… A group of 13 to 25 sovereign and indigenous individuals come together in order to form a Grand Jury of these lands to determine the facts pertaining to the on-going genocide of the indigenous peoples by way of banking fraud, particularly as it applies to the Great British Mortgage Swindle.
A suitable venue is commandeered.
Witnesses are called, each of whom offers first hand testimony of the facts.
The Jury considers all the evidence relating to banking practices like fractional reserve banking, mortgage securitisation, what constitutes a void mortgage and how the mortgagor is, as a matter of accounting fact, the creditor of the bank.
The CEOs of the banks, any relevant government treasury officers and others in positions of culpability are summoned to answer the accusations and provide their defences.
Expert witnesses and whistleblowers are invited to give their testimony.
On the basis of the facts, the Grand Jury makes public its determination through the media that the people control.
Any and all of HMCTS are subject to the rule of the Grand Jury on the basis there is, as a matter of fact, no higher authority in the land.
The Grand Jury issues its order(s) under authentic seal.
All Parties are bound by it.
Imagine it…

Next, imagine this: armed with the information you have, what would your ancestors have done in the face of the demonstrable genocide that we are experiencing at the hands of the Crown House of Rothschild?
Can you imagine the ancestral reaction?
Imagine next…
Grand Juries to determine the facts behind all attempting genocides of the Indigenous peoples by way of fracking, wifi radiation, vaccinations, fluoridation of water and toothpaste, genocidal wars, the European Union, GMOs, police corruption, suppression of renewable energies, and the deliberate miseducation of the young.
Imagine that!
All power lies within the individual imagination and his ability to act upon what he knows – putting aside one’s differences with others, we, the individuals, unite in a common aim of forming a Grand Jury to bring an end to THE GENOCIDE OF BANKING FRAUD.
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