Spring has sprung – the daffodils stand tall, blossom trees proliferate and the pussy willow springs into languid attention.
However, there is another Spring who operates in marked contrast to her seasonal nom de plume. Marianna Spring’s output is of a withering quality that reflects the fatal lack of critical thinking which is ever more prevalent at the BBC as it sinks further into the swamp of its own feminised disinformation.
One consequence of the feminisation of the National Curriculum, as propagated by the state’s indoctrination centres of miseducation, is that those who can swallow the prescribed politically correct disinformation and regurgitate it ad nauseum are invariably and inevitably females. These useful idiots are then trafficked through further tunnels of state-sanctioned mind-control to become over-represented in positions of so-called authority. They are not there because of their critical thinking skills or artistic talents. Throughout their miseducation, they have been rewarded and applauded for their ability to mimic word-perfectly the scripted realities they have been given. They’ve acquired these jobs on ‘merit’, for sure but where is the actual merit in simply being able to report the lies, frauds and propaganda of the state?
Without the ability of critical analysis, every utterance, each article and empty pronouncement that comes from these faux journalists reveals them as intellectually bereft.
On the simple basis that we are in the midst, as ever, of a propaganda war in which the truth is inverted, along with the language, and that the enemies of the truth invariably accuse others of that which they are engaging in, let’s take a closer look at Spring’s output.
Indeed, such is the web of lies that infests the reality tunnels these individuals inhabit, they become hopelessly entrenched in the mud piles of disinformation that they purportedly rail against.
How ironic it is that in times like these, the enemies of the truth falsely accuse others of doing exactly what they are doing: spreading disinformation. One such proponent goes by the name of Marianna Spring.

Her failed hit piece on the widely-respected investigative journalist and film maker, Richard D. Hall is a disgraceful affair. By her own admittance, Richard politely declined her offer of being interviewed for the Panorama programme on the Manchester Arena False Flag. However, this did not stop her from scuttling down to Merthyr Tydfil to door-step him at his humble market stall and falsely accuse him of causing harm to the alleged victims of the false flag when all he had done was to apply his exemplary critical thinking skills to question a narrative that, ultimately, has more holes in it than a string vest.
How ironic that she moans about “trolls” when her behaviour in this instance alone amounts to a level of trolling of Richard that borders on stalking and harassment. The irony is most delicious when one realises that her job at the Bread Beer Circus (BBC) is that of “BBC Disinformation and social media correspondent”. Every thing in this simulacrum of lies is 180’ from the truth and when we reposition it correctly, it is evident her role is to spread the Disinformation of the BBC across the social media. Laugh? I nearly passed my toffees round.
In the interests of critical thinking, there now follows a critique of her latest hit-piece in which she bemoans the current state of the notoriously controlled Twitter platform, of which ‘Elon Musk’ is nominally in-charge.
The heading of her article sets the tone,
“How Elon Musk’s tweets unleashed a wave of hate”
It is, of course, a form of clickbait – a dramatic phrase which, upon inspection, is but mere empty rhetoric.
The celebrity name pulls in the interested reader whilst the hyperbolic language verges on the apocalyptic. However, does it actually mean anything?
What is the definition of ‘hate’ ?
verb [with object]
feel intense or passionate dislike for (someone): the boys hate each other | he was particularly hated by the extreme right.
• have a strong aversion to (something): he hates flying | [with infinitive] : I’d hate to live there.
• [with infinitive] used politely to express one’s regret or embarrassment at doing something: I hate to bother you.
• [no object] (hate on) informal express strong dislike for; criticize or abuse: I can’t hate on them for trying something new.
intense or passionate dislike: feelings of hate and revenge.
• [as modifier] denoting hostile actions motivated by intense dislike or prejudice: a hate campaign.
In this case, Spring is using it as noun but, ultimately, it is a vague expression and as there is no factual method of measuring it or truly identifying it in a quantifiable sense, iIt amounts to nothing. It is literally meaningless.
The nonsense is compounded by the expression “unleashed a wave” – according to her, there has been a tsunami of that which cannot be measured. Of course, all she is doing here is wrongly accusing those who see through her nonsense and challenge it as being full of “intense or passionate dislike” of her. In fact, it may well be the case that such is the over-inflated sense of her own self-worth and the ‘heroic’ job she is dong that she truly does believe her critics have strong feelings towards her that are negative. I suspect that the vast majority of people are actually the opposite, being merely indifferent to her. I put myself in that camp – she is someone who I am completely disinterested in. However, if you put yourself on a fake pedestal as the embodiment of virtue and correct discernment, you are there to be criticised. In other words, if you are going to act as self-righteous, make sure you are morally and factually correct. After all, it’s surely better to keep your mouth closed and have people think you’re a fool than open it and prove that you are.
The opening paragraph of her article further establishes the hollow quality of her rhetoric. She claims to have completed,
my investigation into whether Twitter can protect users”
But, protect users from what exactly? Challenges to the misrepresentations you put out in your role as an agent of ‘Disinformation’?
Next, she claims
hate is thriving under Twitter’s new owner. Current and former Twitter employees told me “nobody is taking care of” features designed to protect users from hate and harm.”
Once again, we come back to the use of the vague blanket term, ‘hate’ but now she introduces ‘harm’, thereby asserting that actual harm is being caused. It is, of course, utter codswallop that words in Tweets actually cause some kind of detriment to the well-being of the reader.
Whilst I’m on this subject, my old mate’s daughter is, unfortunately, perhaps, about to complete an English degree in Sheffield and he told me last Friday that whenever the word “nigger” is used in a work of literature and is being read out by the lecturer, he/she censors themselves, as a departmental policy, and will use the expression, “the N word”.
When emotional attachments are thus placed on language rather than context and reason, we are in a feminised state and this is a further example of what I referred to earlier as the feminisation of education, of which Spring is a product.
She continues mining this seam of fool’s gold to over-emphasise her position, particularly when she continues the metaphor and claims a further ‘tidal wave’ resulted which was a direct consequence of Musk’s tweets as they “unleashed a torrent of abuse against me from other users”.
She evidently likes the image of hate as some kind of angry body of water which gets unleashed over her. In fact, on the simple basis that my indifference to this priestess of disinformation is genuine and I have grown tired of reading any more of her empty cuntwaffle, I’ll stop there.
When the entirety of what she writes is based on repeating the spurious outpourings of her MI5 handlers and the actual deployment of the disinformation she is supposedly railing against, it is clear that Spring has sprung the very trap she finds herself in.
All of which reminds of two expressions,
If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen”
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.”
Conclusion: being based on an incorrect use of grammar and semantics, and, coloured by a deeply misplaced self-righteousness, the superficiality of Spring’s writings and her unethical journalistic practices results in the article collapsing in on itself under the vast weight of its lugubrious nonsense.
A heartfelt thanks to this site’s benefactor, David R, for his ongoing support.
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