Let’s Talk about Money

What money? you may well ask…

I have yet to find any regular author, internet ‘blogger’ or podcaster who goes anywhere near the question of what money is and from whence it comes. In this sense money has a religious quality attached to it, for is it not the case that,

“Everyone believes in the magic of money but nobody questions its existence.”

Just like everything in a perceived reality (which this realm is), the values given to money are all in the mind, or the imagination.

Take for instance the board game called Monopoly. Each player takes on a token which he moves round the board at the roll of the dice. The first rule of the game is that the banker always wins – as illustrated by the fact that when the pile of notes in his possession is gone, then he can issue IOUs, written on scraps of paper.

The players of the game are drawn into the drama to such a degree that they take it seriously: pleasure (dorphine hits) comes from the buying of pretend properties and charging pretend rents and that is the essence of the game. The winner is the one with the most property,;the one who successfully takes all the notes off the other players is triumphant. Indeed, so pervasive is the aim of gaining the most property and notes that players actually get irritated with each other, bemoan their bad luck and fall out with other players.

I could go on but the point is simple: gross materialism is the name of the game and, just like in the false realm they move through, it is a trap. After all, you can’t take any of it with you when you pass away or leave the game.

Currently, there is a considerable amount of engineered false furore around the foreign aid that goes to Israel, the cost of putting up immigrants in hotels, the cutting of pensioners’ winter fuel allowance, the cost of Brexit, the funding of the National Death Cult (aka NHS), the snorting up of the pigswill by 650 parliamentarians, the National Debt, bankrupt Councils, the funding of the Ukraine vs Russia pantomime and, of course, the amount people in the UK are paying for accommodation, whether as mortgagors or renters, each is regarded as being but feudal tenants of the fake Crown, which falsely claims ownership of the land and water of the British Isles.

If any one individual can be held up as a personification of how readily most fall into this materialist trap, it may be Keir Stalin, the current Prime Minister of the corporate entity known as the ‘UK’, which is, factually, a plc, not a nation state.

Like a horny ram, Keir Starmer is tangled in his own love of the gross materialism he wallows in.

It appears that this man’s avarice and love of gross materialism will be his downfall. Whether it be his accumulation of wealth, his ready acceptance of freebies, of bribes, or even his possible predilection of whatever sexual peccadillo he is enamoured with (the rumour is that he is bent in every sense of the word), this is someone who is trapped like a horny goat, who is entangled in a barbed wire fence from which he cannot break free.

His problem is far from unique though, as he is just like the next man in so far as he has no idea of what the magic money is or from whence it comes and who controls it.

Lets’s deal with the straightforward facts of the matter.

There is no debt.

If you don’t understand how and why there is, in 2024, no ‘real’ money – meaning that there is no substance to money and thus no intrinsic value, then you are as lost as Starmer and each of the 650 parliamentarians whose snouts so readily snort up the pigswill that is poured into the trough of their vanities.

Firstly, the notes in your wallet are only IOUs – a fact that the Bank of England has regularly stated as being the case.

The Great British Pound Sterling was thus called because, at one time, it was backed by silver. Each note could be taken to a money changer and exchanged for its weight in silver. A £5 note would be worth 5 pounds of silver, a tenner, 10 pounds etc.

However, the Great British Pound was, for some 300 years, backed by gold,

“For most of the period 1717 to 1931, Britain operated either a formal or de facto gold standard. This meant that any holder of banknotes issued by the Bank of England could present the note at the Bank and demand immediate payment in bullion at a fixed conversion rate. Under this regime, the Bank set interest rates to ensure that sufficient gold was attracted to London to maintain convertibility.” Source: Lords’ Library

In 1931, the GBP was removed from the Gold Standard,


His Majesty’s Government have decided after consultation with the Bank of England that it has become necessary to suspend for the time being the operation of Subsection (2) of Section 1 of the Gold Standard Act of 1925 which requires the Bank to sell gold at a fixed price. A bill for this purpose will be introduced immediately and it is the intention of His Majesty’s Government to ask Parliament to pass it through all its stages on Monday, 21st September. In the meantime the Bank of England have been authorised to proceed accordingly in anticipation of the action of Parliament.”  Source: National Archives

This move may appear to be reasonable and conciliatory and to be an example of sound finance, but it is not as it appears.

From that point on and to the present day, the GBP has been a fiat currency,

inconvertible paper money made legal tender by a government decree.

It is only as real as the notes used in a game of Monopoly – it has but a perceived reality.

Whether it be in a game or in ‘real’ life, the value of the currency is but a chimera – an illusion of money of value.

In this sense it is nothing more than a confidence trick.

The effect of this was that all the power to create fiat money lay in the hands of the financiers, those who control the One Ring of Power to the gross enrichment of themselves and to the detriment of the peoples of the world.

As the GBP was no longer backed by gold, the lives of the populace became the security for the purported debt and bankruptcy the UK plc ‘owed’ to those hidden financiers. This was achieved via the birth registration system in and through which the lives and sweat equity, the potential to create value was stolen in the name of the ‘nation’ as surety for the ‘loans’ made to the national and local governments. This is exactly how the Great British Mortgage Swindle operates – credit is created on the hypothecation of the individual’s ability to earn ‘credits’ via his salary, or wage-enslavement, over the course of 25 years.

This demonstrable example of the Gov selling-out of the peoples to whom it ostensibly has a duty of care to the private financiers is the very thing that that Woodrow Wilson opined upon when he stated,

“A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is privately concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men who, even if their action be honest and intended for the public interest, are necessarily concentrated upon the great undertakings in which their own money is involved and who necessarily, by very reason of their own limitations, chill (sic) and check and destroy genuine economic freedom.” Source

It is the word ‘credit’ that is key to understanding the current state of the monetary system.

When I state that, as an unassailable fact, there is no money of value or substance, it is because, other than the value we place on it, there is no real currency. The coins in your pocket may be the exception to this, but the notes are but IOUs. As stated by the Bank of England,

“ Money is essential to the workings of a modern economy, but its nature has varied substantially over time. This article provides an introduction to what money is today.

Money today is a type of IOU, but one that is special because everyone in the economy trusts that it will be accepted by other people in exchange for goods and services.

There are three main types of money: currency, bank deposits and central bank reserves. Each represents an IOU from one sector of the economy to another. Most money in the modern economy is in the form of bank deposits, which are created by commercial banks themselves.”
Source: Quarterly Bulletin 2014 Q1

All of which is the sort of window dressing that a superficial propagandised populace will swallow and accept without question.

The fact is it is ALL a system of Credit and that system is run, not by the Gov, but by the Financiers who control every so-called central bank in every corporate government around the realm.

Just as the Federal Reserve (it is neither federal or a reserve of money) controls the fiat currency system of the United States plc, so the Bank of England operates over here.

Whilst it took some time for the ‘Fed’ to become the sole source of credit,  the BOE was established in 1694, and even then its falsity was acknowledged,

“The bank hath benefit of interest on all moneys which it creates out of nothing.”

William Paterson, founder of the Bank of England in 1694, then a privately owned bank.

It is accurate to state that the House of Rothschild and its accolytes certainly have a stranglehold over the populations of the world via this system of deceptive credit but the notion that they are the literal controllers of the realm is, in my view, far-fetched.

I state this because, when all is said and done, they are but the banking clerks, the bean counters, the tellers and phoney controllers of a fraudulent system of currency creation and that, ulitmately, it is the demiurge which is the false god of this realm, and just like all those who have huge amounts of faux wealth, they are beholden to it, having sold their souls in return for the filthy lucre. As such, they are but shallow princes of the square root of fook all and it is the hidden aristocratic crime syndicates that have more clout than they – which is probably the reason why they have infiltrated those families with their own seed.

In short, they are nothing more than gross materialists in a false world and to me that makes them every bit as ridiculous as the captured Keir Stalin. Incidentally, in my recent RogueCast I showed an image of him and the actor playing Joe Biden engaging in a Freemasonic handshake and it is this ‘club’ to which the Rothschilds also belong,

“Five ‘wise men’ set the world price of bullion in the opulent Gold Room of N.M. Rothschild and sons, St Swithin’s Lane, at 10.30 each morning, but, before these gentlemen are out of bed, the gentlemen from the Fishmongers Guild, their boots silvered with fish scales, ere exercising their immemorial functions down by the river at Billingsgate London’s fish market. Nearby nurses begin to prepare patients for surgery at St Bartholomew’s, London’s first hospital (founded 1123) and the place where, in the17th century, William Harvey first demonstrated the circulation of the blood. Closer to St Paul’s Cathedral, the vans begin to deliver prisoners whose cases will be heard that day at Old Bailey, as the Central Criminal Court is known, where most of Britain’s sensational murder trials have been held.”

“the Rothschilds have been Freemasons for generations.” ‘The Brotherhood’ by Stephen Knight, p.222

When any individual has sworn an oath to the demiurge – Jah-Bal-On as he is known in the higher reaches of the Royal Arch of Freemasonry, then that is the entity to which he is in thrall. The energetic theft that necessarily underpins the financial control is all in service to the demiurge. In this sense, the Rothschilds and their acolytes are captured and exist in dour circumstances for they are chained up in the dungeons of the demiurge.

The Freemasons, the Illuminati and the Fake ‘Jews’ have each been infiltrated by the Red Shields but does that mean that they control it all?

In the final instance, they are liars. The greatest lies are the largest and they exist in plain sight.

My conclusion is that the entire notion of debt is but an example of that. The prime example of this is the term ‘Debt’ – whether it be ‘National, ‘local’’ or ‘Personal’, when there is no money of substance, only IOUs, how can there be any debt?

The answer is simple, in a fiat currency system of financial control that operates as a credit system, there are NO LOANS. Period. Each and every loan, without exception, is nothing of the sort. It is an extension of credit. From which arises the crucial question,

How can you you pay off a credit extension?

The implications of this are vast and I doubt whether one in ten of those who read this will give it serious consideration for it means that their salaries, wages and various financial rewards are merely illusory, just like the various props used in the game of Monopoly. They are but figures on a computer screen, moved about and placed in the individual’s bank accounts – digital currency is already a fact and an illusion.

The various bills that you have to ‘pay’ are but part of this illusion, designed and implemented to enforce the illusion that your credits are of value. If you don’t believe me, then look at the Bank Giro Credit slip that accompanies a water or power bill – it is a cheque that you can endorse with your autograph and which will settle the balance on the electronic scoreboard from when the fake debt is conjured into existence.

Finally, it is to be noted that I have no objection to this credit system in its essence, my only contention is who controls it and how it used as a fraudulent means of enslavement. After all, as a simulationist, I regard this realm to be only as real as a game of Monopoly and, as I travel around in my token-avatar, or meat-suit, I am merely a player in the game of life and I have to deal with the de facto realm until such a time as I leave it all behind. And that, dear reader, is the essence of this essay –

we are but sojourners playing out our roles as we pass through a divine stage and classroom called the ‘world’,

and, whatever you may think, the ultimate power lies not with the demiurge, the Freemasons, the Rothschilds or any lickspittle who is in the ‘club’ but with the true and ineffable God of which we are but divine fragments.

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