Love Overcomes Fear

Fear lies imprinted in the mind and the body. We are not born with it, Rather, it is injected into us from an early age and it is the opposite of love. The love I am referencing is the choice we have not to succumb to the false materiality of this realm and to choose that which is correct, that which is right.

As a child my greatest fear visited me regularly in my dreams, or, rather, a recurring nightmare which manifested as a chase.

In the dreams, I was being pursued by what I can only describe as an unseen phantom monster of great immensity who had a malevolence that was trying to possess me.

This energetic entity only troubled me at night time. However, it never caught me: I was able to fly away from it, to jump off cliffs and dive into what I remember clearly as a series of worm-holes, vast twisting tunnels through which I would travel, with the demonic vampire chasing me. To reiterate: I never saw it visually, it was a looming presence which I knew instinctively to be evil.

When I woke, with my heart pounding, I realised it was but a force that had no power over me and the dream would always fade away.

These nightmares beset me from an early age and continued until I was about 6 or 7 years old. Looking back now, I wonder if it was all created from the circumcision I had been subjected to as an infant. After all, it is not hard to realise that this grotesque procedure is the work of the demiurge, a malevolent god of this world whose intention is to draw as many souls as he can into worshipping him and following his commandments – a Luciferian false god, the one to whom the Freemasonic Brotherhoods swear allegiance upon pain of death.

Was this an attempt to harvest my soul’s energy, to pull me into a dark realm where malevolence and pain are the order of the night?

Whatever it was, it was defeated for I would simply not let it catch me and it gradually faded away.

At the age of 11, I had an abscess under one of my teeth that was removed. The operation took place in a dark four storey villa, on the edge of Huddersfield. The butcher-dentist was an Indian named A. K. Varma and it had to carried out under anaesthetic – in this case, gas. He told me to breathe through the mouth-piece which he put over my face and count to ten.

Almost immediately, I found myself to be in an extraordinary location: a great white colonnaded temple, high on a grassy clifftop under azure skies of a brilliance I had never seen before. I was there, not as a body but as an etheric being who felt immediately at ease and flooded with a love that was so profound it flooded me and which is evidently still with me to this day.

The simplest way I can articulate this is to state that, in both instances – the nightmare and the flight to the cliff top temple, I knew I was loved and that, naturally, there was nothing to fear.

The contrast between my everyday surroundings in  the industrial woollen industrial landscape of my hometown and this divine realm into which I was catapulted was immense. By way of example, here is the school which I attended from the age of 7,


There are many barbs that seek to catch us in the wiring of the demiurge, or bring us under the satanic sphere of influence and, generally speaking, the catch manifests most in those who seek material gain and power over others. I do not envy them, if anything, I feel only pity for those who are lost in the sway of the gross materialism that characterises the lives they have. Those wretched souls have signed the ‘contract’ that requires of them total allegiance in return for the material things they receive as payment for their loyalty.

All of which is why I cannot but follow my intuition and remind myself constantly of the divine maxim which exists in defiant opposition to those who have ‘souled-out’.

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

The forces of the demiurge exist and, at least by my logos (reasoning) they are there to be used as an example of how not to be. After all, without dark there can be no light and it is to be noted by the astute reader that darkness ceases to exist when a light is shined upon it.

The journeys of our lives are profoundly individual in every aspect – we literally have no idea about the soul who lies within the others we see. It is a marvellous game of hide and seek, a paradoxical experience in a realm of perceived reality that is but a magical playground and obstacle course for the unique soul to receive divine lessons as he travels through it; literally, the blessed soul is,

“In this world but not of it.”

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Thanks, as ever, to my discerning readers and viewers, whose appreciation  and whose insights and comments are highly valued . Should anyone wish to express his/her appreciation, then please use the Buy Me a Coffee button and leave me a comment – I will get back to you.

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3 thoughts on “Love Overcomes Fear

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  1. I had a childhood continuing nightmare of being chased too. Always by a riverbank, always almost sliding into it, or dragged by that scary force. I never saw it either. Always just running. I awoke in sheer terror from these too. They stopped around age 11 or 12, but I’ve never forgot them. They never took me anywhere nice like yours did though.

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