Genocide is a harsh but accurate term and some dozen years ago Vinnie Eastwood coined the expression,
The Lighter Side of Genocide
as the tag-line for his podcasts. He was referring to his proclivity to make light of the dark, to laugh in the face of adversity, like Loki the trickster.
Making light of the heavy is an act of alchemy – the base metals of the false construct are transmuted into gold, in this case of a comedic hue.
This article was written some 10 years ago, within a year of the estalishment of this Rogue Male website.
As I re-visited it, I was struck by how relevant it is to these crazy times in which we find ourselves, a decade on and a realisation that I, like others, had intuited the rise in the tyranny of the ill-begotten cryptocracy of state-control.
So, bar a few updates, here is the article on the on-going genocide of the native European.
Thanks for reading and for all of the support I receive in appreciation of my output. Since my journey to the Golden Valley, I have been infused with an energy that I trust the reader and viewer will be able to discern, even if I can only hint at it by way of metaphor and reason.
If you’re feeling appreciative, then please chuck a few quid in the pot, via the Buy Me a Coffee button, leave a comment and I will get back to you.
My work can also be read on Substack, which, at least as far as I can tell, appears to be a home to free speech and provides writers and podcasters with an opportunity to be tipped a few coins for their efforts.
One of the joys of being here in this epoch is that not only does one have a rich tapestry of personal experiences to draw upon, there is also a wealth of cultural heritage, a growing body of true ancient history and a library of wonderful music from more recent times. Some of the music that provided the sound track to one’s youth, has a prophetic quality that catapults the youth and the man into a coherent present.
Thus, Morrissey’s reprise,
A rush and a push and the land which we stand on is ours, it has been before and it shall be again”
stands as a zeitgeist even though it was released in 1987.
The increased awareness of the on-going genocide of the indigenous European, much of it made manifest through the rise of the scamdemic and the growing swell of recognised injustice experienced by many individuals on these lands right now, coupled with the vulnerabilities of the Crown-House of Rothschild, the rise in consciousness of the previously duped, the resulting sense of righteous indignation and the individual’s ability to effect change in the material world [the glass is always half-full, remember] all combine to provide the indivdual man with a wonderful opportunity to remove himself of the odious Rothschild-Crown axis of State oppression and find the justice he seeks.
When a man bemoans the tyranny of the state – in whatever form it may take, from the illegality of paying taxes to a genocidal government, to the genocidal practices of cutting his Job Seekers Allowance, to a criminal tax on his spare bedroom, to the decay he sees around him, to the abject failure of HMCTS to provide a competent jurisdiction in the determination of the facts surrounding the creation of the ONE EYE-MON-EY and any fake Bankster-claimed debt, to the heinous fluoridation of his water, the immoral contamination of pesticides in his food, to the false binds of licences, permits, huge fuel bills and so on, he is right to do so.
The question is, what’s he going to do about it?
Inevitably, though, his genuine grievances will fall on stony ground on the simple basis that he is wrong to continue demanding his remedies from his oppressors. Oppressors who are operating in a system that has been engineered to hold him down. They are, in the main, a dishonourable, ignorant and brain-washed collection of stooges, whose hearts and minds have been sold to a system of financial kleptocracy; puppets who dance to a dis-eased psycho-satanic beat of utter befuddlement.

This is the quandary: until a British Judge steps forward and declares that, as a consequence of him understanding the simple facts of how the private Bank of England creates fiat money using a fractional reserve system of finance, tied into the ‘Treasury’ and its deceptive utilisation of birth certification, then there can be no justice.
Until such a man is conversant with the operations of bonds, securitisation, pledges and the nature of fiat currency, then he is not competent to preside over any mortgage claim because he is ignorant of the truth. Neither is he capable of declaring the fact that any and all evictions are acts of genocide, perpetrated against the indigenous people.
There is no evidence that such a man exists.
Were he to, he would be a colossus: a heroic man of the people who embodied levels of understanding and integrity hereto unseen in HMCTS.
The stakes are high: not only would such a man face all manner of difficult consequences, he would also be placing himself in a position that could endanger his life.
The odds against such an individual emerging are astronomical and, therefore, need to be discarded.
On the balance of probabilities, it is not going to happen.
And yet, people still persist in the erroneous view that it is possible, arguing that if one can simply crack the code via a claim at the Queen’s Bench Division of the High Court, then justice will be done. Such is the depth of this cognitive dissonance that a forum called Get Out of Debt Free had a long thread on the American Karl Lenz’s dubious approaches to achieving remedy in an iniquitous court system which ran on to over 150 pages . The inevitable conclusion was reached but not before a massive distraction and inculcation of false hope had been set off like a mind virus, which may well have been the intention behind it.
It is my assertion that not until all banking claims are declared null and void will there be justice.
But can one seriously imagine such a scenario?
Any judge who did such a noble thing would not only have intellectual and moral integrity: he would also have balls of steel.
It is reasonable to state that given the deregulated levels of financial skullduggery at large in Britain right now and the fact that they are all effectively Crown House of Rothschild interests, no Judge or Court will ever provide justice in a matter involving a ‘bank’ since that action would bring down the whole house of cards.
Therefore, the only realistic remedy is that the people form Grand Juries of sovereign individuals, sufficiently competent to apply reason to the factual information of Money’s creation and from there make a ruling that can be handed down to each and every inferior court.
There is no higher court in the land than a Grand Jury.
Given the inherent powers of Grand Juries and the precarious state of the British people’s disregard for the communist European Union, the time is surely coming for a rush and a push.
The land which we stand on is indeed ours.
Each man’s home is his castle.
All evictions by way of phony possession claims are acts of genocide. The shameful involvement of the police in these matters means they become as culpable of genocide as the bailiffs who throw anyone out on to the street.
The problem is genocide.
The reaction is one of righteous indignation.
The solution is the formation of Grand Juries . For the people and by the people.
Whilst there are a plethora of genocidal techniques in operation, the one the people can most readily understand and empathise with is that of unlawful eviction.
An eviction is as direct an attack on the mental and physical well-being of the individuals as can be imagined. To remove people from their homes is an attack that goes to the hearts of all those who are subjected to it. The repercussions are obvious and this piece examines just how that is the case.

It begins and ends with the ONE-EYE [MON-EY]. When indigenous people’s homes are being stolen from them by way of false possession claims that they owe moneys to those Rothschild-Crown ‘debt’ collectors fraudulently called ‘Banks’, that is an act of GENOCIDE
The fact is that, right now, there is not a single court in Britain that is capable of hearing this matter.
Why? Because they are operating as House-of-Rothschild-Crown agencies, just like the Banks, just like the members of the BAR.
25 years ago now, I went on a ‘grand tour’ which encompassed India, Nepal, South East Asia and Australia. The majority of the sixteen months was spent in the eastern lands of the Arya, particularly the Himalaya.
During that time I met many fellow wanderers, some of whom had migrated from their homelands. One such was a man who ran a roadside stall in Dharamsala, in the northern mountain state of Himachal Pradesh. He was selling trinkets but what drewmy attention was his voice. It had an instantly recognisable timbre, with elongated vowels and a familiar resonance. It turned out this man, who had been living there since the late seventies originated from a farm, which was literally on the edge of the estate I was brought up on.
Similarly, on a three week walk through the Chomolungma (Everest) region of Nepal, I was sat in a mist-enveloped chai shop, sipping a cup of milky tea when in walked a group of climbers. As soon as one of them began to speak, his accent and dialect revealed him to be a native of the same place in the West Riding of Yorkshire , the very town which I also herald from.
Suffice to say, on both occasions, we each got on famously. Any outsider who had been privy to either meeting may well have assumed they were old friends, such was the warmth of their exchange. Of course, this can happen when and wherever we may be. But please understand what I am conveying here: each encounter was marked by a palpable sense of kinship, a mutual recognition and a connection that exists on a local and/or tribal level. It is not the kind of experience that one can have with any one, it goes into levels of mutual heartfelt cognition that comes when one is in the presence of what may be termed, one’s own. In short, it is a resonance.
The connections we have with with those of our tribes are centuries, if not millennia, old. That they exist cannot be disputed. These are the actual nations into which we are born and to which we have ancient ties. The podcast ‘The Fraud of English and Rise of UCT‘ by the maverick founding trustee of UCT Michael O’Bernicia illustrates the point perfectly: the notion that millions of people can share a ‘United Kingdom’ is fallacious. It is an artfully constructed lie.
The real nations are small and tribal (local). All else is an engineered illusion.
This is why so many individuals are simply incapable of tapping into nationalist movements that purport to exist on a larger scale. It is one of the reasons why world government cannot and will not exist.
The evidence would suggest that people are at their happiest when living in communities of around 150 people. The sociability factor of man is not to underestimated. The controllers know this and thus they construct a fake nationalism that manipulates said factor. Take for instance the promotion of team sports: as in the case, for example, of ‘England’. The media promotes the sporting teams of said by appealing to the tribal factor.
In the case of football, though, ask a genuine ‘fan’ and most often he will say that the allegiance he feels for his local team is stronger than that which he may have for the ‘national’ side.
This is why Manchester United fans who are not from the city are ribbed for being glory seeking phonies.
Ten years ago, I took the following picture of a war memorial to those Holme Valley men who had been killed in that mass-engineered slaughter that was World War 1.

The memorial, some 7 miles south west of a town called Huddersfield, was extended to include the list of those local men slaughtered by the elites in World War 2. For that valley to have experienced the deliberate genocide of so many of its finest and strongest would have had a massive impact on the lives of those remaining.
All wars are bankers wars – artfully and satanically engineered geopolitical slaughter of milions of indigenous men in their primes that only serves to increase the profits of the financiers who fund both sides then, as in Versailles, arrange for further moneys to flow their way via the imposition of reparations.
The true meaning of patriotism:
patriotism noun
ORIGIN late 16th cent. (in the late Latin sense): from French patriote, from late Latin patriota ‘fellow countryman,’ from Greek patriōtēs, from patrios ‘of one’s fathers,’ from patris ‘fatherland.’
This is why the Cymry sing of the “land of our fathers.” A connection with the land that pays homage to one’s ancestors, without whom one would not be here.
Ancestral connections with the land and the people exist in all peoples on this planet, even if they have been buried under mountains of faked history, over-laid houses of bogus religion and phony state rule.
The British henges, the stone circles, dolmens, ancient forests and so on are testimony to our ancestors‘ knowledge of nature, their connection with the land was a reflection of their bond to the universe. As above, so below.
The churches and chapels that were laid over the ancient sacred sites are emblematic of the last thousand or so years of genocide that our ancestors and ourselves have experienced and, lest we forget, survived.
Wherever the RM has roamed, he has remained aware of his connections with the tribal nation and with the region into which he was born. [For more on this, listen here]. It is also why the Bernicia and Deira Anarcho-nation was spoken into existence on 29 March 2014.
To return to the Himalayas: the point to consider is this – there the RM was, thousands of miles away from the fatherland of his birth, high in the Himalaya and – in an instant – there was an immediate recognition between the men who met in that cloud-enshrouded hut at an altitude of over 15,000 feet. There was a common thread that bonded them.
The identification of their kinship was by initiated by the sound of the spoken word.
Thus, it begins with sound.
Continued in Part Two.
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Sad to say, but Vinnie was crushed by the state and is essentially retired.
He’s not on YT but I did see a recent interview with him from maybe 4 months ago and he was in fine fettle, from what I could gather.