Freemasonic Sorcery – an addendum.

Following on from yesterday’s Rogue Cast, a number of viewers have shared further information which points to the machinations of the deeply-rooted Freemasonic sorcery at play at all levels of the UK’s State-run institutions.

This comment is about an actual case in which a Judge who was a Freemason had to recuse himself:

9 hours ago

“I know a murder trial case where the defence got a judge recused because he was a freemason. A member of the Exodus collective was charged with murder. The trial was set for March 1997, but was brought forward to September 1996 and a retired judge was brought in. This judge lived in a big house in Harpenden called the white house. As the collective had many conflicts with freemasons and the police (all documented), they was suspicious that this judge was a mason. The police got caught fitting them up with planted drugs.

The Guardian who was following the collective and supported them, said don’t be ridiculous , but they was right. They got a copy of the masonic year book and found the judge was a high up mason of the royal arch lodge. Their barrister was Michael Mansfield, but he wasn’t available at the new earlier date ( dodgy, they obviously knew his schedule). The defence asked the judge to recuse himself and he agreed. I don’t know if this has ever happened before or since. At a later trial the defendant was found not guilty of all charges. The police and the masons was obviously collaborating, colluding and conspiring against this man and the collective. But it back fired big time. Needless to say the council, police and mason eventually got rid of the collective. Thanks for the video.”

Here, we have a 2009 report from the Independent newspaper 2009 of how Jack Straw, then Justice Minister, leglislated for Freemasonic judges to no longer be required to declare their allegiance to the Craft:

Anger at ‘cloak of secrecy’ for Freemason judges

Ben Padley

Tuesday 10 November 2009 17:44 GMT

Jack Straw’s decision to no longer force applicants for the judiciary to declare if they are Freemasons was today branded a “disgrace” by a Labour MP.

Gordon Prentice (Pendle) said there would again be a “cloak of secrecy” following the move by the Justice Secretary.

Mr Straw said last week that a review had shown no evidence of “impropriety or malpractice” as a result of a judge being a Freemason and it would be “disproportionate” to continue with the practice, introduced in 1998.

The United Grand Lodge of England made representations to ministers in May and indicated it might seek judicial review of the policy.

At Commons question time today Mr Prentice asked: “Is it not a disgrace that you have decided to allow judges no longer to have to declare if they are Freemasons?

“We know that one in 20 of our judges are Freemasons. Why on earth the cloak of secrecy?”

Mr Straw replied: “There was no secrecy about my announcement, I made the announcement by way of written ministerial statement last week in the light of a European Court of Human Rights judgment against the state of Italy, which was made in 2006, and to which our attention was drawn by the Grand Lodge of Freemasons.

“It suggested that a continuation of a compulsory register…was likely to be unlawful. After legal advice I accepted that. It is open to any judge to declare that they are Freemasons.”

He added that there had been “no evidence” of any “unacceptable behaviour by Freemason judges.

Ministry of Justice figures indicate there are 3,808 judges in England and Wales and 205 or 5.4 per cent are Freemasons. There are also 29,702 magistrates, of whom 1,900 or 6.4 per cent are Freemasons.  The Independent

Naturally, after reading this, one may ask the question ‘is Jack Straw a freemason?”

As mentioned in the Rogue Cast, the protocols use the term ‘gentile’ as a label for the people who are not of the freemasonic club, just like the usage in the Talmud, aks the ‘goyim’. Some researchers posit the view that freemasonry was captured by the Talmudists and that the deceptions and crimes committed against the ‘plebs’ are of no consequence.

The conclusion is plain: freemasonic sorcery exists at all levels of public influence, including the politicians, law and order and the Talmudic-controlled media, in all its forms.

This certainly adds more credence, were it needed, to the view that those who are members of the Craft, are operating fraudulently in the public sphere and that the ‘UK’,  just like all governments, is a captured operation, populated with traitors and murderers and why nothing is ever done about it. Smoke and mirrors are deployed at every turn and, with that in mind, is it not truly an impossibilty to expect, let alone achieve, any kind of justice in the captured courts?


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