As detailed in Part 3 of this series of articles, it is a fact that His Majesty’s Courts will not permit the remedy that each Litigant In Person (LIP) is entitled to under the Common and Constitutional Law of these lands of Britain.
Institutionalised Mortgage Fraud
In fact, as Deputy District Judge Oliver Nunn, presiding at Nottingham County Court, so clearly demonstrated on 17 November, 2023, the judges sit in a false administrative capacity to rubber stamp possession claims made by lying lawyers on behalf of the Too Big To Fail (TBTF) UK banks, who are guilty of an industrial scale institutionalised mortgage fraud.
These individuals deem to reign with an arrogance that clouds their ability to reason. It is an arrogance that also manifestly infests their parasitic overlords in the Rothschild-dominated financial system that is actively seeking a one world government of enslavement to fake debt and of credit control via social credit applications linked to Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC).
However, as I have detailed in Part 3, it is a system of control that is built upwards from foundations that are riddled with fraud. That is why it is so vulnerable.
Limited Hangouts
Its vulnerabilities will NOT to attacked by collectivist movements – no political party will save anyone when the stage is owned by the controllers and any and all of the following entities and individuals are controlled opposition, tolerated only because they corral people into limited hangouts where nothing ever happens. That is their purpose and the reason why they exist. Each and everyone of them is adept when it comes to rhetoric but curiously devoid of practical suggestions as to how and what the individual can do to defeat the tyranny which is all around him.
None of the following, to my knowledge, ever go near the subject of TGBMS or espouse any kind of proven remedy: David Icke, UK Column (Mike Robinson, Brian Gerrish) Sacha Stone, Russell Brand, Robin Tillbrook, GB News (Neil Oliver), Lawrence Fox, Richard Vobes, James Delingpole, Richie Allen, ‘Tommy Robinson’, Andrew Bridgen, Nigel Farage etc.
Why? Because they are, whether or not they know it, acting as agents for the controlled opposition in all its forms.
A controlled opposition is a protest movement that is actually being led by government agents. Nearly all governments in history have employed this technique to trick and subdue their adversaries. Notably Vladimir Lenin who said ””The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” Source
If you think I am wrong to make this assertion, then ask yourself these questions,
- What remedies are being put forward by these talking heads to enable individuals to take action and bring about the collapse of the financial tyranny?
- How do they empower their viewers to take action?
- Are they pumping out fear porn into an echo chamber of inaction?
- How do they inspire people to not only fight back but also bring down the false systems of glo-baal control?

The fact is that we are, each and every one of us, sojourners in realm that is inverted in every aspect. Systems of health, finance, state control, government, education, psychiatry, religion and justice operate in a mirror opposite to their stated intentionas. When everything is thus inverted, it behoves the individual to do and engage in the opposite to what is being imposed on the collective.
The first step is to realise that all power lies in the charge of the individual free thinking sovereign being. You are the co-creator in this elastic realm – you create your own reality, your own informed field, you are the master of your own domain. Do not accept the scripts that the collective are given to swallow.
Secondly, realise that you can and do affect the reality of this world: after all,
whether you believe you can or cannot do something, you will be correct.
The third step is to take action, using your knowledge as your sword of truth:
- Initiate Michael O’Bernicia’s perfected equitable Common Law Lien process against the CEO of your fake lender.
- Serve a Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) on the CEO of whichever fake lender is falsely claiming they are the HIDC of your Deed and that a loan was made.
- Join Next Steps For TGBMS Class Actions: If you have a registered UK mortgage, charge or standard security [or you’ve previously had one] that doesn’t comply with the statutory law of mortgages, you can subscribe to our mailing list and join the 1,000+ TGBMS Claimants by signing up at the links below:
- Subscribe to the TGBMS Mailing List
- Become a TGBMS Claimant
As stated,
“We are also asking every claimant who has provided evidence of mortgage and signature fraud to Operation Meadow and Signature 703 to do the same, since we are bringing together the evidence amassed in each action into a central database and standardizing a non-judicial remedy which will be available to every illegally registered UK mortgage holder at zero cost.”
That non-judicial remedy is the lien process.
“Every TGBMS Claimant will receive free document templates for my long established Common Law Lien process, which takes 90 days to perfect, when it becomes an ‘account receivable’ that is capable of being exchanged for money or monies worth.
“This process was sealed by the High Court in August 2010, when HHJ Kaye QC described the lien I served on former Bank of Scotland CEO, James Crosby, as perhaps the most powerful document he had ever had in evidence before him because it required no judicial authority to be legally enforceable under Common Law.
“It must also be stressed that liens are treated in law as if they are equitable charges, which are capable of registration as legal charges against the personal property of the Lien Debtors, until such time that the losses they caused the Lien Creditors have been discharged in full.
What Michael is referencing here is the ultimate creation of a permanent credit facility wherein any and all wrongdoings against you, as demonstrated by the lien process, will be have a remedy, under Universal Community Trust and through its ever-closer financial system.
It is the art of transforming lies and fraud into freedom from financial control or, to put it plainly,
turning shit into gold
You can choose to believe this or not but the fact is the lien process is having a massive impact,
Hence, the panic we have seen recently in the City of London, as those who have profited from the losses incurred by Britain’s void mortgagors desperately attempt in vain to avert the serious consequences of a myriad of financial wrongdoings.” The Bernician
Fourth, in the event you have had a gutful of the tyranny and plunder, look into the established natural law jurisdiction that is Universal Community Trust, which was created to protect the rights of the individual (not the collective) and join like-minded people who also take action instead of moaning about the shit coming down the pipeline that they heard about on UK Column.
As I posited at the start of this article, it is You, namely, the individual soul that is inside the biological meat-suit (that the false religion of Statism deceptively and incessantly programmes you to believe is the real you), that is the antidote to all the tyranny and madness that is afoot right now.
Don’t swallow the collective scripts, get out there, take action, engage your pen as your sword and make your non-consent loud and clear. Far from making you a target, taking action backed by the truth will empower you.
There is truly nothing to fear other than fear itself. As an immortal being, nothing can harm you.
Realise you are in the fight of your life and a battle against the Globalists who would enslave you and your progeny, as declared by the head-puppet of the WEF, Klaus Schwab.
Know that the only way to counteract the lies and deceptions is to speak the truth and refuse to back down.
If you are in Court, don’t hold back – if the original mortgage deed cannot be provided then there is no claim against you. Arm yourself with the Lien’s factual discoveries – no evidence of a loan, no valid contract, the deed is a fraud on its face, only an officer of the bank can provide a witness statement testifying to any loan or debt being existent, rendering the legal representations of the likes of TLT and Ascent an outright lie and threaten the paraglegals who signed it with perjury (which is exactly what they are engaging in).
Share this article with any one who is struggling to pay their fraudulent mortgage demands and bring it to the attention of those whose wealth accumulation is such that they falsely believe they are beyond the reach of the globalist financiers.
Finally, even in the face of tyranny, be honourable but take no nonsense and, thereby, stride into your power as a co-creator of your own reality.
In the meantime, if you are able, please consider making a donation via the Buy Me a Coffee button in support of my work in exposing the Great British Mortgage Swindle and the other various scams that hold sway in this crazy realm. All the best to each and every reader, especially David R who has supported my efforts for a number of years now and a big thank you to those who have recently made donations.
Any reader who is seeking assistance in this matter is encouraged to get in touch via email to
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