Kicker Conspiracy: Football is a Freemasonic Game

and the Stadia are Harvesting Energy.

Here’s the kicker: ever since I was a young lad, and that is a long time ago, I have been interested in the sport officially known as Association Football.

Whilst I stopped playing some years ago, my allegiance or support for the Football club known as Huddersfield Town has lingered on to the point where I do, occasionally, watch a live-stream of one of their matches.

The former stadium of Huddersfield Town, demolished in 1994.

I’m not going too far into the how and why I began to support them at an early age. All that needs to be said is that is a familiar tale of a fascination that grew from the moment I went to an evening game under the floodlights at the old Leeds Road stadium (left). As my dad and I emerged to stand on the massive terrace to look down upon the pristine emerald pitch, I was captivated. My allegiance from that point was to the team in blue and white stripes.

On 30th March, 2002, one of the fake royals known ‘affectionately’ (as the sycophantic media would have it) as the Queen Mother died. On 1st April, two days later, I was at a football game between Huddersfield Town and Oldham Athletic. To my great chagrin and disbelief, it was announced that before the game kicked off there would be minute’s silence for her. Of the 14,343 spectators in the ground, I must have been one of a handful who did not stand up when the moment came. None of my companions joined me in remaining seated: each dutifully took to his feet, along with the thousands who did the same. Such deference, particularly en-masse, is an anachronism that may be explained by the levels of media propaganda that the population is subjected to.

It was at that point that any lingering sense of connection or bon-homie with my fellow ‘supporters’ began to wane – fookwittery knows no bounds and its existence amongst millions of football fans has merely deepened down the ensuing years. If you doubt the truth of that comment, then take a look at the number of deaths of professional footballers and fans at games and consider why no one is capable of making the connection between the increase in heart-related issues since the roll out of the deadly injections of a test serum that began in 2021.

Nobody puts two and two together, despite the professional game seemingly plagued by injuries to players who were, for the most part, recipients of the 3 Dart Finish in the form of the experimental serum of death commonly known as the Covid-19|Divoc-91 inoculation. The following quotation is about Tottenham Hotspur FC but could be about many of the clubs who insisted their valuable players took the serum,

“Almost all of Tottenham’s 26-man first team squad were injured at some point in the 2023 Premier League campaign and the 2024 season is not proving to be much better.

Ange Postecoglou had 22 of his players out at some point of the season, with 37 separate injuries recorded overall. In their worst-hit week, Postecoglou had nine players absent as many players suffered more than one injury.”

Nobody notices as fans drop in the stands from heart-attacks, nor, for instance, why the Luton player, Adam Lockyer, had two heart attacks on the field of play or why his football club were so proud of vaccinating their entire playing squad. Lower down the football pyramid, the notorious mass murderer, Dr Jonathan Van Tam, took part in a photo opportunity in which he was seen to be jabbing the players of Boston Utd, with which ‘Dr Death’ has a number of links. Even though nobody within the sport seems to care, let’s get on with the game.

In 2021, I wrote an essay entitled, ‘They shoot, footballers, don’t they?’ in which I questioned exactly why the various football clubs (I don’t know if it was all) took such a risk to their prized assets’ heath by having them play Russian Roulette with the vile vials.

My conclusion was that football clubs are just like any other organisation – whether of the state or corporate worlds – they are populated by arrogant morons who, when it boils down to it, know fook all about the nature of this reality but almost everything there is to know about finance (though not its monetary mechanics).

Who is being played?

Whether the individual is one of the 22 (a popular freemasonic number) on the pitch or one of the thousands in the stadium, he is being played.

By which I mean that he is being used for various purposes.

The first purpose is to generate and then harvest his energy by way of currency (‘money’ or, more accurately, ‘credits’).

As always, it is important to consider the narratives that are offered up concerning the origins of the regulated game of football,

“The origins of modern soccer came from English and Scottish villages. Mob football probably started as a way of celebrating a military victory, as early as the Viking period. The game consisted of crowds madly attempting to get an inflated pig’s bladder from one goal to the other, and apparently anything shy of actually murdering each other was permitted. The game was eventually outlawed, but it evolved into an only slightly less violent version for another five centuries.

In the 1820s, the game became popular at English boys’s schools like Eton, Harrow, Rugby and Westminster, without the murderous intent. Each school developed its own rules, and the game was played in a field with no boundaries.

Association football was born in 1863 at the Freemason’s Arms Pub near London’s Covent Garden, at 81-82 Long Acre. Six meetings were held at the pub to decide on rules and structure, and the meetings ended with a split between the new Football Association (“soccer” is said to be a truncated version of “association”) and the proponents of different rules that became rugby.

The Freemason’s Arms pub was built in 1860 and is still open today. It began life as the Freemason’s Tavern, which originally stood where the United Grand Lodge of England’s New Connaught Rooms are today on Great Queen Street. London’s Freemasons’ Hall is literally right across the street.” source

Competitors from the opposing teams, the Up’ards and the Down’ards, reach for the ball during the annual Royal Shrovetide Football Match in Ashbourne, northern England, on February 28, 2017.
The mass-participation ball game involves two teams, whose players are defined by which side of a small brook that bisects the town they were born, aiming to score a goal, which are some three miles apart. The game, which has very few rules, is played over two 8 hour periods on Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday. Royal Shrovetide Football is believed to have been played annually in Ashbourne since 1667.

Therefore, it is plain to state that the game of football, in its original form(s), was largely a free-for-all in which there were virtually no rules – you could kick the ball, hold it, punch it, throw it, wrestle it from your opponent but the object was always to get it over a line and score a goal.

The remnants of this original form of the game can be see to this day, as, for example, in the Derbyshire town of Ashbourne and its Shrove Tuesday match between the townsmen (see image above).

If we take the divide and rule tactic of Freemasonry – as exemplified by it set-square and compass symbol:

Elon Musk’s X platform’s freemasonic logo.

we instantly note that this juncture of the two is exactly the X logo of Elon Musk’s ‘twitter/X’ social media platform (above). From which it would seem logical to state that the regulated sport of Association Football was created by the captured operation that is Freemasonry and that X is also a Freemasonic platform.

Mind control of the people is and has always been the aim as has the control of the masses by regulation of the currency (money, or more accurately, credit creation), but how many stop to contemplate the fact that, as with every mechanism of control – education, the media, the health system, geopolitics et al – there is also an energetic transfer or harvesting taking place?

The huge amounts of credit that swirl around the professional sport of football are manifestly proof of the fact that it is ultimately controlled and utilised by the hidden financiers who run the governments – all dominated by freemasonry. Another consideration is the amount of money the average fan spends in support of his club for season tickets, refreshments and all forms of merchandise, all of which is, in and of itself, an energetic harvesting – a redirecting of currency into the pockets of the  approved wealthy owners and their creditors.

The Field of play.

A key aspect of the regulated sport of football began when the ‘Brethren’, using a set square and compass, drew up the field markings and pitch dimensions on which the game was to be played and to which any and all football teams had to agree to. Given the fact we live in a simulated constructed, it logicaly follows that we are in an informed field, which we are able to tap into. This is sometimes called the Akashic record.

Interestingly, the field is often referred to as the pitch, the main definition of which is,

1 | piCH |
1 the quality of a sound governed by the rate of vibrations producing it; the degree of highness or lowness of a tone: a car engine seems to change pitch downward as the vehicle passes you.

a standard degree of highness or lowness used in performance: the guitars were strung and tuned to pitch. See also concert pitch.

Middle English (as a verb in the senses ‘thrust (something pointed) into the ground’ and ‘fall headlong’): perhaps related to Old English picung ‘stigmata

In the linked video at the foot of this article the point is made that there is a geometrical dimension to the markings and that, when expanded into 3D, a pyramid appears. In an informed field symbols proliferate. This is how the resultant geometrical shapes may be used to affect the field of play. The video explains it very well and for that reason, I would recommend watching it for a deeper explanation than I offer here.

The field markings can be visualised to reveal a 3D pyramid.
The stadium is like a stargate – a circle around a pyramid.

Every game has an atmosphere generated by the polarity of the two sets of supporters and this, as the game unfolds, is intensified to produce a swing-o-meter of emotions – an energetic field like that between the positive and negative poles of a battery or a magnetic field.

The larger the crowd in attendance, the greater this field and the more intense it becomes by way of the stadium design and shape around which the energy flows.

Whilst I appreciate this may seem a preposterous suggestion, could it be that this energy is being harvested/collected as an energetic offerering in an esoteric ritual to the false god of freemasonry, Jabalon?

The passions generated by the ‘great’ game and its false rivalries are another aspect of this – but the fighting fans of yesteryear were, more or less, curtailed from there activities, at least inside the grounds, when all-seater stadia were introduced after the engineered deaths of 96 fans at Hillsborough, Sheffield in 1986. All-seating stadia was always about control – a heaving mass of supporters on the terracing being far more unpredictable than stands of individually allocated seating. The theatres of football thus became more genteel, more diluted and more easily surveilled by the burgeoning proliferation of CCTV.

The effect of which was to remove the boisterousness (and unchanelled energy) of the fans – an aspect which was referred to by some as the gentrification of the game. This continues asunder with Everton Football Club’s new ground built at Liverpool docks being but the latest example:

Everton FC’s new ground – notice the circuit like structure and the fact that there is water on 3 sides.
Notice the juxtaposition of the old world architecture alongside the inferior new construct.

This gentrification was, of course, the intention behind the codifying of football through the regulation of the field of play and the new rules that were introduced by the self-appointed and still-dominant freemasonic overlords who took over the game in the 1860s.

There is, of course, nothing new in this – stadia, in the form of amphitheatres and colosseums, have existed for millennia and invariably were but earlier incarnations of the Bread and Circuses that were specifically deployed as a means of mass-distraction and to divide and rule the populace- as symbolised by the square and compass of freemasonry.

The question that arose for me was what would finally break any lingering interest I have in the sport?

The realisation that it is but one gigantic means of stealing one’s attention as well as one’s moneys is certainly a factor in the decimation of my fondness for the game. However, the final nail in the coffin of my false attachment has been the discovery that not only is the professional game a circus show of distraction, featuring highly-paid (credited) athletes and a time-proven tool for the divide and conquer modus operandi (MO) of those who manipulate Mankind’s minds but that it is also, in all likelihood, directly linked and in service to the Freemasonic false deity they call Jabalon. After all, why would I wish to give any of my attention to  thought form of a fake god who purports to rule this world?

Just as with everything in this realm that is good, the Freemasonic sorcerers have inverted the game of football, regulated it and used it for a massive energy extraction. If that knowledge does not sever any lingering interest I had, then I don’t know what will.


Thank you for reading this essay. As ever, I am very grateful to those who have chucked a few quid into the coffers by way of the  Buy Me a Coffee button and/or have taken out a subscription to my Substack pages where, if you like, you can also support me by taking out a paid subscription which will grant you ‘first dibs’ on my output.


Further reading:

Further viewing – this video, by Michelle Gibson and Chad Williams, explores the notion that the energy of the spectators is being generated and harvested and that the suggestion by the character Morpheus in the Matrix  that humans are being used as batteries may relate to the ways in which all spectator sports have a field of play whose dimensions are of a sacred geometrical pattern that creates such an energy flow as may be observed between magnetic polarities and the electrical fields of batteries.



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6 thoughts on “Kicker Conspiracy: Football is a Freemasonic Game

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  1. Hi Michael,

    I have been following pro sports for some years and analyzing how they are coded and scripted via numbers, dates, gematria values etc… And I have come to the firm conclusion that pro sports are highly ritualistic and pre-determined.

    Take for example the upcoming Superbowl 59 in the US, one of the biggest energy harvesting annual sporting events. The quarterback for KC Chiefs happens to be exactly 1534 weeks old on the day of the game, and Ignatius of Loyola etal founded the Society of Jesus in 1534.

    KC Chiefs are going for their 3rd title on the bounce, their winning run began on the day KC 3 (King Charles) became the King in 2022 and next Sunday marks exactly 2 years and 22 weeks since KC 3 became the King. It will also be KC Chiefs coaches’ 222nd game.

    Thanks for your work, I appreciate it.


    1. That’s a great example of how everything is coded, Zen.

      Some will falsely put it down to coincidence but when the numbers reveal such clear patterning, it becomes ever-clearer.

      Are we in some kind of simulacrum, the reality of which can be tweaked by those with the esoteric knowledge to simultaneously affect it whilst their media spells distract and divide the masses from their true nature?

      Thank you for this reply, Zen – it adds further clarity to the ‘reality’ of these Freemasonic games and the coding that is behind them.

      1. Indeed Michael there would be some who dismiss this as coincidence and my response would be is it a coincidence that the opposing team Philadelphia Eagles sit on a 666-665 all time record. If they lose they drop to 666-666.

        To add a very clear confirmation that the Masons were behind the founding of the Fabian Society. The same Fabian Society which openly boasts that ALL Labour PMs in Britain have been members.

        On the 141 year anniversary of the Fabian Societies foundation, in London, Tottenham Hotspur played Newcastle United, in London, in the 12:30 kick off on 4/1/2025. Newcastle won the game and Eddie Howe remained on 141 draws and 246 losses.

        The Masonic order was founded on 24/6 in London.


        1. Hi, Zen,

          that is another fascinating piece of data that adds further to the growing volume of evidence that this is a mathematical construct, in which everything is encoded. The patterns occur with a precision that cannot be ignored.

          Once again, thank you for your valuable input.

          All the best


  2. looking through sites i had saved in my browser and here I am… don’t know if it is relevant to this article but beckham, gneville & ferdinand were all invited to davos this year!

    1. Football is populated with morons, of which Neville, Beckham et al are prime examples.

      Beckham pushed the jab narrative.

      I would bet a substantial amount that each of them is a freemason.

      Thank you for the comment.

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