Is Elon Musk a Nice Man?

... is a Nice Man. Nice is an incorrectly and much over-used word, at least as far as the English language is concerned. I have been writing essays for close on 50 years, a discipline that was instilled into me throughout my state-education. From O-level, to A-level to a Degree in English Language and Literature,... Continue Reading →

Armageddon by Needlepoint – Revisited

Originally written and published on 14th March, 2021, during the draconian days of the fraudulent Divoc 91 psy-op and the criminal lock-downs, this essay should be read in the light of the fact that the effects of the injected poisonous serum continue to be experienced all around us. In that sense, the armageddon is still... Continue Reading →

Episode 019: The Great British Grand Jury

Reviving the Ancient Laws of these lands and the Grand Jury necessitates the collapse of a Fraudulent Court System. Let me begin by wishing all listeners a splendid Yuletide: may your glass and stomach be full, may joy and laughter be replete, all around you, in the midst of this Winter Solstice. Over the last... Continue Reading →

Episode 019: The Great British Grand Jury

Reviving the Ancient Laws of these lands and the Grand Jury necessitates the collapse of a Fraudulent Court System. Let me begin by wishing all listeners a splendid Yuletide: may your glass and stomach be full, may joy and laughter be replete, all around you, in the midst of this Winter Solstice. Over the last... Continue Reading →

Crime and Punishment

In Dostoyevsky’s ‘Crime and Punishment’, the protagonist, Raskolnikov, a 23 year old former student in St Petersburg commits the murder of an old woman (a pawnbroker) and her sister. This begins a downward spiral into his own conscience. The harm he has caused is partially resultant from a need to break out of a life... Continue Reading →

Man, be not afraid.

I wrote previously of the limp-wristed ‘men’ who ponce about on the world’s geo-political stage, tap-dancing to the tune of the Rothschild-dominated WEF and acting as if the un-godly plans of the Deep State are a fait accompli. The false edifice of control is cemented only by the compliance of the en-slaved. As I walk... Continue Reading →

UCT: An Overview

The following video is of an interview featuring yours truly in which I discuss with Yogeeta Mistry (the host) the subjects of UCT (Universal Community Trust) and The Great British Mortgage Swindle. The issue of law and jurisdiction is crucial to understanding how and why UCT came into being. It is a broad overview of... Continue Reading →

Armageddon by Needlepoint

Armageddon may be defined as, • a dramatic and catastrophic conflict, typically seen as likely to destroy the world or the human race Armageddon was never so popular a notion as during the Convid years, the fallout and damage from which continues to manifest all about us, as millions of people die suddenly without any... Continue Reading →

Death by Fraud: the vax scam

Covid1984 is perhaps the greatest ever fraud perpetrated on humanity. The following is an excellent summation of the dangers of the current genocidal rollout of the Pfizer and Moderna injection. As well as causing instant death in many, said fake vaccine has the potential to create any and all kinds of pathogens in the individual... Continue Reading →

Preparing for the cull: dumbing down the populace.

This article was originally written 7 years ago today. I have just come across it in the drafts section of my 'dashboard' on WordPress. I have recently been writing about the ease with which the Great Global Lurgy Swindle has been rolled out and accepted by a largely compliant populace. Said peoples are Lambs to... Continue Reading →

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