What follows is a redacted account of how a False Lender, in this case, the Defendant (D) the Nationwide Building Society, apparently Forged the Claimant’s Affidavit in a hearing at Hull County Court. Whilst I have written extensively on the various frauds of the banks, with particular regard to the void Deed of Mortgage, which... Continue Reading →
Episode 51: Where is the Jury?
The absence of a jury in each and every case of a native Briton being sentenced for his alleged part in the recent riots that were engineered across England means that this is a question that needs to be asked. This latest Rogue Cast is dedicated to the memory of my mother, Jean, who passed... Continue Reading →
Episode 37: A Question of Authority
Under whose Authority Do You Stand? The ‘UK Establishment’ is firmly and deliberately embedded in the ‘Legal’ system, meaning they are in league with their satanic paymasters to cover up certain swindles, like the Great British Mortgage Swindle, or exposure of such salient matters as the Name Game. The majority of those judges, barristers and... Continue Reading →
Episode 36: Preposterous
Preposterous: the brass neck of an imposter in Derry, a judicial cover-up and a rigged election. pre·pos·ter·ous| prəˈpäst(ə)rəs | adjective contrary to reason or common sense; utterly absurd or ridiculous: a preposterous suggestion. ORIGIN mid 16th century: from Latin praeposterus ‘reversed, absurd’(from prae ‘before’ + posterus ‘coming after’) + -ous. The preposterous mayoral... Continue Reading →
Episode 34: Dead and Buried
Is the current judicial system dead? In this RogueCast from Rock Cemetery, Nottingham, I posit that it is and that we are witnessing the death of ‘UK’ Justice. It is well-known that the UK courts operate through the incorporated dead 'persons', the incorporated ALL-CAPITALS NAME and that this is your 'legal fiction'. It is, therefore, most... Continue Reading →
Episode 33: TAKING IT BACK
TAKING IT BACK - A SUCCESSFUL COMMON LAW RESTITUTION OF A STOLEN HOME BY THE PEOPLE. Location: Spondon, Derbyshire. https://rumble.com/v4mth6u-033-taking-it-back-a-common-law-restitution-of-a-stolen-home.html On Friday, 22nd March, 2024 - notice the date: 3/22 - a gang of men masquerading as Derbyshire Police Force aided and abetted the criminally fraudulent theft of a private home in Spondon, Derbyshire by... Continue Reading →
Episode 32 – The Perversion of Justice
UK Courts Unfit for Purpose. A Rogue Cast in which I ramble, once again, over the state of the British Justice system. Last week, a female Judge, Amanda Rippon, manifestly perverted the course of justice in Newcastle when she evidently a void order formulated by a mind that is clouded in political correctness and woke... Continue Reading →
Episode 30: Into the Void
Into the Void - how the British Courts are a captured operation. In this latest Rogue Ramble, I consider the state of the British Judiciary in the light of the recent High Court perverse pronouncement that Richard D Hall will not be allowed to adduce into the evidence his considerable body of facts surrounding the... Continue Reading →
Episode 29 – A Tale from the Riverbank
A cautionary tale from the banks of the River Trent “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” George Santayana In this Rogue Ramble, I roam over the subject of those peoples who are inordinately over-represented in the various mental constructs of tyranny and the one ring that controls it all -... Continue Reading →
Episode 28: The Buddha of Brassington
The Buddha of Brassington In this Rogue Cast, recorded on Sunday, 7th January, I take a ramble around the hills near Carsington in Derbyshire. The area has a long history of lead mining and the landscape is littered with the former workings and shafts. Some three hundred years ago, the author Daniel Defoe was... Continue Reading →