Episode 68: The Glass Menagerie

The Alternative Media Menagerie The danger of throwing pebbles in a glass house is a suitable metaphor for those fringe magnets who inhabit the snow dome that is the alternative media. Menagerie noun a collection of wild animals kept in captivity for exhibition. a strange or diverse collection of people or things: some other specimen... Continue Reading →

A Fistful of Shekels

The Shekels or the ‘money’ is a chimera that many chase. It is a falsity on the simple basis that the money of the realm is neither lawful or real and because it is, as a matter of unassailable fact, a credit system of financial control. It is The One Ring to Control Them All.... Continue Reading →

For a Few Shekels More

Taking the Shekel: 'Red-Pilled' Podcaster Pushes the Perpetuation of the Great British Mortgage Swindle. Shekels are defined as, shekel | ˈSHek(ə)l | noun the basic monetary unit of modern Israel, equal to 100 agorot. • historical a silver coin and unit of weight used in ancient Israel and the Middle East. • (shekels) informal money;... Continue Reading →

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