“Eviction, treason and Covid plot.
We see no reason
Why fraud, genocide & treason
Should ever be forgot!”
Get Wise and Rise.
Mother, Son and 10 month old baby Evicted in Kent
Aided and Abetted by Cops
Ten years ago, on 04 November, 2010, I was violently and criminally evicted from my home of 16 years.

The build up to that day lasted some 21 months – from the moment I sent a Notice of Conditional Acceptance of the alleged amount ‘owed’ on a mortgage to the then CEO of the Bradford and Bingley banking group, Richard Pym; numerous court hearings, beginning on 23rd August, 2009; a series of attempts to have the charge against my home removed from the Land Registry and, naturally, a number of other eviction attempts which were stopped by direct non-compliance.
Much of this features in the ground-breaking documentary, The Great British Mortgage Swindle, which, if you haven’t seen it yet, can be viewed here for free. I have also written extensively on this site about the eviction and others too.
It is a fact to state that without the criminal assistance of the police, no eviction would have taken place.

Just like this one in which the ‘Lock Father’, a masked locksmith using a bogus High Court Writ (no such order for possession has been issued, contrary to what is stated on the purported ‘writ’), criminally batters his way through a gate and picks a patio door lock to break in to the family’s home. This happened in a quiet Kent suburb, yesterday afternoon, 04 November, 2020The fuckwit police, who are there in numbers over what is a civil matter, are complicit in the crime at each step.
Ten years on from that point in November, 2010 and we are in a precarious state: millions have lost their jobs and/or businesses due to the Gov psyop that is Covid1984. ‘With’ which, a tiny 0.06% of population has died. The gov has destroyed the economy over this fgure. There is and never has been a pandemic. There is no proof the virus has been isolated and actually exists.The UK ‘gov’s’ furlough scheme has been extended until the end of November and a new criminal lockdown is purportedly in place. The shakedown of the economy will lead to millions of fraudulent possession claims against people’s homes. Are those people going to go meekly, to gently fade away or will they fight back, tooth and nail, and defend their homes from these criminals?
The fact is now is the time for massive civil disobedience, for total non-compliance with the tyranny that is underway. The reader is encouraged to wise and rise up; after all, do we not have a moral obligation to disobey any form of tyranny?

Listen to Mark Devlin interviewing Michael O’Bernicia on the latest developments in the private criminal prosecution of the complicit members of Parliament.
Subscribe to TGMBS newsletter & see the film for free
As ever, a huge thank you for the relentless support of David R.
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I understand your analysis of the problem however, anarchy or the risk of violence would play right into their hands. This is exactly what they want so that they can clamp down hard to appease the Statists. It is smarter to organise, learn and spread the word that the people can choose to remove themselves from the State system and operate under the common law court jurisdiction under the first principal ethos of cause no loss, harm or injury. 137 countries and counting cannot be wrong.
Thank you for all your efforts. Which would be made a lot easier if the fast asleep woke up. Two years into this covid scam, and tens of millions of people in the UK, are happily lining up for booster jabs.its practically impossible to reprogrammed the brainwashed.
Cheers, John. I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to state we are in the midst of an apocalypse. All is revealed to those with the eyes to see and ears to hear. Unfortunately, huge numbers of people have been biologically, chemically, educationally and spiritually lobotomised.