice system. However, I no longer take that view. Since that time to... Continue Reading →
Stop Funding the Terrorist State
Are you funding a terrorist state? If you're not sick to the gills of the tyranny and genocide being perpetrated by the terrorist state known as the criminal UK Government then stop reading now. Taxation levels in the UK are currently rising and destined to further increase by direct correlation to the plundering that has... Continue Reading →
Who is holding my mortgage? – RogueCast 0017
Who is actually holding your mortgage? It is certainly not those who claim to have it. This element of the Great British Mortgage Swindle is as invidious as any aspect of the multi-levelled fraud. Your monthly payments may be going to the purported lender (the fake mortgagee) but they are merely collection agents. The mortgage... Continue Reading →
The Knight Who Shut Down My Negligence Claim
Why was a Knight of the ‘Realm’ brought in to railroad a valid TGBMS negligence claim? In this episode of the RogueCast, I revisit the significant matter of my tort of negligence lawsuit against my former friend and conveyancing solicitor and examine why a Knight in the shape of a former Solicitor General of Blair... Continue Reading →
Who is holding my mortgage? – RogueCast 0017
Who is actually holding your mortgage? It is certainly not those who claim to have it. This element of the Great British Mortgage Swindle is as invidious as any aspect of the multi-levelled fraud. Your monthly payments may be going to the purported lender (the fake mortgagee) but they are merely collection agents. The mortgage... Continue Reading →
I Remember – 2 Evictions in November.
When November is upon us once more, I am reminded of the cops battering down my door. Eviction, treason and Covid plot. I see no reason Why fraud, genocide & treason Should ever be forgot.” It is exactly 10 years on from 7th November, 2011 when I was violently evicted... Continue Reading →
Lockdowns – who benefits?
Polls Show 80% of the UK Population are Profiteering from Lockdowns Follow the Money. According to the referenced opinion polls (cough, cough), some 80% of the UK population are in favour of the lockdowns, in spite of the material evidence demonstrating they are deleterious to the same population. Why might this be the case? As... Continue Reading →
Licence to Kill Bill: UK Gov Sinks Further into Criminality
Like a blood-thirsty cadre of vampires, the Bankster-backed Big Pharma coup d'état of the UK ‘gov’ is peopled by men and women who falsely believe they have the ability to grant other people the right to commit crimes. When I state the UK Gov has Gone Rogue, in no way is it to be inferred that... Continue Reading →