Panic in Whitehall as Cracks Widen in Edifice of Control

The cracks are appearing in the crumbling brick wall that politicians and their acolytes falsely believe protects them from the public. A public which they stupidly believe to be as dumb as fuck. A public that for the last year and a half has been subject to a blitzkrieg of Big-Pharma-State propaganda and all forms... Continue Reading →

Psycho Brown Claims Right to Determine Who Lives & Who Dies.

Could it be any plainer? In the video below, the former British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, criminally claims he is one of those at the G7 gathering of actors and puppets who falsely believe they have the inherent right to determine who lives and who dies. What does that make him, if not a full... Continue Reading →

Orphaned By The Psycho-Pharma-State?

It is claimed that the Nineteenth Century witnessed a massive rise in the number of orphaned children across Britain and other parts of the world. Whilst it is difficult to ascertain the facts of the matter and the cause, it was documented in the writings of Charles Dickens and others as well as the opening... Continue Reading →

Scripted: the Great Global Lurgy Swindle.

Covid1984 was conceived as a psy-op: it was was never about Health or Safety. It is a sophisticated scripted screenplay running through your mind, designed to distract you from the controlled demolition of the financial system. The entirely scripted and staged events at the Senate in Washington DC perfectly demonstrated the fact that Donald Trump... Continue Reading →

The Truth Against the World

A Maxim is an eternal truth. The above aphorism was originally expressed by our ancestors in the ancient Brythonic language, ‘Y Gwir Yn Erbyn Y Byd’ When the truth is that Covid1984 is a fraud, on the simple basis that there is no evidence of its existence, and the criminal politicians and the complicit mainstream media... Continue Reading →

Licence to Kill Bill: UK Gov Sinks Further into Criminality

Like a blood-thirsty cadre of vampires, the Bankster-backed Big Pharma coup d'état of the UK ‘gov’ is peopled by men and women who falsely believe they have the ability to grant other people the right to commit crimes.  When I state the UK Gov has Gone Rogue, in no way is it to be inferred that... Continue Reading →

Unmasked: Banking & Genocide.

Satanic Cull Unmasked. Aleister Crowley, Rishi Sunak & the Culling of the ‘Herd’. Just as the apocalypse continues, which is literally the great unmasking (unveiling) of any and all of the state’s falsehoods, the state encourages the masking (veiling) of the brainwashed masses.  In other words, as the multifarious frauds continue to be revealed, the... Continue Reading →

Church & Schools in Collaboration of Cruelty

With Criminal UK ‘Gov’ over Covid-1984: Archbishop of Canterbury places state higher than God. State is deliberately engaging in  satanic practice to terrorise people into accepting the removal of their rights. Church cruelly abandons its flock and imposes cruelty on the elders.  Church of England Schools Engaging in Child Abuse.  Education is the Antidote to... Continue Reading →

Mortgage Fraud: Hidden in Plain Sight.

I’ve previously written in substantial length about the Great British Mortgage Swindle and the components of its multi-layered mortgage fraud.  To the average man in the street, the one who falsely believes he was the recipient of a loan from a mortgage provider, it is far too complex for him to get to grips with.... Continue Reading →

Faking it: broken Royal promises, the anti-christ and TGBMS.

Part 1: The Royal Rejection of god by the queen and her men. “No enactment of man can be considered law unless it conforms to the law of God.” Sir William Blackstone. Recently, I’ve been considering the nature of my relation to god, particularly in regard to natural law and the truth or logos (as... Continue Reading →

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