Fraud: BOS Attempts Possession without original Deed

And Fails.

Fraudulent Possession Claim Exposed.

Judge rules, No Valid Deed, No Claim as Bank says the mortgage deed is “lost”.

The following screenshots are taken from a website, entirelylegal which was posted under the headline, “Liverpool woman battles Bank of Scotland for alleged mortgage fraud.” It shows how crucial a genuine mortgage deed is to a bank’s possession claim. It was posted on the website at 11:17am and then removed within an hour. 

Now why might that be the case?

One of the key elements to TGBMS class action is the demonstrably fraudulent mortgage deed. In this protracted battle with BOS, Geniene Azalea has been demanding that the bank provide the original deed in order to prove its possession claim against her home.  

“At the 15 minute hearing, Judge Langley ordered that the BOS produce said document, within 14 days.


The 2 weeks came and went, and 21 days after the original hearing, Geniene wrote a 26 page counter claim requesting that the case be struck out as the bank could not produce the deed, as she had some evidence that it had been securitised (sold) on the stock exchange, potentially many times, along with many other discrepancies on her mortgage. Miraculously, this woke the bank up, who immediately requested a hearing for extra time. Once again, Geniene appeared in court, where she heard the BOS ask for 2 years to find the deed as it had been ‘lost’. Judge Langley adjourned the case for 12 months, with liberty to restore’ should the BOS find the deed.”




Given the rigged judicial system, this is a stunning victory. Without a valid deed, the bank’s possession claim amounts to nothing less than a fraud.  A fraud perpetrated on Geniene and on the court.  That is a fact that the judge has appeared to downplay, issuing an order that understates the implications of the bank’s actions. 

The elements of the fraud are laid out in this previous article and need to be understood by anyone who has a mortgage, particularly right now for the reasons detailed in this article, Covid1984 & TGBMS, on how, from 1st November, 2020, millions of householders will be facing possession claims against their homes. This situation is looming large and, for now at least, no one is focusing on it as a consequence of the smokescreen created by the covid1984 psyop. 


Further reading and viewing:

The commercial lien as common law remedy to banking fraud

Magna Carta 2020 Declaration of Rights

Watch TGBMS for free

Liverpool woman battles Bank of Scotland for alleged Mortgage fraud


As ever, special thanks to David R for his greatly-appreciated support of this site.


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12 thoughts on “Fraud: BOS Attempts Possession without original Deed

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    1. With no security (the mortgage deed) they have no claim. The deed will have been destroyed or sold on. The fact is only the holder-in-due course of the mortgage note has a valid claim. But who is it? It’s all smoke and mirrors, of course.


      I have been following the Michaels since “Day One” and am now about to take on the smallest of all uk banks, with a raft of new evidence using Genienes victory (which by the way I help her draft that defence, using extra evidence on top of TGBMS).

      So, to those who say TGBMS is BS or doesn’t work, I have one thing to say…YES IT DOES. If you apply it correctly, argue your case eloquently and back the bank into a corner like Geniene did, you WILL WIN.

  1. The judiciary in Ireland are so unbelievably corrupt — plus the Ministry of Justice – that we have had to set up The People’s Tribunal just to get ‘legal certainty’ on a whole range of issues..

    1. That’s just what I am lead to believe by a variety of sources, Stephen. When lawlessness exists, we have to reinstate the ancient common law, irrespective of which of these isles we stand on. As Buckminster Fuller said, there is little point in fighting the system: what you have to do is build something to replace it (paraphrased).

  2. AND YET, today at 12:45 the district judge at the court threw out my application under CPR 18.1 & 18.2 to have the bank produce all documentation relating the sale of my alleged mortgage to a third party by the charge holder, thus legally removing them from the register and thus their legal right to take action. Proven no power of Attorney due to a defective deed, thus the ORIGINAL party did NOT have the legal authority to bind me to a contract with the new holders, but then the MAS No.5 is staffed by LIARS.

    FYI, I was one of those who helped Geniene to write her defence. Looks like the law isn’t being applied equally.

    1. Hi, Sean. This is the rigged civil system in action: the contradictions, lack of due process and reason make such hearings as nonsensical as the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. PUB: The Law is the Law, irrespective of any and all legalese & statutory bs. The judiciary has been captured: it is time for the people to reaffirm the Common Law of these lands.

      1. I ABSOLUTELY agree with you (to be honest, I do with 99.9% of what you say).

        I don not blindly follow what you say, I go away and do my own research, find my own sources which I try to make different from yours in order to obtain a consensus. I have not, to date, found anything contrary to what you have been saying since I became aware of your work.

          1. Update one this case: Ascent legal (for BOS) filed paperwork into the WRONG court. Said paperwork had a questionable date on it and numerous inconsistencies. Still no deed produced.

            Ever since her victory, I have been pushing Geniene to file an AP1, but she has failed to do so. Result? They came back at her again and she has lost the property.

            Moral of this story, If you get a possession claim thrown out for ANY reason, file your AP1 IMMEDIATELY!!!! As long as the charge is on the register, they can keep coming back at you. Remember, the bank will spend MILLIONS OF ££££ just to get ONE £100k property because they have the money, you don’t.

  3. Hello, the property has not been repossessed, for your information. I am still in possession. Thank you

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