One of the inevitable consequences of people waking up to the various frauds and criminalities perpetrated by the governments of the world is the anger which accompanies the understanding of the facts associated with the registration of a child’s birth and the issuance of a birth certificate. Given the various frauds attached to the registration, it an agreement (contract) that any parent is capable of rescinding for the reasons outlined below and elsewhere.
CAPITAL! On Delivery, the Cargo is Tagged
Notice the capitalisation here of the family name on this ‘cargo tag’ that was issued when yours truly came into this world in a location known as Huddersfield, a long time ago…

The registration and its associations with Admiralty Law are well-documented (see the pdf attached to the foot of this post and the links).
The registered child becomes the CAPITAL of the state, a state which completes a STOCK take every 10 years in the form of the Census.
CAPITAL, political economy, commerce. In political economy, it is that portion of the produce of a country, which may be made directly available either to support the human species or to the facilitating of production.
2. In commerce, as applied to individuals, it is those objects, whether consisting of money or other property, which a merchant, trader, or other person adventures in an undertaking, or which he contributes to the common stock of a partnership. 2 Bouv. Inst. n. 1458.
3. It signifies money put out at interest.
4. The fund of a trading company or corporation is also called capital, but in this sense the word stock is generally added to it; thus we say the capital stock of the Bank of North America. Bouviers Law Dictionary
The essential point is that full disclosure as to the consequences of registering the child’s birth are never given. The entire process of the fraud is laid out in the language used which is legalese and not plain English. The following list of legalese terms is not definitive but it does serve as material evidence of the deception:
- Berth and Birth
- Birth (berth) Control
- Delivery room
- Birth canal
- Waters breaking
- Miscarriage
- Doctor (Docking)
- Termination
- Capital name
To name but several.
Further, there is,
No agreement of any kind, anywhere on this planet, is legally enforceable unless there has been a meeting of the minds, with full disclosure given to all concerned and affected parties at the time of execution, due consideration, performance and the provable, voluntary consent of the parties to the terms and conditions contained therein. source
The Life Annuity – as Attached to the Registered Child
The failure to disclose how a life annuity (an annual payment to a beneficiary) is created at birth, then claimed by the Treasury as abandoned property, 7 years after the arrival of the child, is a stand-alone ground for rescinding the registration:
[…] the concealment of significant facts pertaining to the Life Annuity is what invalidates any and all invisible and/or adhesion contracts between our legal person and the state. The fact that our parents were never furnished with the knowledge that the birth document is a certificate for an annuity, may well represent a clear case of fraud by non-disclosure, which would automatically vitiate any and all existing and related agreements with the government and its agencies, ab initio.” The Elusive Life Annuity
At sixteen, the registration of the birth creates the incorporation of the CAPITALISED NAME – effectively granting the status of a government franchise, a business entity, subject to the rules of the state-corporate government, for the purposes of trading. Attached to this franchise are such fraudulent scams as the driving licence which is, in fact, the state fraudulently purporting to grant the man attached to the incorporated NAME the permission to engage in commerce whilst on the highway. The licensing scam can be read here but in essence it boils down to this
THE TERM LICENCE (American Spelling – ‘LICENSE’), as defined by Black’s Second Edition and the Courts:
“License: In the law of contracts, is a permission, accorded by a competent authority, conferring the right to do some act which without such authorization would be illegal, or would be a trespass or tort.” Blacks Law Dictionary, 2nd Ed. (1910).
All those registered are deemed to be the stock used by the government as surety (guarantees) for its loans from the private banking cartels masquerading as Central Banks, like the Rothschild-controlled Bank of England.
Which is, of course, another fact that is not disclosed to the ‘informant’ (the mother) when the child is registered.
It is an example of engineered consent, a practice that is as now as blatant as it comes, particularly in regard to the offering of the vile vial jab which is only occurring by way of the agreement (consent) of those who dutifully line up to receive it.
Rescinding the registration on the grounds of fraud.
Assuming you have read this far and you’ve had enough of the fraud, what can you do about it?
On the basis of the non-disclosure of any one of the facts pertaining to the effect(s) of the registration, the registration and birth certificate can be rescinded. In other words, given the act of registration is demonstrably a contract (agreement) and as there was no full disclosure, there could have been no meeting of the minds – which renders it capable of rescission, just like any other agreement. In that sense, it is a stress point, a weakness in the chain of tyranny.
The following process is one that was followed recently by an associate. The keystone document is the Declaration of Superior Guardianship. This declaration, as created by the formidable Michael O’Bernicia has been successfully used by hundreds, possibly thousands of parents who, being aware of the facts, decided – in good conscience – that they were not prepared to register to their children to and for the benefit of a demonstrably criminal entity known as ‘Government’ and its associated agencies.
It is a powerful document and should only be used by those who truly grasp its intent and its scope and is one which their mother and I have personally used when refusing to register my two young children to the criminal state. Naturally, the mother and father must be prepared to stand strong in order to enforce its applicability. As such, it can be used for new babies as well as for rescinding the registration of older children.
Use this one for new babies – to be sent to the local registrar (amend accordingly for your individual circumstances:
Dear [Name Local Registrar],
Following today’s receipt of your letter dated [day, month, year], the contents of which are hereby refused for cause without dishonour; please find enclosed a DECLARATION OF SUPERIOR GUARDIANSHIP.
In any event, it appears that, pursuant to the Births and Deaths Registration Act 1953, S.4,‘Registrar’s power to require information concerning birth,’ you do not have the authority to make the requisition:
“the registrar may by notice in writing require any qualified informant—
a) to attend personally at the registrar’s office, or at some other place appointed by the registrar within his sub–district, before such date (being not less than seven days after the receipt of the notice nor more than three months after the date of the birth or finding) as may be specified in the notice;”
We trust this presentment brings this matter to a swift and efficient conclusion. Kindly update your records accordingly.
Without malice, mischief, ill-will, frivolity or vexation; in sincerity and honour,
By: [Name]
[If appropriate: For & on behalf of Mother’s name]
Mailing location: [Address]
All Rights Reserved – Without Prejudice – Without Recourse – Non-Assumpsit
Errors & Omissions Excepted
This may be used for both babies and those already registered:
Declaration of Superior Guardianship
Strictly Private & Confidential
We, the authorised representatives for the legal persons, [Name Father] and [Name Mother], do hereby declare that the following is a Verified Plain Statement of the Facts as we perceive them.
Let it be known by all concerned, interested and affected parties that:
1. We have been granted irrevocable superior guardianship rights over our children by the Creator of the Universe.
2. We have accepted irrevocable Power of Attorney over our children’s well-being and property until the eighteenth anniversary of their birth.
3. For and on behalf of our children, we have settled their entire legal estate into a private trust which is administered for their maximum benefit.
4. The property settled into said private trust includes (without limitation) any and all information pertaining to the existence of our children, strictly precluding the disclosure of the details of their birth to any party whatsoever.
5. Any and all disclosures of information pertaining to the existence of our children would represent a breach of the aforementioned private trust and all those parties responsible for said breaches will be liable for charges of THIRTY THOUSAND POUNDS STERLING (or functional currency of the United Kingdom) per occurrence.
6. We do not recognise or consent to any perceived obligation, whether statutory or otherwise, to register the births of our children, under any circumstances whatsoever.
7. As Trustees of the aforementioned private trust, we affirm, jointly and without division that we refuse to grant our consent and/or authorisation to the Registrar or any other individual, organisation or legal entity, to register information pertaining to the birth of our children, under any circumstances whatsoever.
We, the undersigned, hereby affirm that, to the very best of our knowledge, the entirety of the foregoing is true, correct and not misleading, In the geographical area known as [Name town/city] this declaration is autographed, sealed and date-stamped by the Post Office, on the xx day of the month of Xxxx, in the year known as two thousand and [AMEND accordingly] AD.
By: __________________________________[Name Father]
By: _________________________________[Name Mother]
All Rights Reserved – Without Prejudice – Without Recourse – Non-Assumpsit Errors & Omissions Excepted
Use this one for previously registered children:
Name & mailing location of mother and father
To: Abi Tierney
Registrar General
General Register Office
PO Box 2
Notice of Rescission
notice to agent is notice to principal
notice to principal is notice to agent
Dear Abi Tierney,
as the woman acting as Registrar General, you are hereby served notice that we are rescinding the birth registration and certificate of my child (or children), [Name and Date of Birth] on the basis that the full disclosure of its actual significance was not given. In support of which, please find enclosed our Declaration of Superior Guardianship.
For the avoidance of doubt, any further correspondence from the GRO and any of its agencies in local government in the name of our son will be refused for cause on the simple basis we no longer accept the UK Government as a lawful entity and any presumed, assumed or other attempt at contract is and will be declined on it being founded on fraud by omission/non-disclosure, ab initio.
Signed: ________________and__________________
All Rights Reserved – Without Prejudice – Without Recourse – Non-Assumpsit
Errors & Omissions Excepted.
When there is no response, send this – via Recorded Delivery: notice how the Birth Certificate is returned with the correspondence.
To: Abi Tierney
Registrar General
General Register Office
PO Box 2
Notice of Non Response
notice to agent is notice to principal
notice to principal is notice to agent
Dear Abi Tierney,
as the woman acting as Registrar General, you are hereby served notice of Non Response due to the lack of acknowledgement of receipt of the Notice of Rescission and Declaration of Superior Guardianship sent by Recorded Mail on [DATE] and received by your department via post [DATE]. As confirmation of the rescinding of the birth certificate of our child/children , [Name of child/children] , I will be returning our child/children’s birth certificate(s) with this document.
Signed: ________________ and __________________
Mailing location: [Address]
All Rights Reserved – Without Prejudice – Without Recourse – Non-Assumpsit
Errors & Omissions Excepted.Further reading:
Creating a private family trust under Universal Community Trust
Opt out of the criminal state and join UCT, under Natural/Common Law
Many thanks to reader Davie P for his kind donation. Whilst the information contained herein is free to all who have the wherewithal to use it, please consider making a donation should you wish to show your appreciation of the work herein.
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Worldwide, priority creditors (people) are being systematically murdered so that Governments can use the assets of those murdered, to pay their creditors. We are all owed vast sums from generations of fraud instigated by the monarch, banks and holy see.
Which must now be returned to those it was stolen from.
It is a travesty that Governments stand to profit massively from the death of the people. An action that the criminals of Westminster have undertook with vigour.
To become eligible for what has been stolen from each person requires re-recording ones birth certificate with the Land recording system in America. A change of political status from British citizen to British national. From sea to land.
Once done, along with the instalment of an International Trade Bank, each person is in line for their prepaid credit. Worth an average 1 billion each.
Fraud vitiates all it touches. That includes the Crown’s registration of birth and the associated ‘certificate’.
As Buckminster Fuller put it, “You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
As much as I would love to see that happen, and I know too that she is a good woman, my view is that we have the opportunity to build something new with Universal Community Trust, of which I am cofounding trustee (2010)
Many individuals are sick to the back teeth of the numerous frauds you reference, John, and, of those, some want to secede any agreement that has been made using fraud. The Birth Certificate is a fraudulent instrument, procured by deception and there is no way round that. Realistically, would those in ‘power’ ever be prepared to admit to its criminal creation and issuance and duly compensate any and all valid claims made under the Annuities Act as referenced in the article? No. That is the basis for my choice.
Please provide me with the source of the purported Ferguson quotations, John and I’ll take a look.
I’m calling it out as fake. Firstly, where is the evidence Ferguson has that much power and influence? Secondly, even if it were authentic, how did it get ‘leaked’? Right now, it smacks as being a psy-op, put out to demoralise the resistance.
Here’s the line that flags it up as being inauthentic “Please print out a copy of this and keep it under lock and key”.
Horseshit. 😉
Absolute magnificence! Brilliant. I have a common law birth certificate but I wanted my kids out! There was a long conversation on Telegram last month around this topic. Brilliant.
Thank-you, Brion. Now go get ’em! 😉
Does this also apply to Americans
It will apply to every common law country that has a system of birth registration.
Hello dear Wonderful RM….I never knew the truth about birth registration sadly. My daughter is 20 now. Is it now up to her to rescind or can I still do it?
Thank you.
Hello, Marianne and thank-you for dropping by. As I see it, your daughter, being a fully grown woman, has to take responsibility for her own matters. She would have to rescind it herself by way of a Declaration of Sovereignty. If you check out the article, ‘Shiver me timbers, the citizenship is sinking’, that would be a good place to start.
All the best, Michael
Dear Michael, thank you for your reply- not sure where else to write of my gratitude.
Thank you for all your fascinating and thought provoking articles and profoundly disturbing reports incl. that regarding Carl Scrivens.
I sent an email to the hospital. I hope others have also done so.
All the best to you too.
Since i’m a American do I send it to that same location?
You would send it to the US equivalent of the individual acting as a chief registrar of the General Records Office (GRO), as it is in the UK.
Fascinating, pray tell how one goes about rescinding your birth certificate ?
Dear Colin,
By way of a declaration of sovereignty. I also wish to rescind mine. I am not sure how to word a declaration of sovereignty nor where to find a prewritten version. When MOD is less busy, he might grace us with a link to such!
Thank you MOD!
Ps. I could never understand that hordes of women would scream at the Beatles, or other popular musicians in the 60’s and 70’s…but if you were to pass me by in the street, you and MOB, JT, DG, MS, and all the amazing warrior spirits with you, this is what my heart would be doing!
Thank you so much.
Hi, Marianne,
the following link will take you to the sovereign declaration issued by Michael O’Bernicia, myself and others some 13-14 years ago now.
The articles here may be of interest too.
All the very best!
Thank you so so much. I think I must have overlooked the link to MOB declaration.
I absolutely love all of this, I follow and support MOB as he’s our biggest hope as far as I can see. I want to know more about the implications of de-registering. For example would I still be able to claim my state pension? Access to health services (pathetic as they are)? I’m keen to do it, but want to know more.
The Rescission is for mums and dads who wish to nullify and declare void their children’s birth registration, so I’m not sure what you are asking me. Nevetheless, you are firmly entitled to the state pension, should you desire to keep it.
I’m having a baby in April and I wish to not register him/her. I’ve read all Michael o’bernicias notices and I’m in the process of creating a family trust under UCT. What I’m trying to figure out now is how to create my own “Certificate of Birth” which I can send off to receive a passport for my little one. I’m aware this is what Michael did and I’m not sure if there are any lawful requirements as to what information should be on the document. Would a birth certificate through the “Common Law Court” be sufficient, or would it be best to create my own from scratch?
Hi, Jack.
My hearty congratulations on the imminent arrival of the little one. There is no need to create your own ‘Certificate of Birth’. I have successfully refused to register my two litle ones and got the passport(s). Being born on the land mass known as the British Isles, your child(ren) are entitled to a British passport as they have a god-given right to freedom of travel, which cannot be curtailed by any Gov agency. If the child is born using NHS midwives (at home or in hospital) then you can simply use the NHS no. and the accompanying paperwork which comprise the ‘red book’ they provide.
All the best, Michael.
Thankyou for your reply. It’s nice to hear from someone else who has already gone through the same thing. Lots of people like to cast doubts about this sort of thing but it has become very clear that so many people are living in fear. All it takes is a bit of courage and integrity and suddenly you’re free. Thanks for the support ????
Hello Michael, my baby is now due any week now and I’m trying to get everything straight in my mind ready to deal with everything. Please could you tell me how you managed to get free health care from the NHS? I’m going to have to explain to the health care visitor my reasons for not registering the child and I imagine there will be a bit of resistance. What can I say to convince her to sign the child up to the NHS privately? I’m not sure how it would work. It would be nice to hear how your process went?
Many thanks,
Congratualations, Jack!
My daughter was born in hospital, my son at home, both arrivals were attended by midwives from the NHs. The children are automatically given a health no., so there is no concern there.
You don’t have to explain anything to any health visitor – it’s none of their business. If it gets mentioned, simply tell her that the matter is in hand.
So, in short, whilst neither of my nippers was registered, they both have nhs numbers. Not that they have had any cause to use any health services – both are healthy and completely untouched by any fooking needle.
I would also, in your shoes, declare a family trust with your offspring as beneficiaries. This can best be achieved by joining UCT
Hi Michael,
My baby was born on 7th April and it was a little girl! ???? We created a Lawful ‘Certificate of Birth’ which we had signed by 3 NHS employee witnesses, which I’m very happy about. Now we’re applying for a passport and I have a few questions. The NHS have assumingly attached her mother’s surname to her record but on her ‘Certificate of Birth’ her true name is “Lecourt-Hodgson” a combination of mine and the mother’s name. This is also the name of our family trust. We would like her true family name to be on her passport but I’m a bit apprehensive about filling out a form in all caps, in black ink, within boxes, claiming her family name to be a ‘surname’. Should this be a concern? How did you go about getting passports for your little one’s? Also, should we be addressing the NHS about her family name being different to the records they have of her? I know MoB had his daughter privately registered with the NHS. Would that affect which kind of healthcare she would get for free? I know for people outside the ‘UK’ certain elements of healthcare have to be paid for.
Any information would help us out greatly in our situation,
Many thanks,
:Jack of the House of :Hodgson
My heartfelt congratulations on the arrival of your daughter, Jack: wonderful news.
Your daughter’s name is given to her by mum and dad, not the NHS, so it will not affect the passport application which is to be made in her
given name
Remember, it’s all phoney and this is exemplified by the PP application. A passport has to be issued on the simple basis we are free to travel and that includes through their ‘ports’, which they monopolise. There is no way round it for them. Further, the passport itself declares the ‘holder’ is to be allowed passage. One doesn’t have to accept that one is the legal fiction and that use of said instrument in any way ties you to being the legal fiction. All you need to provide is the little red book and they will have to issue it.
The less contact you have with the NHS, the better, so it’s best to leave the name issue as it is. As you state, the NHS is duty bound to provide medical attention to any one who requires it, so that is not an issue either.
All the best
Thanks again Michael, yet again it’s the simple, most obvious route when you think about it from a still mind without buying into preconceived ideas. Thankyou for clarifying things. You’ve really been alot of support for us.
I have to keep reminding myself that EVERY part of the system is based on illusion, with no exceptions, therefore it’s nothing to worry about. KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid)! It is maritime law which is based on water which is the symbol for illusion. I hope this conversation will help people reading these comments to have faith in themselves over all the illusions they face.
All the best,
In Love and Light,
:Jack of the House of :Hodgson
My pleasure, Jack. Incidentally, this episode of CrrowRadio is very interesting, in terms of the birth registration system
Cannot believe how naïve I’ve been for my first 60+ years of life!!!
I’m 72 now and learning quite fast although still having a little trouble getting my head around all the deceit.
Always thought there was something wrong but could not put my finger on what.
Need to fight these criminals for the sake of my children and grandchildren.
Should have added: Plus everybody else’s children and grandchildren and all innocents around the world.
I live in Florida and would like my mom to rescind her name from my birth certificate. ho would I send it too? I would like to use the Affidavit listed here. Where would I send it?
Greetings, Ron. I don’t understand what you mean by “would like my mom to rescind her name from my b.c” – the article is about how parents can rescind any implied agreement/contract with the General Registrar responsible for recording births and death. You cannot rescind a name. Only a contractual agreement based in fraud.
Hi and thank you for the great information.
Would you mind to suggest where to find the template for the Declaration of Superior Guardianship by Michael O’Bernicia? I don’t seem to be able to find it.
Thank you
Hi, Anna. It’s the second notice, aka, “Declaration of Denial of Consent to Register Children”
Wooow very invaluable knowledge here. My daughter is nine months now. Ive not registered her “berth/birth” and trying to acquire some sort of child benefit for her ( i know this defeats the purpose of being sovereign) and im facing some challenges doing so. Ive got an affidavit of birth notarised for her, any advice on how to approach this case. And lets just say its 2024.