Got the Mag-Jab? Flush it out.

Detoxifying the Graphene Oxide from your body.

For me and many others, one of the joyous consequences of the psychological and spiritual onslaught that has been engineered these last 18 months during the phoney plandemic is the increasing realisation of just how powerful we are when we choose to exist, not under man’s statutory laws, but under Natural Law.

The realm we are in is divinely engineered: nature provides all that we require and, of course, it is that fact that the Satanic controllers wish to bury under an avalanche of Big Pharma quackery.

Align yourself with that divinity and it becomes ever clearer that your body and soul can heal from any toxic invasion,

If a man says it is impossible to get this junk out of you, don’t believe them, God can melt down and incinerate, dissolve, eliminate anything from the body and even give you new body parts.  NOTHING is beyond GOD.  Be it done to you according to your FAITH, so choose to BELIEVE to RECEIVE.  Listen to Healing scriptures to build your faith because faith COMES, Comes by hearing, hearing by the Word of God.  Source

The Graphene Oxide contained in the Mag-Jab  is, from what I can gather, relatively easy to flush out of your system – a fact which is probably behind the desperate attempts to roll out the so-called booster-shots.

So, if, for whatever reason, you have had the mag-jab and wish to remove all traces of it from your body, then take careful note of the following information and, remember, God’s In Charge, not any fake government authority.



Remember that the essential antioxidants based on the scientific articles studied are N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and zinc.


Thanks to scientific articles we have seen, we know that every antioxidant, especially the master antioxidant glutathione, degrades graphene oxide. Glutathione can reduce even to zero its toxicity. And we have demonstrated that […]

First of all, regardless of the brand, 750 mg NAC is good. Its most common format is 600 mg. N-acetylcysteine causes the body to secrete glutathione endogenously. […]


In case you don’t want to consume N-acetylcysteine, you also have glutathione to consume directly. I prefer NAC because it makes the body secrete glutathione endogenously, just as it does if you do sports intensively. When you exercise, you’re going to secrete glutathione endogenously, and it’s much safer because we are talking about the body will use 100% of the glutathione. This is glutathione, which is also sold directly for oral consumption. One tablet or capsule in the morning. […]


Here’s another must-have antioxidant. I told you the main one is N-acetylcysteine, but zinc is also. Okay? Specifically, these are 25 mg. You can also find it in 30 mg, 45 mg, and even 50 mg tablets. Or you simply take 2 tablets of 25 mg. This is a trace element introduced and supplemented especially for athletes who take one zinc tablet a day. In the morning then, N-acetylcysteine and zinc. These two antioxidants are essential to degrade graphene oxide. […]


The second on the list is a bit more expensive. It’s Astaxanthin 5 mg. That is the commercial dosage. It’s a little bit more expensive than the other antioxidants because I think it’s 24 or 25 euros and it comes in 30 capsules. Many people who take it notice that it also improves their eyesight.


Astaxanthin can be taken together with the other two antioxidants already mentioned, the ones I told you are essential or indispensable. So you can take Astaxanthin along with them as well. Okay? Astaxanthin is what gives the orange color to crustaceans and shellfish. Foods we were told not to consume once vaccinated. You know why. You know the reason. Astaxanthin is also usually extracted from algae. […]


Another universal antioxidant, which is not as powerful as astaxanthin or quercetin but which also helps a lot is vitamin D in its format as vitamin D3. Like the other antioxidants, you can take one pill in the morning. Or if you prefer: take half an hour of sun in the morning, which is quite healthy […]


Milk thistle is a very antioxidant supplement. You can also take it. It’s also a stomach protector for all the rest, although they come nicely wrapped in capsules.

And finally, we have here a supplement with radioprotective action. You know why. Melatonin. See? Pure melatonin. This format is 1 mg. There are formats up to 1.9 milligrams. That is, you can easily check the dosage you can take by googling. Melatonin is taken at night, okay?”   Source: Orwell City – Antioxidants

Finally, remember that FEAR is the killer of health and well-being. This is the condition your controllers want you to exist in. Realise your god-given sovereignty and drop the fear for joy: you are beloved.

Further reading:

Graphene Oxide aerogel – Google Patent

Corona virus hoax cover for 5G genocide

Informed consent and full disclosure – an article on what constitutes a valid agreement (contract), the principles of which apply to accepting the offer of the Mag-Jab.

The Cult of Covid

Orwell City – articles and videos on graphene oxide in the mag-jab

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