It is a law of physics that a pendulum will always swing back to its opposite position.
“This island is made mainly of coal and surrounded by fish. Only an organizing genius could produce a shortage of coal and fish at the same time.” Aneurin Bevan Daily Herald, 25 May 1945.
The geopolitical stage is populated by fools of astonishing levels of inadequacy and, lest we forget, it is and has always been a pantomime served up for the moronic, a theatrical distraction in which the ‘villains’ and the ‘saviours’ (like Trump) are controlled and scripted by the Freemasonic Sorcerers and Financiers who only inhabit the shadows behind the curtain.
One such villainous fookwit is the character known as Ed Milliband. Born of an immigrant Jewish family, he is playing the role of the Energy Secretary in the reviled Keir Stalin’s fake government.
The character, Aneurin Bevan, whilst being an actor on the geopolitical stage, at least had a streak of common sense running through his veins.
No such sense can be attributed to Milliband, a man who is as an inept and fraudulent as the woman who currently holds the honourable office of Chancellor.
Whilst Bevan may have been afflicted with the tyrannical strain of communism, his common sense was applied when required. The very opposite of Milliband who cannot even eat a bacon butty without mishap (left) (why would a Jew eat one anyway?).
The fact is plain to state: by following the fraudulent Net Zero doctrine of his WEF overlords, Milliband is a traitor. The promotion of such a ridiculous policy is part of the demoralisation programme that has targeted the Isles of Britain to the point where we are no longer self-sufficient.
Our ancestors, in direct contradiction to the miseducated and deceived populace of the times we live in, were in tune with the most elemental aspects of the natural world: they worked with nature, not against. Fishing, animal husbandry, farming techniques, the traditional trades of carpentry, stone masonry and building, genuine medicine that used nature’s resources, the weaving of cloth from the wool provided by the hardy sheep perfectly suited to the environment, shoemaking and diet were the activities of an intelligent peoples who, as evidenced by the Peoples’s Revolution of 1381 and the Luddites defiance, both in the face of a profiteering genocide which sort to wipe them out, stood their ground and fought for what was right.
How far we have declined as a nation may be measured in the demise of these activities and the theft of the natural resources [gas, oil and coal reserves] which truly belong to the people and not those gargantuan monoliths of psychopathic extortion and thievery as so perfectly exemplified by SERCO, a nefarious organisation whose dastardly operations are overseen by Rupert and Nicholas Soames, the Toad-of-Toad Hall brothers and grandsons of Winston ‘Rothschild’ Churchill, the alcoholic war-mongering old soak and prince of toads himself.
Ship-building, fishing fleets, iron and steel can also be added to the list of decimated industries.
Indeed, as a relevant aside, consider how the price of the traditionally cheap and nutritious meal of fish and chips, cooked in beef dripping, has gone through the roof to the point where it is now often over £10 for a portion when the fact is our seas are teeming with fish.
Then we have the absurdity of Britain importing energy from abroad when the fact is that there are massive reserves of fuel which could satisfy any and all energy requirements,
“UK Coal Reserves
“Economically recoverable coal reserves for existing deep mines and opencast sites in Britain are estimated to be around 400 million tonnes. However, the total potential British coal reserves are much larger.
The Coal Authority, the body responsible for directing the British coal industry, has indicated that in 2005 coal resources at existing deep mines and existing, planned and known potential surface-mining sites were in the order of 900 million tonnes, with approximately one-third in deep mines and two-thirds at surface-mining sites.
Additional recoverable tonnages considered to be potentially available from new or expanded deep-mining operations amounted to almost 1.4 billion tonnes!!
Unlike gas and oil which are now mainly imported (Government consultants forecast that up to 90% of our gas requirements will need to be imported by 2020), coal is still a plentiful indigenous resource.
Coal and UK Power Generation
35 per cent of UK power is generated by coal fired power stations. However during the periods of peak demand, coal stations can be ramped up to provide 47 per cent of Britain’s power compared to gas stations at around 34 per cent and nuclear stations at around 19 per cent.
Coal is the only fuel that can be relied upon to match these periodic sudden increases in demand so is absolutely vital for Britain’s energy future. Renewables, including wind and hydro power, collectively produce less than 1 per cent of national peak-time needs!!
Ratcliffe-on–Soar power station in Nottinghamshire was capable of generating 2,000 MW which can supply the energy needs of 2 million people.” source
Milliband is as far out-of-step with the facts as could be imagined: if he thinks that a net zero policy will benefit the world, then how does he account for the fact that India and China are, right now, building new coal burning power stations in order to supply their energy needs?
Furthermore, his nonsense fails to take into account the fact that increasingly sophisticated filtration systems are capable of completely removing any pollutants resultant from coal-fired power stations.
Milliband is but a puppetician, a front man acting on behalf of his hidden financial overlords. Nothing he claims can be backed up by the facts.
The pendulum is swinging from left to right, just as was always the intention as the woke agenda was always unsustainable. Trump, the actor, is playing the role of saviour and is taking advantage of the swing to bring into existence a Christo-Zionist Third Reich, with all that that entails.
There is nothing that can stop that swing which necessarily means Keir Stalin and his sidekick Milliband are hopelessly lost in their various frauds and promotion of communist policies.
Their demise is inevitable.
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