Dept of Health Admits No Proof That Covid1984 Exists.

Far From the Madding Covid1984 Crowd? On Friday last, two old friends and I were on a 10 ½ mile ramble in Derbyshire. When out in the countryside, it is customary to say hello to those who pass by on their way. After an hour or so, we were happily walking along the broad track... Continue Reading →

Covid-1984 & The Great British Mortgage Swindle

Millions of Britons Facing Eviction As A Result of Pandemic Hoax. On 31st October, 2020 the current moratorium on mortgage possession claims will come to an end. Simultaneously, the UK ‘gov’s’ furlough scheme will end. Any critical thinker will know by now that the Covid-1984 psychological operation (psyop) has many elements to it. One crucial element... Continue Reading →

Mortgage Fraud: Hidden in Plain Sight.

I’ve previously written in substantial length about the Great British Mortgage Swindle and the components of its multi-layered mortgage fraud.  To the average man in the street, the one who falsely believes he was the recipient of a loan from a mortgage provider, it is far too complex for him to get to grips with.... Continue Reading →

Skripal: another False Flag?

The narrative requires us to believe that a double agent, Sergei Skripal, ‘previously’ employed by MI6, who was jailed in 2006 for treason against the Russian state, released in 2010 and came to settle in Britain, is subject to a clumsy assassination attempt by his former government. This attempt was made via use of a... Continue Reading →

Psychological Warfare and The ‘London Attack’ of 3/22

When false flags flutter, the truth is the first casualty. Why are the people less happy? An old friend of mine suggested yesterday that people, especially young people, are not as happy as they used to be. She cited how studies show people were happier in the 70s than they are now and how she remembered... Continue Reading →


CUI BONO? The agent provocateur's purpose is to cause disruption. Divide and Rule is the well-established modus operandi of those who seek to oppress and control mankind and who operate under fake authority, whether that be of a spiritual, psychological, medical, financial, political, scientific, social, educational or legal kind. The British Army has even set... Continue Reading →


The Nature of the Beast - Schooling, TV and the Demoralisation of the Indigenous Peoples of the Isles of Britain.   demoralise |diˈmôrəˌlīz| verb [ with obj. ] 1: to corrupt the morals of 2 a :  to weaken the morale of :  discourage, dispirit b :  to upset or destroy the normal functioning of... Continue Reading →


REVIVED GRAND JURY OF AND FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE SHIRE OF NOTTINGHAM UNANIMOUSLY FINDS CASE TO ANSWER THAT CRAWFORD EVICTION WAS UNLAWFUL.  How much attention is being paid by the judiciary and the CPS and all the associated ‘solicitors’ who tout for business in the lofty heights of the Nottingham Magistrates Court to the... Continue Reading →


HAVE I GOT NEWS FOR YOU: How to bake your very own 'topical' news quiz.   Back in the dark days before the internet, RM used to be a regular viewer of the propaganda programming known as Have I got news for you.  Twenty years ago it was pretty much as close as the Bread... Continue Reading →


'RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW'   This episode was recorded 'on the hoof', in Longwood, at the Pennine's Eastern Edge in the land of Deira on 22 April 2014. One is invited to join RM on a physical and artistic ramble through the geographical location of his formative years, through the past into the present, on... Continue Reading →

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