Episode 47 – The Theatre of the Absurd:

The absurd media theatrics of the past week are considered in  this week’s Rogue Cast, which is in 3 Acts –

Act 1 – a Head-Kicking

Act 2 – a Satanic Supper

Act 3 – Family matters

In this episode I ramble along a dismantled railway, visit Newstead Abbey and delve into the absurd hubris of a perverted Parisian Olympic ritual.

ACT 1: last week, an absurd security incident at Manchester Airport unfolded in dramatic fashion when two men of the Mohammedan faith attacked the armed police constables who had been sent to restore the peace. It appeared to spiral out of control after a woman police constable (WPC) was injured but was the kick to the head of a prostrate assailant excessive force?

Point of order: if an individual is deemed to have assaulted a constable, he is unlikely to be released the same evening, as was the case here. When I was falsely arrested for an alleged assault of two coppers, I was detained for 23 hours at Oxclose Police station in Nottingham.


ACT 2: As is always the case, the opening ceremony to the 2024 Olympic Games was a ritualistic piece of deliberately absurd theatrical programming. In this instance, it turned into a blatant satanic mockery , with a bearded transvestite and a fat tattooed woman taking centre stage in a lampooning of the last supper. It was designed to cause outrage and anger in the audience and it certainly achieved that aim. All of which is in marked contrast to the ‘Uniting the Kingdom’ gathering in Trafalgar Square the following day which was attended by an estimated 500 thousand people.

ACT 3: I consider how the families of the elites have maintained their influence, wealth and privileged ‘rule’ over the people/the plebeians for hundreds of years, whilst the plebeians have been cut off from their heritage by a barrage of attacks on the family unit.
Klaus Schwab’s mantra that “You will own nothing and be happy” is for ‘we the people’, the Goyim and not for the elite families. Why? It’s a Sabbatean-Jesish-Talmudic-Freemasonic form of one world governance, or international communism in which the overlords get to own and control it all via the one ring – namely, the money-as-debt financial system.

Thanks for watching and listening. Should you be feeling appreciative, please buy me a coffee or several.

Further viewing – Archaix analysis of the 2012 opening Olympic ritual.
The Cop Who Pepper-Sprayed Himself.
9 Principles of Policing
Oh, Mr Rothschild! – the Rothschild family dynasty.

3 thoughts on “Episode 47 – The Theatre of the Absurd:

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  1. With respect, “The Last Supper” is a representation of the 12 zodiac constellations with the Sun in the centre.
    The greatest story ever told and the oldest.
    The story doesn’t change, only the characters.
    Nothing more than Sun worship.

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