Kicker Conspiracy 2: Are the jabbed players crocked?

Here is another kicker about football for your consideration. Luton Town Football Club proudly proclaimed that all their players had been jabbed and boosted. Subsequently, their captain, Adam Lockyer, suffered 2 heart attacks on the field of play: Back in 2021, I wrote an essay in which I compared the jabbing of professional footballers with... Continue Reading →

Kicker Conspiracy: Football is a Freemasonic Game

and the Stadia are Harvesting Energy. Here’s the kicker: ever since I was a young lad, and that is a long time ago, I have been interested in the sport officially known as Association Football. Whilst I stopped playing some years ago, my allegiance or support for the Football club known as Huddersfield Town has... Continue Reading →

Why Hasn’t Bill Gates Been Assassinated?

Indeed, will any of the Elite Controllers be assassinated? When one considers the manifest world-wide genocide of the peoples of the world and the clear and persistent threat posed to Mankind by a list of Eugenics-enthused murderers, of which Bill Gates is the most visible and enthusiastic proponent, this is a question that may naturally... Continue Reading →

New Zealand Gov Threatens to ‘Take Down’ Rogue Male Site

Yes, you read that correctly. On 25th August, 2023, the “Internal Affairs Dept” of the NZ Gov issued a ‘take down’ notice to the hosting platform for this site, the specifics of which can be viewed below. The referenced article is a short piece linking to a documentary about the staged Christchurch shooting of 2019.... Continue Reading →

The BBC: Bread Beer Circus.

The utter absurdity that is afoot in the realm right now is plain to see and is summed up perfectly in the featured image, courtesy of its creator, Russ Keiron. In fact, we are currently in an epoch of golden comedy when laughter can be generated by simply speaking the truth in the face of... Continue Reading →

Phoenix Rising (Part 2): a Royal Dead as Circus Rolls Into Town

  Before going into the main subject of today's post, yesterday was, of course, 9-11 and 3 days after the alleged demise of Elizabeth Saxe-Coburg Gotha, an event that has heralded more dark sorcery engineered by the parasitic elite and the brain-dead mainstream media. The resultant hypnotic mist that has clearly manifested yet another Mass... Continue Reading →

Man, be not afraid.

I wrote previously of the limp-wristed ‘men’ who ponce about on the world’s geo-political stage, tap-dancing to the tune of the Rothschild-dominated WEF and acting as if the un-godly plans of the Deep State are a fait accompli. The false edifice of control is cemented only by the compliance of the en-slaved. As I walk... Continue Reading →

Graphene Hydroxide: Like “Razor Blades” in the blood.

Was German Chemist Dr Andreas Noack Killed for Revealing the Truth about Graphene Hydroxide in Vials? The following video features the findings of the (allegedly) murdered German expert in Carbon and Graphene Oxide and their applications. The fact GO is an undisclosed ingredient in the vile vials produced by Pfizer et al renders any and... Continue Reading →

Hydra Vulgaris: when myth becomes reality

Heavy metal based lifeforms? Microbiota found in vials. Beyond the Graphene Oxide and into the world of the immortal Hydra Vulgaris. The presence of the trade secret ingredient, Graphene Oxide in the mag-jab is becoming increasingly obvious to those who are paying attention. However, we are in an apocalypse and that means everything is being... Continue Reading →

‘He got his jib-jab in a tent’

'He didn't know what the jib-jab meant, Thought he was superman for a day, Got too close to 5G and the graphene blew him away.' When a friend who has had the jib-jab injected directly into his veins and laughs at the suggestion he may be magnetic, what is actually going on? Is the laughter... Continue Reading →

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