Here is another kicker about football for your consideration.
Luton Town Football Club proudly proclaimed that all their players had been jabbed and boosted. Subsequently, their captain, Adam Lockyer, suffered 2 heart attacks on the field of play:
Back in 2021, I wrote an essay in which I compared the jabbing of professional footballers with that of a stable owner who buys into the quackery spun to him by a vet and has his valuable horses inoculated with an untested serum which he falsely claims is necessary for their good health.
Let’s be clear before we progress further – any and all ‘inoculations’ with ‘vaccines’ are founded in the keystone quackery of Edward Jenner,
Mass vaccinations of the UK people were carried out in the 1800s, having been ‘invented’ by Edward Jenner,
“Edward Jenner,(17 May 1749 – 26 January 1823) was an English physician and scientist who pioneered the concept of vaccines including creating the smallpox vaccine, the world’s first vaccine.[2][3] The terms vaccine and vaccination are derived from Variolae vaccinae (smallpox of the cow), the term devised by Jenner to denote cowpox. He used it in 1798 in the long title of his Inquiry into the Variolae vaccinae known as the Cow Pox, in which he described the protective effect of cowpox against smallpox.” Source
Further, it is brain-rinsed into us that we are born as sinners and that our bodies are not closed systems which can only be breached by a direct injection into the veins of a collection of heavy metals, formaldehyde, mercury and some spurious concoction that the pharmaceutical companies fraudulently claim to be the live viruses, and that a little dose of it will kick your immune system into strengthening you against the ‘disease’.
As well as being rooted in quackery, it is a monstrous genocide by needlepoint.
Whilst I have empathy for those who fell for the intense psychological manipulation as spun out through the captured government and the propaganda so complicitly pumped out by the lying mainstream media channels, I maintain that the astonishing levels of gullibility are best explained by stating anyone who took the jab without taking the time to research the demonstrable facts of vaccination is a moron.
A moron can be defined as someone who has made a bad decision based on poor or false information.
Not all of those jabbed footballers will suffer a cardiac arrest but the massive rise in deaths of all athletes, not just footballers, is as plain as the nose on my face.
However, what about those footballers who rolled up their sleeves to take the 3 Dart Finish but, seemingly, have not been hampered by cardio-vascular issues?
A soft tissue injury is
“the damage of muscles, ligaments and tendons throughout the body. Common soft tissue injuries usually occur from a sprain, strain, a one-off blow resulting in a contusion or overuse of a particular part of the body. Soft tissue injuries can result in pain, swelling, bruising and loss of function.” Source
By way of example, this season, Huddersfield Town Football Club has suffered a long injury list of players who have suffered these types of injuries. The latest player to be afflicted is the club’s new signing from Luton Town F.C – Joe Taylor who has suffered a hamstring injury which will rule him out for a number of games.
My question is this: given these unprecedented levels of injury, could it be the case that the jabbed players have suffered a decline in their bodily health and general levels of athleticism as a consequence of the injections?
From which arises the question, have the players been crocked and what are the implications for the sport?
I would posit that this is most likely and that, by insisting that their prize assets take the needle, the clubs have effectively and most foolishly destroyed the health of their players and that the consequence will be a continued decline in the clubs’ fortunes.
Stupid is as stupid does and the Freemasonic owners of the football clubs have effectively committed a form of harakiri which is defined as,
ritual suicide by disembowelment with a sword, formerly practiced in Japan by samurai as an honourable alternative to disgrace or execution.
mid 19th century: colloquial Japanese, from hara ‘belly’ + kiri ‘cutting’.
Whilst the vast majority of fans remain in complete willful ignorance of the genocide by needlepoint (even when fellow supporters are experiencing heart attacks in the stands next to them and family members are in poor health), noone will put two and two together and work out the connection between players’ injuries and being in receipt of the experimental serum.
Effectively, the supporters are watching 22 vaccine injured players kicking round a bag of wind on a Freemasonic set and, at some point, the crowds will dwindle as the spectacle of watching the walking dead pass the ball around in triangles becomes a moribund experience in which they have no interest. It is not so much death by a thousand cuts as death by three jabs.
Thank you for reading this essay. As ever, I am very grateful to those who have chucked a few quid into the coffers by way of the Buy Me a Coffee button and/or have taken out a subscription to my Substack pages where, if you like, you can also support me by taking out a paid subscription which will grant you ‘first dibs’ on my output.
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Hi Michael,
Thank you once again for another well constructed piece of work.
Today marks exactly 277 years since Adam Weishaupt was born and Liverpool play Tottenham at Anfield exactly 277 days after the two teams last played at Anfield. Weishaupt founded the Illuminati on 5/1 in 1776 and Mo Salah scored a penalty for Liverpool in the 51st minute.
Peace my friend
Hi, Zen – another pertinent fact that points to only one conclusion – our perceived reality is a mathematical construct.
Thank you for your valuable contributions.
Cheers Michael.
I have been listening to your rogue cast series and I wholeheartedly agree that you needn’t cast your pearls in front of the swine. One man who truly absorbs what you are communicating and understands the meaning is worth more than a 100 who merely listen out of boredom and the information goes in one ear and out of the other.
The truth will never be popular in the mainstream as facing with reality and facing oneself is no easy task. I believe the majority of people in this realm are superficial and materialistic therefore they do not make time to contemplate and reflect deeply upon the meaning of life.
Thank you very much, Zen – it’s always appreciated when someone ‘gets it’ – if it is one in a 100, then so be it.
All being well, I will be recording a new one this weekend.