TGBMS is predicated on an insidious fraud involving the very homes we live in. It is obvious that man needs shelter and that, particularly in northern climes, his shelter has to be substantial in order for him to survive the vicissitudes of the seasons.
It is also self-evident that a criminal financial system, fuelled by greed and lust for power, that takes control of that need via fraudulent practices which bleed the individual of his earnings is parasitical in the extreme and intolerable to anyone with a modicum of intelligence. Such a system amounts to financial enslavement and, here in the isles of Britain, it matters not whether one’s home is a flat, a terraced house, a semi-detached villa, a farm or a mansion, for whichever milieu of ‘society’ one is in, the banksters have been screwing you over.
This unconscionable state of affairs is never referenced by the puppets of parliament or the mealy mouthed mainstream media for they are each, one way or another, compromised by said by banksters.
To wage a war against it, as a small but notable group of mavericks has done, may appear to some to be an exercise in futility but that is to underestimate the power that the people have.
It is now 9 years since Michael O’Bernicia and myself began to chronicle the events of our uncovering of the stranglehold that is TGBMS – a long time for sure, and longer than we each envisaged. Battles have been won and lost on the way but the war has raged on to the point where it is now – the revelation is coming and all those self-serving barristers, judges, bankers, clerks, bailiffs and police officers who have sided against the people would do well to take heed of that fact:
“For we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content. But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs” Timothy 6:7-10

In any event, and in response to the enquiries about its British release, we, the producers of TGBMS, ask all supporters and/or those who have purchased tickets to bear with us. A series of issues – both technical and legal – have had to be addressed in order that everything is as it should be. Happily, those issues have been resolved and we expect to make an announcement within the next week or so about its cinematic and on-line release.
Whilst more will be revealed nearer the time, we can confidently state that all who view the film are in for a quite a ride – the like of which they will never previously have had. TGBMS is the epic chronicle of 9 years’ worth of experiences of those on the front line in the civil war with the banks. We are almost there, folks, so thank you for your patience and support.
Finally, please also note that every one who has purchased tickets will be able to use those tickets to go to any screening in the country, subject to availability.
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Download Free PDF of TGBMS: Next Steps (
Especial thanks, as ever, to David R for his incredible support of this site and AFP Productions.
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~ Fractional Reserve Fraud ~ so SIMPLE . . . . it’s CHILDS-PLAY
Good evening
I stumbled across your site by accident. I reported my Solicitor to SRA in 2016, not realising Search documents and the Bank Report on Title forms were all forgeries. When I discovered it was deliberate fraud I wrote to RBS pointing out the deliberate forgery of Searches and lies that the Solicitor had completed the Report on Title stating all Searches carried out and all ok. The RBS wrote back and stated nothing to do with them, I obviously misunderstand that RBS knowing of the real possibility of a Fraud have a duty to look into it?
I have ended up a LiP because the Solicitor has used the Courts and Costs to try to beat me off. To date they have failed. I have been allowed a late appeal to be submitted by 04/01/2019. I stated that Judge cannot have read Documents, as is really obvious now (only became so though when in July 2017 they asked me to prove where the Local Council Search Document came from, being ignorant of the actual meaning of “proof” I wrote back and said why ask me, you compiled and completed it. Then brain kicked in and I thought why? So I began to check the Search Application Docs and the Local Search Application had OS Licence year date (2002) we were buying in (2006), the OS Licence number tampered with and to cap it all the Coordinates given were for a house about 1/2 mile or more away in a different street! I immediately pointed this out. They ignored it. The SearchFlow “micro map” containing Confirmation of Plan and Searches ordered had been obfuscated and coordinates etc illegible. Cutting story short I applied to include Concealment of Fraud as that’s what he did from day one. Court refused my request to change claim even though no new evidence, apart from facts of docs being pointed out. Judge also refused my Application for Defendant to obtain a clean legible copy of SearchFlows confirmation despite fact that I’m legally allowed as document has been altered so is different document and that as we paid for searches also entitled to copy. I applied late for appeal because was waiting for transcript and also I had pointed out to Judge that I only received costs schedule posted day before at 3.15 post comes late here, the hearing was at 10 am next day. Also They had sent an electronic copy to the Court which was of course received in time! I believe was deliberate to use to shock me when ruling as to costs was against me. I believe the Judge was biased and had wrongly refused me the copy of SearchFlow document.
In mean time I sent a Part 18 letter and request for the actual Solicitor who did the work to answer the Questions as they were/are all in evidence from beginning. He used wrong Title Plan, two totally different copies of applications for searches and then registered the Correct Title Document which was a different Extent of Area confirming to RBS that all good! He has refused to answer anything or obtain a clean copy from SearchFlow.
I forgot to mention Following a visit to property before we bought a customer said he thought was a sewer running across, so I wrote and asked Solicitor to check it out as well as what was gate to next property for He wrote to Vendors askin about the “Gate” , but not asking about Sewer. He told my husband (now deceased that according to searches, as stated there was no sewer. He fortunately made a notation in his own handwriting “non according to searches”, which following my complaint I spotted when visited his office to look at file. He also had two post it phone notes of some other questions my husband was asking when he phoned Solicitor re our email about Sewer. So we carried on. Now I’ve discovered what was done I feel a chump for not spotting it, but he concealed it all. I’ll stop now as am supposed to be doing my Appeal for late appeal which has to be lodged in 04/01/2019 and am finding it more and more difficult so maybe I’m avoiding the task. I’m 71 next year and it’s not getting easier. Apologies for rambling.
Kind regards Geraldine Perring.
Hey, Geraldine
many thanks for getting in touch. At this point, I am going to share TGBMS links in order that you can be up-to-speed on the latest developments:
Buy the DVD (
Watch on Amazon Prime (
Book Cinema Tickets (
Download Free PDF of TGBMS: Next Steps (
Let me know how you get on.
All the best,