Renegade Inc: that interview.

In May, 2019, Michael O’Bernicia and yours truly were interviewed by Ross Ashcroft at the Renegade Inc Studio in London. The show was broadcast on its terrestrial tv channel on Russia Today.

After 9 years of full-on engagement in the Great British Mortgage Swindle, Michael and I had produced the film and had taken it to Cannes Flm Market in 2015.

When we were invited on to the show it seemed as though things were about to take off in a spectacular fashion. Ross had already produced his own acclaimed film on the criminal nature of high finance, The Four Horsemen and thus was knowledgeable about the subject matter. His enthusiasm was evident when he greeted us at the film studio and immediately congratulated us on the documentary.

For us to get on a relatively mainstream channel was taken as a huge boon to us getting the film out to a potentially massive audience. Even my 81 year old mother had watched the first broadcast on the television – “but why did you wear that bloody leather jacket, Michael?”

The interview was well-received and we organised a class action against the licenced lenders for all those duped mortgagors across these shores.

The pressure on the CEOs and the Chief Registrar was immense – they were being hit from all angles, and in true guerilla style, the fraudsters did not know where the next blow was coming from.

We had dedicated team, the Banksterbusters, operating in all areas of Britain and Ireland.

And then what happened? The Covid Psy-Op was unleased in March, 2020 and one of the most egegrious Mind Control programme was unleashed on a people who, for the most part, were lacking the necessary critical thinking skills to see through the deception.

It was no surprise when the Gov and fake lenders announced a mortgage moratorium (still in place) .

Whilst I wouldn’t be so bold as to suggest the Divoc 91 operation was rolled out due to the clear threat posed by TGBMS to the interests of the usual suspects, it certainly is the case that its roll-out had the effect of smoke-screening the potential of TGBMS to reach a massive audience and bring about freedom from the Death Grip aka a mortgage.

The TGBMS DVD already had dozens of glowing 5 star reviews on, one of which is quoted below:

“The two director’s (Michael O’Bernicia and Michael O’Deira) are the real deal. They both have been, and are continuing, to stand up against the fraudulent scam and racket that is the financial system.

For those who do not already know, one of the world’s greatest economic and banking experts, Professor Richard Werner has already conclusively and forensically proved that commercial banks do NOT loan money. In fact they are not legally allowed to loan money (Youtube: ‘Remarkable Proof That Mortgages & Loans Do Not Exist – Prof. Richard Werner’ for more).

This film is an important for many reasons. One of those reasons is the energy of truth that it releases to the masses.

It isn’t a theory that over 11 million UK mortgages are fraudulent. It isn’t a theory that mortgagors weren’t loaned anything. It isn’t a theory that all mortgages are in-fact an ‘exchange’ and not a loan. It isn’t theory that all mortgagors are paying vast interest payments on loans that do not exist.

It isn’t a theory that solicitors are giving 100% illegal advice and getting people to sign mortgage deeds and granting an interest in property that they did not, or do not yet own.

This is illegal and therefore the mortgage charge that Land Registry registers is in-fact an illegal and void mortgage charge that must be cancelled. This is where people must start using a Land Registry form AP-1 to get these illegal mortgages cancelled immediately.

Also, the great thing is that there are now legal precedents and judgments that obligate the Chief Registrar at the Land Registry to indemnify all financial losses the mortgagor incurred, due to the fraudulent mortgage. I.e. ALL mortgage related payments are due back to you, and to repeat, the Chief Registrar is legally obligated to indemnify the mortgagor.

Interestingly, by law the Chief Registrar can then claim those monies back off the conveyancing solicitor that gave illegal advice in the first place. Oh the fun…!

Mortgagors do NOT have the right to grant an interest in property they do not yet own, and the conveyancing solicitors got you to grant an interest in property you do not yet own.

The solicitors advised you to carry out an illegal act! The binding authority of Scott v Southern Pacific Mortgages and others [2014] UKSC 52, established the irrefutable fact that: a mortgagor has no rights to grant before the completion of the sale and purchase of the property concerned; hence the instruction that the deed must bear the same date as the transfer of credit to the mortgagor, in order to give the false impression that section 1(3) of the 1989 Act has been complied with.

In said case, Lady Hale stated this point most plainly: “The purchaser was not in a position either at the date of exchange of contracts or at any time up until completion of the purchase to confer equitable proprietary,” and, “This case has been decided on the simple basis that the purchaser of land cannot create a proprietary interest in the land, which is capable of being an overriding interest, until his contract has been completed,”

Buy this film even if you know most of the information or not. It’s £10.00 ffs! Peanuts! It has taken a decade of emotional, psychological, and huge financial pain to the makers of this film and many others. Just by purchasing this film you are adding to the energy that is building. The time is coming. In fact the time is now!

Well done guys…awesome job! By the way, type ‘Cancel UK Mortgages via Land Registry – Michael Bernicia Nov 15 2018’ into YouTube. Also google ‘’ and read Michael O’Deira’s blog, and ‘’ for Michael O’Bernicia’s blog. Click ‘Banking Crimes’ link and get ready for your jaw to drop!

5 stars easy. I would have given 6 if I could!”

In any event, each and every CEO of every UK licenced fake lender is now in debt to the tune of billions for their part in the fraud, as they each have equitable common law liens against theirs and the ‘bank’s properties. Each of which is capable of being registered as a charge at the Land Registry.

The conclusion that should be taken is this – we do not give up.

In Truth and Honour,

Michael O’Deira

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2 thoughts on “Renegade Inc: that interview.

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  1. Does the Mortgage scam also apply to credit card scams?
    What about the debt collection agency acting for the Credit Card Co who then get a court order to register a charge on the property which is still under mortgage and not yet owned

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