If there is one thing about living at 800 ft above sea level on the eastern moorlands of the lands formerly known as Elmet, it is above all else, that one is acutely aware of the ever-changing elements. One comes to realise that nature is in charge – not man.
As ridiculous as it may seem, forty years ago the RM would head off to primary school in the deep midwinter clad in short trousers, a duffel coat barely covering the thighs which were stung by those horizontal rains that sweep in from the West.
It is the same now as it ever was. Geo-engineered skies are swept away on days like this. It is elemental in the sense that one is in the midst of a vast sky and a saturated landscape whose presence looms large, whose voice is that of the winds which howl and caress the stone houses.
It is in the dancing trees in whose tops sway the crows’ nests, it is in the stuff of the peaty moorlands whose sodden turf precluded ancient peoples from building there, but who now, thanks largely to an anonymous collection of immigrant and dumb councillors, force through the sale of the lands to corporate agencies of state-sponsored ecocide.

As RM watched this Pathe News video from 1934, what struck him was not only the exuberance of those native peoples from Ashbourne in Derbyshire, but the way they each were dressed in the garb most suitable to these climes: caps and hats, long woolen coats and jackets and stout footwear. All of which, no doubt, would have been produced locally, or at least on these shores.
Walk down any high street in any northern town these days and you will see the people clad in cheap nylons, inadequate footwear and all manner of clothing that has been largely imported from sweat shops in the so-called third world.
When the Luddites attempted to break the autocratic machinery of the state-corporate beast that devours all that lies before it , they were standing up for those traditional occupations in the textile business whose end product was the very cloth that the people wore – fine woolen worsted materials that were built to last and perfectly suited to the environment from which the materials came.
RM has heard a particular ‘pied piper’ equate collars and cuffs as the mark of the slave, the emblems of bondage. Not for one moment does the proselytising deceiver ever contemplate that his interpretation, albeit imaginative, is at odds with the truth. In a cold climate, collars and cuffs keep out the chill winds of winter. The neck loses a lot of heat – scarves and headwear are essential. To sit in a drafty place, one needs the garb that keeps one warm and cuts out the chills. It is simply a matter of logic
The ancestors, in direct contradiction to the miseducated and deceived populace of the times we live in, were in tune with the most elemental aspects of the natural world: they worked with nature, not against. Fishing, animal husbandry, farming techniques, the traditional trades of carpentry, stone masonry and building, genuine medicine that used nature’s resources, the weaving of cloth from the wool provided by the hardy sheep perfectly suited to the environment, shoemaking et al were the activities of an intelligent peoples who, as evidenced by the Peoples’s Revolution of 1381 and the Luddites defiance, both in the face of a profiteering genocide which sort to wipe them out, stood their ground and fought for what was right.
How far they have declined may be measured in the demise of these activities and the theft of the natural resources [gas, oil and coal reserves] which truly belong to the people and not those gargantuan monoliths of psychopathic extortion and thievery as so perfectly exemplified by SERCO, a nefarious organisation whose dastardly operations are overseen by Rupert and Nicholas Soames, the toads-of-toad-hall brothers and grandsons of Winston ‘Rothschild’ Churchill, the alcoholic war-mongering old soak and psychopathic prince of toads himself.

Mass manipulations of migration (Serco controls the US visa information centre), uncurtailed financial fraud, child trafficking, murder and theft mean that this corporate entity is the perfect exemplar of the satanic system that has cast its shadow across this planet.
It is a grim tale for sure but the beast will shortly be put to the sword.
Why does RM feel confident to make such a bold assertion?
For the simple reason that when it boils down to it, it is elemental: nature is in control, not man.
Work with her, in harmony and all will be fine. Chastise her, manipulate her for dastardly and selfish reasons and she will wipe you out.
It is, in the simplest of terms, all elemental.
Footnote: In these hard times, any and all offers of assistance are gratefully received. Heartfelt thanks to those readers who made a donation following the previous post – it was put to good use, particularly with regard to RM’s trusty apple computer which is now running 4 times faster than previously thanks to a new ram card bought with the donations.
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