For those with the eyes to see and ears to hear, it is abundantly clear that the Great Lurgy Psy-Op is nothing more than fallacy-upon-fallacy masquerading as truth. From the modelling of the predicted deaths, to the promotion of fear and the quaranteening of healthy people under house arrest, it is one earth-wide fallacious construct. Rather... Continue Reading →
Preparing for the cull: dumbing down the populace.
This article was originally written 7 years ago today. I have just come across it in the drafts section of my 'dashboard' on WordPress. I have recently been writing about the ease with which the Great Global Lurgy Swindle has been rolled out and accepted by a largely compliant populace. Said peoples are Lambs to... Continue Reading →
Lien on Bank CEO Pym Exchanged for Crypto Currency.
If one wishes to defeat the rigged money systems, which control every aspect of our lives, including the courts, then one needs an alternative, You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. Buckminster Fuller Is Ilien the world’s first crypto-currency... Continue Reading →
Lockdowns – who benefits?
Polls Show 80% of the UK Population are Profiteering from Lockdowns Follow the Money. According to the referenced opinion polls (cough, cough), some 80% of the UK population are in favour of the lockdowns, in spite of the material evidence demonstrating they are deleterious to the same population. Why might this be the case? As... Continue Reading →
The Cult of Covid
Encounters With The Cult & its Followers Earlier this month, I encountered the local vicar and his wife who were out walking across the local park. I made the point that the clergy have deserted their congregations at a time when they most needed the social contact. I also said that no truly spiritual man... Continue Reading →
Dept of Health Admits No Proof That Covid1984 Exists.
Far From the Madding Covid1984 Crowd? On Friday last, two old friends and I were on a 10 ½ mile ramble in Derbyshire. When out in the countryside, it is customary to say hello to those who pass by on their way. After an hour or so, we were happily walking along the broad track... Continue Reading →
Covid1984 and The Emperor’s New Clothes
Parallels With Children's Tale That Warns of Mass Deception. The emperor who gets scammed by a pair of con-artists is a cautionary children’s tale about a swindle which, like all scams, relies upon the psychological manipulation of the target. It is a story in which the swindle permeates down from the king, through his courtiers... Continue Reading →
Covid1984 & the Mask of Death
Why Everyone should be Exempt from wearing a mask. Loose particles in mask may lead to pulmonary disease I was born in Huddersfield, a town where the chief industries were engineering and textile manufacture. My dad worked in one of the many factories and the valleys were replete with woollen mills. Whilst there can be... Continue Reading →
The Great Global Pandemic Swindle: WHO Deception
Addendum My previous article Covid-1984: the Pandemic That Never Was provided a standard dictionary definition that included the etymology of the word 'pandemic'. However, just today in fact, I came across the following article that reveals, were it needed more, the dystopian times we are living in. The 'Kill Bill' and Melvin Gates' funded World Health Organisation... Continue Reading →
Covid-1984: the Pandemic That Never Was
Covid-1984: The Great 'Global' Corona Swindle When we remind ourselves of the definition of pandemic, we can see immediately that Covid-1984 was, is and never can be deemed as such: “A disease that quickly and severely affects a large number of people and then subsides is an epidemic: throughout the Middle Ages, successive epidemics of... Continue Reading →