The War on the Brain being waged by a Death Cult known as Eugenics. This war is reliant upon a mesh of control that ranges from propaganda, to an unquestioning cult belief in its practices to a literal nano-particulate covering of Graphene Oxide being injected directly into the bloodstreams of the victims. Yesterday’s piece highlighted... Continue Reading →
Graphene Oxide: a Vial Concoction for Mass Murder
Further to this morning's article, Murder by Injection: the Vile Vials, here is some more urgent information that lays out the nature of the concoction, its ingredients and the potential harm it causes when the recipient receives a 'shot'. Be under no illusion, a shitstorm is brewing and it points to premeditated and targeted mass... Continue Reading →
Murder by Injection: the Vile Vials
What’s really in the Vials? Spanish Laboratory Analysis indicates the contents to be 99% Graphene Oxide. There is a large volume of evidence of vaxxed people becoming magnetic following the injection of what is falsely referred to as the vaccine. People started to form thrombi.... And then María José Torres appeared, our colleague who discovered... Continue Reading →
Quackery, Pure and Simple
Yesterday's post was about the quackery of the British Medical Association and the nonsense spouted by those who claim to be Doctors but are actually Ducktors, who, being such, espouse quackery. The entire fortress of so-called modern medicine is built on a series of false premises, the chief of which is Germ Theory. The origins... Continue Reading →
Duck-billed Platitudes
A duck waddles and quacks. A quack is someone who engages in Quackery: noun dishonest practices and claims to have special knowledge and skill in some field, typically medicine: a website dedicated to exposing medical quackery | [count noun] : the belief that these quackeries actually work. ORIGIN mid 17th century: abbreviation of earlier... Continue Reading →
They Shoot Footballers, Don’t They?
The bread and circus show that is professional football has been awash with ridiculous amounts of 'cash' for a number of years now. The question is, has it become so blinded and deluded with avarice and false notions of its own importance that it is impervious to that which will hasten its own destruction? I... Continue Reading →
Whores keep on whoring
The Snake Oil Fraud of Psychiatrists, Behavioural Scientists and Communist Pharmaceutical Whores. A wee confession - I used to be of a socialist bent, falsely believing that authority as claimed by govern-ment could be used to tweak the behaviours of people and that an ‘unfair’ society could be somehow equalised by and through a progressive... Continue Reading →
The Cult of Covid (continued)
is a cult within a cult. The enveloping cult that covers it is the Cult Of Virus. The essential characteristic of a cult is that its followers' belief in it stems from a magical thinking whereby they do not know what it really is, or where it comes from but they all believe in its... Continue Reading →
The Great Virus Swindle
Rejoice! There is and never will be a contagion caused by a virus! Scared to Death: why you should not fear any virus. Snake Oil - As Bogus Today as it's ever been. The Big Lie The fear that has been deliberately engineered by way of the UK government's relentless propaganda is founded upon a... Continue Reading →
Armageddon by Needlepoint
Armageddon may be defined as, • a dramatic and catastrophic conflict, typically seen as likely to destroy the world or the human race Armageddon was never so popular a notion as during the Convid years, the fallout and damage from which continues to manifest all about us, as millions of people die suddenly without any... Continue Reading →