A duck waddles and quacks.
A quack is someone who engages in Quackery:
dishonest practices and claims to have special knowledge and skill in some field, typically medicine: a website dedicated to exposing medical quackery | [count noun] : the belief that these quackeries actually work.
mid 17th century: abbreviation of earlier quacksalver, from Dutch, probably from obsolete quacken ‘prattle’ + salf, zalf (see salve1).
The following refers to two men, both of whom act as Doctors, go by the names Chaand Nagpaul and Bharat Pankhania. Respectively, they are acting as a high-ranking member of the British Medical Association (BMA) and a Senior Clinical Lecturer at Exeter University.
The key word here is acting and a more accurate term for them is Ducktors.

From what Nagpaul (left) quacks, he is (like so many of his highly paid ilk), one who shills for Big Pharma. He is self-evidently a liar too.
He apparently said:
As case numbers continue to rise at an alarming rate due to the rapid transmission of the Delta variant and an increase in people mixing with one another, it makes no sense to remove restrictions in their entirety in just over two weeks’ time.
Oh, really, Chaand? Where is the material evidence to prove viruses exist outside the body and are transmissible? There is none. Viruses are not organic, they are inert and cannot be passed on to others.
He also is someone who readily engages in the misuse of ‘data’ to make fraudulent misrepresentations:
The promise was to make decisions based on data and not dates, and while we were pleased to see the government react to data in delaying the easing on 21 June last month, ministers must not now simply disregard the most recent, damning numbers by rushing into meeting their new 19 July deadline.
Do you mean the data that suggests there is virtually no-one dying of the flu (aka Covid1984)? Or that there are increasing numbers of adverse reactions to the deadly vials, including death?
The British Medical Association is calling for the continued use of face masks and new ventilation standards.
Oh, really? And where is the material evidence demonstrating that the continued wearing of face nappies is anything other than harmful to the wearer? My previous article included a laboratory analysis of the contents of children’s masks which revealed 11 dangerous pathogens therein.

And the other Ducktor, Bharat Pankhania,
said that he felt that the vaccines were working “really well” at breaking the link between infections, hospitalisation and death.
“He felt” – the language of the charlatan.
The Delta variant continues to account for approximately 95% of confirmed cases of coronavirus across the UK.”
How can that be when there no original virus has ever been isolated and identified and when there is, quite literally, no test? The NHS’ fraudulent reliance upon the PCR for diagnosis remains a cornsterstone of the entire fraud:
Quackery abounds across the entire BMA and its members. The Ducktors known as GPs are unfit for purpose. They sit in their surgeries and do fuck all, refusing to see patients, offering telephone consultations, writing out prescriptions for quack pharmaceutical remedies and getting paid £12.50 for each jab that is administered to those on their lists. They offer nothing but further obsfuscation and fear to a public who are frantically trying to keep afloat on a pond full of psychological misinformation.
If it waddles like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it is a fucking duck.
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Spot on buddy, with you all the way!
Thanks, Kevin – much appreciated.
‘they’ have been throwing the ‘quack’ label at anyone but allopaths ever sinve the 1930’s when the Rockefellers made allopathy based on chemical drugs the only registered medicine. Their attack is perfect satanic mirroring because it is they who have always been the quacks, the snake-oil salesmen and the con artists. Quackenselber can also mean quicksilver which is mercury and a favourite ingredient in allopathic medicines.
Great comment, Tracey. It is in every respect a classic inversion of the truth – the very M.O of those who falsely believe us to be beneath them. Thank you for the etymological observation. 🙂